WoW: PvE Progression

If any1 needs any help or advice about boss encounters just ask and am sure ppl will help yahs out.
aq gates arnt even open are the server im on :D

well the guild im in have got mc on farm now pretty stright forward fights now

where just going into bwl now learning the tatics kind of a pain in the arse tbh manged to get all the eggs tho last night just need more people to stay up and we will have him :)
Tommy D said:
Some nice work guys, my profile is in my sig btw (click the image).
we know we know we know, you have posted your char prolly million times now, enough with the E-willy waving
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sup3rc0w said:
we know we know we know, you have posted your char prolly million times now, enough with the E-willy waving

Not really willy waving, just showing what he has. Not like he goes about it in a stupid manner now is it?

Anyway nice gear mate, also nice to know another guild is stuck on cthun aswell :).
sup3rc0w said:
we know we know we know, you have posted your char prolly million times now, enough with the E-willy waving
lol, my char isn't even that good. I'm not willy waving, I was just pointing it out if people hadn't already noticed.

I don't know about you but I like to see how other people are progressing with their characters. Whether it be gear, guild, general game progression, I just find it interesting.

Also, it's no where near a million dude. Infact I don't really post here much anymore.

My guild has started to complete ZG with some success.

We can take hakkar with maybe 3 - 4 attempts, hopefully it'll get easier. One problem we have is hakkar sometimes flipping away from the MTs and ripping the rogues a 'new one'. Any ideas how to stop him doing this? He's not losing aggro, just turning, one-shotting then turning back to the tank(s)

Also in MC we're up to Ragnaros but have only had one attempt at him (to 79%), another go tomorrow. Any tips appreciated, particularly with controlling the sons.
upto twin emporers, furthest horde progression on my server = vashj

im currently persuing rank 14, upto 12 atm and will hit 13 this week, bloody tricky when I lead all the raids and live in the USA so I miss 6 hours of PVP everyday :)

great game, im hooked :) - random blue items are for my PVP flag carrying set, atm I get 6.8k buffed, when I hit 14 like my mate we can make 8k buffed - best flag carriers on the server :D

thats me :)
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Good luck Will Gill, im sure you know the hardest part lays ahead. Think you might want to stop raiding for the next few weeks or so and just PvP, if you wanna make that Rank14.
EasyG said:
If any1 needs any help or advice about boss encounters just ask and am sure ppl will help yahs out.

I still see your rogue running around on Neptulon with dual maces, I'd been wondering if it was still you playing :>

Vibes, whats your char called ?

<- Flight now has 8 lvl 60 chars, downed everything in aq40 except viscidous. Seems to be a very frustrating encounter so far.
Jimmyboyo said:
I still see your rogue running around on Neptulon with dual maces, I'd been wondering if it was still you playing :>

Vibes, whats your char called ?

<- Flight now has 8 lvl 60 chars, downed everything in aq40 except viscidous. Seems to be a very frustrating encounter so far.

Haha Flight me ol' chum.

I play Fueled - Night Elf Hunter in TDE.

Currently remaking my Night Elf Rogue named Vibez aswell :).

Downed everything to c'thun and stuck now ><.

Have had like 7 60's altogether ranging from other servers. Since i forgot to move my Rogue to TH, so i went around server to server before making my hunter on Neptulon after the transfer again.
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Will Gill said:
upto twin emporers, furthest horde progression on my server = vashj

im currently persuing rank 14, upto 12 atm and will hit 13 this week, bloody tricky when I lead all the raids and live in the USA so I miss 6 hours of PVP everyday

great game, im hooked :) - random blue items are for my PVP flag carrying set, atm I get 6.8k buffed, when I hit 14 like my mate we can make 8k buffed - best flag carriers on the server :D

thats me :)


Jesus Will, I bet your mage hits like a truck when the trinkets are up.

Got a guy in our guild going for 14 atm, hes in his final few days and is ready to quit tbh. 90% in to rank 13, and hes up at 9am every morning to make sure he gets standing one this week. Rewards are pretty tasty though ;)

Btw, wtf does John think to you living in Azeroth ? XD
6thElement said:
I'm not talking to him due to the moonpig who's invaded our lair for a month, "or so".

he speaks the truth I hinvited a fat munter into my flat, it was a huuuuuuge error, I spent some DKP today so please reflect on my new profile

few new nef drops, nothing special but if I wear max dmg gear I get to +485 before trinkets :)

nelf's tear and im laughing

oh 7033 record pyro in pvp and 12314 in pve
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MC - on farm... new record of 2 hours 42 mins clearing!
ZG - on Farm.
BWL - Cleared all up to neffie, first try last week we managed to get to phase 2.
AQ20 - Love this instance, not sure were we are up to as not many people are eager to do this instance :/
AQ40 - Not really touched this yet :).
What I was wearing before I stopped playing:

Had MC, BWL on farm status. Twins down.

I may reroll a dps class and start playing again, but after one year playing the interactive spreadsheet game.. :o
icehot said:
AQ40 = Currently Attempting twin emps, best attempt is 70%. Having a problem with blizzard.

The Guild I'm in farm and hand out greater frost resist pots to the healers for each Twin Emps fight. It gets you one free blizzard survival at least. I've found that keeping off the stairs when the caster is on my side helps but you have to keep more of an eye out for the exploding bugs. I'm a Dr00d btw.
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