WWE 2K15

And as I said the evidence certainly points to a PC release down the line (yes most likely kept totally dark until after the console releases are done), but doesn't change the very simple fact that as it stands right now 2k have not announced a PC version.
Apparently 2k are banning people who make Chris Benoit.
Why post that here dude? Here is me clicking and hoping we may finally get a wrestling game on the pc, instead to find a comment that belongs in the consoles section! :rolleyes::o:(
Screenshot 4 of 17 looks like HHH is squatting to do a smelly one. Some of the wrestlers graphics look a bit poor. Yet if you look at well known characters like Hulk Hogan they seem better defined than some of the others ?
Now it's been a while since I've played one of these (last one I played was the last gen 2k14 and that was shelved almost immediately with some of the bugs and problems) but I presume the custom content servers are platform specific so we're not going to be opening up to a world of excellent CAWs by our console brothers and instead starting from scratch?
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*Except Paige

This bothering anyone else? =/

Couldn't care less about Paige, but considering Paige's spot (ie the season pass buyer bonus)in the 2 console entries prior to that were guys I liked and wanted I don't like the idea. Hopefully they patch her in down the line.
Who is Paige? Sounds like DDP :)

Will wait for reviews before picking up. But no doubt will get it on sale at some point. Really need a wrestling game to add to my steam collection :)

Fight Night would be awesome. Also a UFC game :D
She's a English Diva. Probably the best in ring Diva WWE has now actually, but given how few divas are in this game and no female CAWs it's a small loss.
I'm doing the same, waiting for a review. See if there are any PC specific options we can fiddle with.

Hopefully the mod community is even better than it was for WWE RAW PC
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