WWE 2K15

Why don't they make controls more like WCW Revenge? You could have a strong/normal grapple and depending on which direction you press it does a different move. Simples. No need to over complicate gameplay.

That is what the game has.
The games a turd from what i've played so far, seen tons of glitches, ropes appearing in the middle of the ring, the end of match replay ends up being nothing but a series of static pics, more often than not with the audience models in the T pose and the wrestlers randomly sprawled around the place.

Gameplay is also pretty crud, its literally nothing but a series of quicktime events with on screen prompts. Hit rt "too early, too late" blah. Definately contacting steam to get a refund on this. Its funny how they seem to have better looking models for the intro's for characters then when you actually play the game they're far more basic looking. :(

Is it even possible to get a refund on steam? Seen mention of it for pre orders but not much else.

One of the "replays"

Did you read my post above?

Simply turning off depth of field sorted the replays and rope glitches for me.
That is what the game has.

Doesn't really feel as if it has, just feels clunky and sluggish, almost reminds me of wrestlemania x8 where you seen the same 4 moves over and over. . The QTE gimmick for so many things is really annoying as well. Only thing i liked was the chain wrestling with the dstick vibration.

The wrestler editor also seems kinda screwy, do you need to unlock certain entrances to edit them? As hogans red and yellow entrance just seems to default to some dumb "i'm on the phone" thing if you try to change it any.

The replay thing seems to have sorted itself out without changing anything,
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Whats also bs in this game is the kick out mechanic, seriously one of those "stop the icon in the middle of this highlighted area" gimmicks. :rolleyes:

I swear whoever came up with the mechanics for this must have had a real hard on for annoying little twitchy games and quick time events.
The biggest bug so far for me is that I've had 3 matches were I've only been able to do 1 grapple move, regardless of what direction I choose. Highly annoying.
What happened to the different career modes that they always used to have in the older games for already existing superstars? They used to be super fun, but I played about 4 hours of the new 'MyCareer' and it was literally so dull and boring..
What happened to the different career modes that they always used to have in the older games for already existing superstars? They used to be super fun, but I played about 4 hours of the new 'MyCareer' and it was literally so dull and boring..

The career does seem pants.

I remember in a much older game, walking around backstage and talking to people?
the WWe universrse is the best mode to be honest

go through the shows & you see enemiers form and sometimes cutscenes of people arguing/jumping out etc.
Personally i think the games pretty crap, i mean theres just no real rhyme or reason to a lot of it. For example sometimes you'll hit a finisher and still have around half of the stamina meter yet your wrestler will literally crawl back up to his knees after hitting it like you have zero stamina left at all. It just seems random if after hitting your move you can make a quick pin or not, and in something like a triple threat match its just a major pain in the hole.

I'm just out of a match where for some reason after having 3 finishers to use it never once gave me an opportunity to use them, it let me use the signature move yes but even if i tried the charged finisher my wrestler would act like he was going to do it then do nothing as the opponent stood up. And has anyone tried a triple threat match? The collision detection and general stupidity of the opponents shows through in spades in that environment. I found myself in the middle of 2 opponents both trying to grapple me and it was like pinball back and forth for about 10 seconds or so with grapple attempts being interrupted over and over again.

Graphically it looks nice but it just has a slow meandering clunky feel to it. Missing a punch its like you're in control of someone thats literally dead on his feet as it takes a good chunk of time to recover from it, more than i would expect.

If this is how wrestling games are these days then they've really devolved since the last time i played one several years ago.

Just another example of how much of a joke this game is, in a submission match id literally been hit a handful of times while lobbing the opponent about the ring like a wet sock. Hit him with numerous signatures and finishers and he was basically all in the red, the only part of me in the yellow (somehow or other) was my head he reverses one of my finishers into a sleeper and immediately the submit gauge is literally 3/4 full to his advantage and with it that far up its going to end with a tapout regardless. How does that work exactly?

Also try a royal rumble or battle royale, all your character seems to do in that mode is randomly switch focus so you can be beating up someone then for no reason your character decides to focus on someone else which usually ends up with you being attacked from behind by the guy that you were previously attacking. Utterly retarded.
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Just played this steam pile turd of a game.


**** OFF.

Who thought that would be a good idea to make the timing on the trigger button the only way to get back in against the computer to which the computer controls the times you can do this. Button bashing on the mat for recovery does nothing.. Yet the computer reverses so nicely most of the time. It's like a game that plays on your annoyance rather than enjoyment.

Play for SP, spend it on improving your recovery time and reverse and it becomes too easy... Pointless! Either you are frustrated because you're untrained and the reverse is slow and clumsy or because you are trained and its so easy like beating a manikin around the ring. So this makes the the game/story-play anti-climatic and just ...weak.

The idea of back and forth to make it look realisitc for an audience that.. .doesnt even exsist... wtf. It's as bad as fifa with it's player animations instead of the players getting up and getting on with what you're pressing on the controls.

Haven't played a wrestling game for about 10 years. Looks like it'll be another 10 until the next one after this utter bag of unwashed buttholes.
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