WWE 2K15

Is this due out today on PC?

Cant access steam from work so cant see what time its due for release.. anyone taken the plunge? i like a good wrestling game but might wait till it drops in price before picking it up.
I will be waiting for some reviews before buying. I've heard about the issues on previous releases so will have to wait if they were addressed.
Is this due out today on PC?

Cant access steam from work so cant see what time its due for release.. anyone taken the plunge? i like a good wrestling game but might wait till it drops in price before picking it up.

Should be released at 6pm Today.

I pre-ordered from Greenman Gaming the day it was announced, works out at £25+ change.

Considering I have waited over a decade for this game and it includes a shed load of DLC, I am happy.

It WILL be an improvement on WWF RAW.
I have done, just no joy


Just had a couple of hours on this game..

really like it. never really played wrestling games on PC so am pleasantly surprised.. GFX are good and runs really well..

Tip.. if anyone has problems with the replays bugging out at the end of matches turn off depth of field in the options which will fix the problem.
Had a bit of a play with the mycareer mode. Feel like I'm missing a step on some of the new systems (I cannot win that grappling minigame for the life of me), but I will admit my longstanding CAWs have never looked so good, and the gameplay does seem solid.

Just seems a shame the match type list is quite gutted. Seeing as how all my friends bought PS4/360 versions of this months ago, anyone wants to add me for the mycareer invasion thing, my Steam ID is also Jonny2284
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For the grappling mini-game...

Move the dot around till it changes colour then hold it there till the circle is full then let go.

Not sure what the grapple selection does though?

For a first attempt by Yukes!, this is a very good effort in my opinion.
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