WoW Start Over?

:p I just looked on that forum and saw my name and was like wtfomg spies in my computer - then I scrolled up and say the infomation I had posted.
I just started a new character a few weeks ago on Bronzebeard, a level 24 Human Warrior.

While I am enjoying it, I wouldn't mind starting another character on a new server if there's going to be a new OCUK guild to accompany it.
Jokester said:

Not a sausage, still the middle of April sometime at the earliest. All the PvE realms are full now.


I wouldn't say Qual'Thalas that full, no ques, not that many level 60's and a good deal across the level range. Gives it a pretty vibrant economy without being silly prices for items. Nice people on it to.
I was planning on waiting until the release of Burning Crusade before playing again, but I might just make an exception in this case. Although I wouldn't want to play on a PvE server, I love gankz0ring too much :p
Well I'm going alliance and on PvE, but I've already got a guild sorted. What I think would be a good idea would be to set up a OcUK channel in game as that would free us all to join a guild with the same aims as ourself but at the same time we can still organise things amongst ourselves for helping each other out etc. That way we can all do our own thing at our own speed.

PVP is a good idea its just not executed very well. If you want real PVP go play CS or BF2 or something and have fun doing it. WOW is not fun for VS multiplayer.
fdxd said:
PVP is a good idea its just not executed very well. If you want real PVP go play CS or BF2 or something and have fun doing it. WOW is not fun for VS multiplayer.

That's not true... People just have bad experiences with PVP and people just have different tastes. Myself, I love the PVP like so many other people. :)
Ok, I'll be rolling on the fresh PvE realm that has the highest first letter (where highest would be Z and A being lowest if you see what I mean).

Lt. Manlove said:
Bah, anyone else doing PvP with me? :D

I already have a lvl 20 Dwarf Warrior on PvE and feel like I am missing out on something.

Yeah, I'm with you :D

I've got a few weeks off college and don't have anything better to do :o :D

Personally I'd rather go horde though. I played alliance from release until a few months ago, going horde would make a nice change.
MiGSY said:
Personally I'd rather go horde though. I played alliance from release until a few months ago, going horde would make a nice change.

I think the Horde would suit raiding the petty Alliance better, so yes I agree :D
Where did you hear/read about these new realms supposedly coming next week Jokester? I can't find anything on the official site or forums.
Still no word on these new servers. The US have recently received a few new servers so we should follow suit shortly.

I've decided to roll a sword/combat specced Orc Rogue on a PvP server.

Anyone else interested? I was thinking we could perhaps get a guild together...
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