WWE 2K15

8 Jan 2009
North East
Not sure if anyone has any more information on this but I read somewhere that this game might be coming to PC :)

I dont think there has really been any wrestling games on PC for many years but if true then this would be a breath of fresh in my opinion, something different for us PC gamers :)
fightnight or ufc would be a lot better :)

I remember a few months ago watching a ufc game for one of the consoles on youtube with lots of glitches and bugs in the game. The fighters were crawling around with their feet bent behind there heads and all kinds of other crazy stuff :D
I would love it on PC... There was a rumor because the PC case was shown on the Roster Reveal on the WWE Network. and it was also showing on Wiki.

But I have checked since then and the PC version has been removed, which sucks.
This won't be coming to pc, every WWE wrestling game since Raw is War that's been announced for pc has always been cancelled.
Wrestlefest was the last one to follow this tradition.
Wrestlefest was the last one to follow this tradition.

Yukes did not know what a PC was.

Wrestlefest was an iPad port which was cancelled as THQ went bust.

This whole rumor stems from a PC packshot apparently being shown on the WWE Network and a dev quoted as saying the PC version will have parity with new gen.
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I would love it on PC... There was a rumor because the PC case was shown on the Roster Reveal on the WWE Network. and it was also showing on Wiki.

But I have checked since then and the PC version has been removed, which sucks.

I read somewhere that a chinese game rating site had ratings for WWE 2K15 on PC with a review to go with it, and somewhere mentioned November 18 PC release date.

But I guess its speculation maybe, thats why I was hoping to see if anyone here had any more info or news :cool:
John Cena confirms WWE 2k15 PC Version

0:31 seconds for the info.

Release date:
November 21st

**** A DUCK.

WOW, just WOW.

As a life long PC gamer and Wrestling fan, this blows my mind.

All I have had till now is WCW Nitro and WWE RAW.
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about time consoles get yearly updates PC gets decade ones. If its got modding support it will be great if not will still be nice to have updated game for a change.
Considering how gimped the game is lining up to be from last nights dev Q & A (and that's assuming a potential PC port is the current gen version anyway) it's looking a little grim. Gimped CAW spaces, gutted creation modes, CAW download limits (not that I suppose that matters when CAW slots have been quartered), the gameplay would have to be a hell of an improvement from 2K14 tbh.
Considering how gimped the game is lining up to be from last nights dev Q & A (and that's assuming a potential PC port is the current gen version anyway) it's looking a little grim. Gimped CAW spaces, gutted creation modes, CAW download limits (not that I suppose that matters when CAW slots have been quartered), the gameplay would have to be a hell of an improvement from 2K14 tbh.

Compared to WWE RAW, I will take it.
I don't see anything about the release date? I heard it was coming but the reason they aren't talking about it yet is because it won't be coming until spring.
There's no info about a release date because it still hasn't been announced. The evidence certainly points to it but officially it still isn't happening (and no a John Cena promo cut together with some of the reveal footage by a random guy is not confirming it)
(and no a John Cena promo cut together with some of the reveal footage by a random guy is not confirming it)

That is genuine footage from an Official John Cena DVD.

John Cena said what he said.

There is too much out there for their NOT to be a PC release.

Unless 2K are trolling us?

2K protecting release info to increase console sales on last gen, laughable, but likely true.
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