WWE 2K15

Regarding Mod support, this is from 2K Official forums, posted by a mod.

THISaint said:

Hey everyone,

There have been lots of questions regarding Modding for WWE 2K15 PC. The game has been released already, you can purchase it from here if you haven't already.

@stephensonmc (WWE Community Manager) has recently replied to the tweet asking whether the game would have a Mod support or not. Here's the answer:


With this answer, I'm pretty positive that you guys will be happy about this news.
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Let me guess, Wait a lifetime for a wrestling game and it is locked to 60fps? I am pretty miffed at the growing list of games that are capped or downright lazy. Could someone try to get this working at 120fps? Location of the file should be %USERPROFILE%\Documents\WWE2K15\config.ini


What percentage of gamers game at 120Hz?

What console games which have been released on PC have had a 120hz upgrade?

Also, FPS, I see your point, a wrestling game, I do not get it.

I think it is simplistic to say "locked". The engine as far as we know was never intended to be ran on a PC.
What percentage of gamers game at 120Hz?

What console games which have been released on PC have had a 120hz upgrade?

Also, FPS, I see your point, a wrestling game, I do not get it.

I think it is simplistic to say "locked". The engine as far as we know was never intended to be ran on a PC.

Ok for a start this arguement about 2D or a "Wrestling Game" not needing more fps needs to die. It is about judder caused by fps being below a set refresh rate. Imagine if the game was capped at 30fps. You would be crying about that on a 60hz screen because again judder. You do realise this is why they invented G-Sync? And i do not know about the overall % of uptake on 120hz screens but out of my Steam friends whom i have known for a long long time the uptake is around 80%. Only a few of them game at 60hz now and everyone will agree once you go 120hz you never go back. Even 2D games suddenly become a different game at that refresh rate. I am not that fussed anyways i have a long list of games that are cheaper, Better and run at 120hz despite being console ports.

If anyone out there does manage to find out how to unlock though please make it known. You might find a =60 command in the ini, Or like Dead Space 2 the lock might just be ingame V-Sync and the lock could possibly go away by forcing Nvidia V-Sync.
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Watched some vids of this, some of the move animation still looks pretty "off" years later. Last one of these i played was smackdown vs raw on the 360 (2007 iirc) and you can still see some of the same recycled animations.
Not that seems to be openly available yet. But looking at other forums a few people have had a bit of success unpacking and replacing stuff in the music file so I imagine it won't be long until someone pops out a tool to make it simple.
Haven't played a WWE game since the PS2. Smackdown something year.

Finding the grappling system a bit strange. Just to confirm...

Press A - then direction and tap A = weak move
Hold direction and tap A = normal move
Hold direction and hold A = strong move.
It hasn't even been out 48 hours and people are already halfway there with a trick where they embed sound into the titantron vids. Might have to give them a small amount of time
The games a turd from what i've played so far, seen tons of glitches, ropes appearing in the middle of the ring, the end of match replay ends up being nothing but a series of static pics, more often than not with the audience models in the T pose and the wrestlers randomly sprawled around the place.

Gameplay is also pretty crud, its literally nothing but a series of quicktime events with on screen prompts. Hit rt "too early, too late" blah. Definately contacting steam to get a refund on this. Its funny how they seem to have better looking models for the intro's for characters then when you actually play the game they're far more basic looking. :(

Is it even possible to get a refund on steam? Seen mention of it for pre orders but not much else.

One of the "replays"

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Did you buy it on Steam? You will only get one refund on steam and blocked from the shop for ten days i believe. Normally with that kind of crud i take it back to the rainforest.

But yea FPS locked cruddy console port for £30 lol...
Damn shame. Will pick it up for a fiver steam sales I suppose. By then there will be plenty of mods and hopefully bug fixes and better drivers etc for the game.

Why don't they make controls more like WCW Revenge? You could have a strong/normal grapple and depending on which direction you press it does a different move. Simples. No need to over complicate gameplay.

That is a known issue.

The solution appears different for each person.

Have you tried disabling Vsynch/Enabling Vysnch if turned off.

Also, try disabling MSAA/FXAA to see which is causing the problem.

I had that, along with slowdown, frozen replays, now running like a dream.

Has "ports" go, this is one of the better ones to be honest. Much worse out there.
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