yes i am
oo celebrity!
yes i am
oo celebrity!
As soon as I had enough money I bought a wheat farm and put it in Argon prime along with 2 mercury freighters
I appear to have blown his super secret identity
Are some sectors more secure than others? Is there any way in which this is guaged?
if your going to put factories in Argon space, try 1mj shield factories in Home of Light, it's a known money spinner as the NPC's cannot get enough of them. another nice little earner is Nostrop oil over in PTNI Headquaters sector in Teladi space, set up a small complex of 1 Large flower farm, 1 Large sun oil refinery linked with a complex construction kit, it pays for itself in no time at all.
What start did you do?
The humble trader i am doing has loads and loads, mainly unsuitable for me of course, like retrieve ship missions where the timelimit imposed appears impossible given the damaged ship at the other end, even when fully repaired can't move for love nor money, then i fail, then the cops show up and blow up the ship i am trying to haul back
yes i am
Just started messing around with jump drives