we know we know we know, you have posted your char prolly million times now, enough with the E-willy wavingTommy D said:Some nice work guys, my profile is in my sig btw (click the image).
sup3rc0w said:we know we know we know, you have posted your char prolly million times now, enough with the E-willy waving
lol, my char isn't even that good. I'm not willy waving, I was just pointing it out if people hadn't already noticed.sup3rc0w said:we know we know we know, you have posted your char prolly million times now, enough with the E-willy waving
EasyG said:If any1 needs any help or advice about boss encounters just ask and am sure ppl will help yahs out.
Jimmyboyo said:I still see your rogue running around on Neptulon with dual maces, I'd been wondering if it was still you playing :>
Vibes, whats your char called ?
<- Flight now has 8 lvl 60 chars, downed everything in aq40 except viscidous. Seems to be a very frustrating encounter so far.
Will Gill said:upto twin emporers, furthest horde progression on my server = vashj
im currently persuing rank 14, upto 12 atm and will hit 13 this week, bloody tricky when I lead all the raids and live in the USA so I miss 6 hours of PVP everyday
great game, im hooked
http://wow.allakhazam.com/profile.html?529845 - random blue items are for my PVP flag carrying set, atm I get 6.8k buffed, when I hit 14 like my mate we can make 8k buffed - best flag carriers on the server
thats me![]()
6thElement said:I'm not talking to him due to the moonpig who's invaded our lair for a month, "or so".
icehot said:AQ40 = Currently Attempting twin emps, best attempt is 70%. Having a problem with blizzard.
EasyG said:quick update
TDE on neptulon have now killed Cthun.