WoW: PvE Progression

gratz guys, hopefully we'll have him down sooner or later.

Had some more tries today but we're always too many dead from Phase 1 to do Phase 2 properly :(
Thunderhorn PVE server.
MC - farm.... which seems to be mostly shards these days so we may start leaving it out altogeather.

BWL - Farm up to Nef, we got our first kil of him on sunday night, was a great feeling, got rather loud on ventrillo.

AQ20 - they changed the second boss to make it quite hard, not sure how guild is doing here really as i cant stand this instance and neither can most the guild so rarely visited.

AQ40 - guilds first night there last night, didnt want to start here until nefarian was down.

Me - allakhazam
CliffyG said:
The guild me and JodieG are in recently turned into a raiding guild (we're the raid officers) from a casual one and had the same problems as you. We were struggling to get 20 for ZG then had a big recruitment drive and got a lot of new 60's who had never five manned an instance before. MC was interesting to say the least but after imposing a few strict rules we've now killed domo and are saving up cores etc for fire res gear so we stand a chance on Rag. We are now a lot more relaxed on the rules and thank god the average skill of the player has gone up. ZG is still a problem for us, easy epics in MC stops most people wanting to come even for DKP so although we've killed up to and including the tiger we can't encourage enough of the better players to come to practice the panther. As to Ony we don't let most of the guild do it due to their inability to stop and start dps when required and maintain low and steady DPS. We've started doing it with our best 25 and have her down to 40% so far but got wiped due to the lag the last 3 weeks. So that's pretty much our last 4 months in a nutshell :D.

The guild im in is about the same mate. We have got 4 or 5 bosses down in ZG, first one down in AQ20 (doesnt happen everytime yet though) and we can get to the first boss in MC but we have problems getting the right classes to come along.

We have recently started to get a lot stricter (ie if you arent raid specced then someone who is has priority to come) but we also have a couple of people who just dont seem to be able to follow what the RL says (nice guys but sometimes i have been very close to wanting to actually kill them :) ).

Its very difficult to progress in PvE without a dedicated raid guild.
manged to get razorgore down in bwl on monday :D

very easy fight once the eggs are gone

got Vaelastraz the Corrupt to 10% last night need to keep us tanks up for anit longer and we'll have him :)

i think the lack of decent fire res armor is geting us tho
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Ouro just downed by TDE on neptulon. Only Viscidus to go and AQ40 is completey finished for us :).
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My guild just started to go into BWL. The person controlling Razorgore got dc'd twice (2 failed attempts right there) and the other times we got down to about 8 eggs. It's pretty hectic at the moment. Right now my main concern is I passed up on tier 1 priest gear cause I wanted tier 2 and now the tier 1 priests are showing they're grateful for it by rolling on the tier 2 stuff aswell. :(

Still need my eye of divinity.

Rag and Onyxia on farm status.

Nothing too spectacular but not too bad either.
We have MC, Ony and ZG on farm, and have killed a couple of bosses in BWL. I'm not sure on the AQ20 progression though, as I'm new to my guild so haven't actually been to AQ yet.
Seiken said:
My guild just started to go into BWL. The person controlling Razorgore got dc'd twice (2 failed attempts right there) and the other times we got down to about 8 eggs. It's pretty hectic at the moment. Right now my main concern is I passed up on tier 1 priest gear cause I wanted tier 2 and now the tier 1 priests are showing they're grateful for it by rolling on the tier 2 stuff aswell. :(

Still need my eye of divinity.

Rag and Onyxia on farm status.

Nothing too spectacular but not too bad either.

As i once got told, never pass up on epics that better yourself. People get greedy when they drop, if you let them get tier1 so you could get tier2 without a fight then most likely they will go for it themselves ;).
MC = Farm, Raggy is on farm

Onxyia = We have taken her down 8 times so far, but i am hesitant to say shes on farm status, since people start messing about then.

ZG = Hakkar went down last weekend after only 2 serious attempts. Jin'doh still needs to be done.

AQ20 = We can do 4 of 6 bosses. All go down with some ease TBH. Only had 1 wipe last night when we got 2 groups at once on the Rayjaxx fight. Just Ossaris and the hunter to go.

AQ40 = We've only ever been in there once. A DPS warrior pulled a obsidian mob before we had a chance to finish loading up. So we all died before we had a chance to fight. But that was 3 months ago. We may try again soon.

BWL = We had 3 trys last night on the first boss. Got down to 10 eggs. First attempt only half the raid actually got into the instance, thanks to the gate closing. I think as soon a people realise their role in this fight and what they should be doing, we will take him down.

The guild im in isnt hardcore, but it does contain about 30-35 really good players. Its just getting them all online at once thats holding us back. But TBH people are just having fun with what we are doing, so its no problem.
We've not long started MC, got luci down but the maturity of some players in the guild is slowing us down. As a new guild we're just going through the process of sorting the good players from the crap.

Some of you are doing damn nice, and will no doubt be looking forward to Naxxramas in the next patch, heres the loot, as shown at E3


loving that priest staff :eek: and the tier 3 looks damn nice too, love the look of the lock and warrior sets. and us priests get a nice little halo :D (not that ill ever see it really)
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Tommy D said:
We killed C'Thun last night! I'm the Paladin laid down at the front :D

Grats mate, C'thun is a kill worthy of being proud off :D.

Here's Ouro dead, one boss left then we finished all the raiding places currently out :D.


Im on the far left - the one named "Fueled".
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v1bez said:
As i once got told, never pass up on epics that better yourself. People get greedy when they drop, if you let them get tier1 so you could get tier2 without a fight then most likely they will go for it themselves ;).

Tell me about it. Outrolled on the halo of transcendence by prophecy priests for the fourth time.. I need to keep my DKP though cause there's only one priest with more than me that needs the eye of divinity.. and I'm getting that freaking eye.
EasyG said:
yeah my guild is also on cthun phase 2, finding it tricky atm though, we often have trouble getting ppl to sign up when they no it will be a night of wiping a lot trying to learn and master the boss. hopefully naxxramis wont' be so dependant on resist gear.
did u make an orc shaman on hamarush?
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