WoW: PvE Progression

smithy1983 said:
got Vaelastraz the Corrupt to 10% last night need to keep us tanks up for anit longer and we'll have him :)

i think the lack of decent fire res armor is geting us tho

Fire res is so important on this fight, probably more than any other fight i know off, i'm a lock and have 200 for this 1.

Priests heal the parts whilst the druids do the MT.

first time seeing this guy tonight, shame he's such a pushover.
It's a good weapon, many people doubt that it's that good but it certainly hits hard especially with a rogue and it's proc going of all the time.
v1bez said:
Yup that we have :).

Me (Fueled), Easyg and Linkz. From these here forums :).

You guys still on twighlights hammer? I remember the good oldé OcUK days heh... (OtherSide - Warrior). I moved over to Haumorush and knocked up a rogue :).

Just an update..

BWL:Farm more or less.
AQ40:Not sure, I haven't been yet!
OtherSide said:
You guys still on twighlights hammer? I remember the good oldé OcUK days heh... (OtherSide - Warrior). I moved over to Haumorush and knocked up a rogue :).

Just an update..

BWL:Farm more or less.
AQ40:Not sure, I haven't been yet!

Nah Neptulon now - did a server transfer. I missed the transfer from Warsong to TH on my rogue so remade a hunter.

I went to Haumorush before i went back to start my hunter. Had a 60 UD rogue named Kobi.

Ps. I remember you mate, yeh the good ol' Black Death days.
Guild I'm in <Artifact> @ Sunstrider server just killed C'thun 2 days ago

Pic of dead C'thun^^



MC: Farm
BWL: Farm
AQ40: Killed all bosses except Ouro and Viscidus

I'm a NE 60 Rogue ( in <Artifact> and a NE 60 Warrior in my guilds "Alt" guild.

Alt guild rocks, will get lots of MC/ZG/AQ20 loot nobody needs anymore :P
Am I the only one who finds 40-man raids incredibly boring?

I like 5/10 man runs, but the 20/40 man runs just bore me. They're not frantic enough, your reduced to your core skills as a character and most of your abilities are useless.

As a rogue, its whacking away with SS. As a Priest, I spend the whole time staring at energy bars. As a tank, its sunder-spam.

Tried ZG, AQ, MC and Onyxia. Cant say I'm overly fussed :(
LukeManUK said:
Guild I'm in <Artifact> @ Sunstrider server just killed C'thun 2 days ago

Grats on server first, Nazgrels shall have him down soon enough.... I hope :)
been a pretty eventfull few hours on are server first AQ opened so we had a look around there with the 10 hours grinding rep, then are mt had to leave the guild to reallife issues :( we took the first boss down in aq20 very easy then something that weve been trying to get managed to kill Vaelastrasz the Corrupt in bwl which was great :D

i know a lot of you guys are in aq40 but it still felt good to finaly take Vaelastrasz

Tommy D said:
We have 3 Thunderfurys in our guild, I agree the Prince is rubbish. Could probably be 5 manned

Yeah we would have 3 ourselves but our first tank to get it left almost straight away after and then the second tank to get one got drunk 1 night and sharded all his stuff inlcluding his thunderfury (was our 3rd best tank at the time) before deleting his char....he didn't feel to good the next day, Guild was mighty peeved after the money it costs. The image above is for a very long term and well liked (UBER DPS) rogue in the guild who is much happier and we can feel confidant wont run off now he has 1.

We had a pally get his 'Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros' 2 weeks ago after an age of farming the mats for it, he wasn't able to join the raid the other night for the first time ever due to there being over 50 ppl online so he Gquit :eek:

....that were some not very nice comments flying round vent after that!

Gratz Smithy btw, he's such a pain in the....
barney said:
The guild im in is about the same mate. We have got 4 or 5 bosses down in ZG, first one down in AQ20 (doesnt happen everytime yet though) and we can get to the first boss in MC but we have problems getting the right classes to come along.

We have recently started to get a lot stricter (ie if you arent raid specced then someone who is has priority to come) but we also have a couple of people who just dont seem to be able to follow what the RL says (nice guys but sometimes i have been very close to wanting to actually kill them :) ).

Its very difficult to progress in PvE without a dedicated raid guild.

We have now got Hakkar down to 40% and Onyxia down to 18% and i think they'll drop in the next week or so. Ragnoras is only down to 60% but the average level of fire res is so poor (due to the problem below) it won't be a while till we have downed him.

We are struggling with a larger problem at the moment though. As we were quite late to turn into a raiding guild we are quite a bit behind the 4 or 5 main horde guilds on the server. The people we recruit tend to be new 60's / people the big guilds didnt want for whatever reason. We are finding that we train people up (which can be a complete nightmare as lots never 5 manned an instance before the limits dropped), get them well equipped and then they either quit when they get 8/8 Tier 1 or sod off to one of the bigger guilds when they meet the equipment / experience requirements for them. There are about 10-15 people who are constant and the rest is like a never ending stream of players, we can't do anything about it and it massively hampers our advancement as each raid we do involves new people or people who are hugely under-equipped compared to people who have left. The fact that no one seems to be prepared to wipe more than 2 times a night means we are moving slowly too, the amount of people who usually stay late for easy epic night in MC suddenly get their mother telling them to go to bed after 2 wipes at Onyxia is more than a little alarming. We're hoping downing Ony and Hakkar will change the way people look at us, e.g a stepping stone to bigger guilds and help us on to Ragnoras and eventually BWL.
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Viscidous went down last night for Furious on Neptulon. Think we're around the 10th EU Alliance guild to have cleared AQ40 /flex :D

Nothing to do til Naxx now :P
Jimmyboyo said:
Viscidous went down last night for Furious on Neptulon. Think we're around the 10th EU Alliance guild to have cleared AQ40 /flex :D

Nothing to do til Naxx now :P

Damn you! I think TDE will be the next to down Vis. No one else alliance side on Neptulon has caught up yet.
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