Note: This beta version is available for Windows (Steam and GOG Galaxy) and Linux (Steam only).
Note: New ships and weapons in 3.00 are not yet final, either visually or in terms of balancing.
Note: Voice recordings for most lines that are new in 3.00 are not yet included.
Note: Localisations for line that are new in 3.00 are not yet included.
Note: Behaviour of the UI scale setting has changed with this version. Please adjust the setting if the UI seems to be too small/too large on your monitor after updating. In many cases a UI scale of 1.0 should now work well even where it did not previously.
Version 3.00 Beta 6 (385903) - 2020-02-19
- New Feature: Improved graphics engine to support new visual effects.
- New Feature: Better sound effects.
- New Feature: Virtual seminars and quicker skill progression for crew training.
- New Feature: Configurable alert system.
- New Feature: Individual and group crew transfer.
- New Feature: Policing options for player-owned space.
- New Feature: Ability to dock using a spacesuit directly.
- New Feature: Improvements to menus including Map, Encyclopedia, Logical Station Overview and Logbook.
- New Feature: Improved target display and mission guidance.
- New Feature: More control over drones and turrets.
- New Feature: Alternative steering methods including head tracking systems and X3 retro mode.
- [Beta 6] New Feature: Paranid Ares heavy fighter and Xenon T scout.
- [Beta 6] New Feature: New unlockable gamestart.
- [Beta 6] New Feature: Oxygen display when player is in spacesuit.
- [Beta 6] New Feature: Search facility for Logbook.
- Added tutorial gamestarts (Flight School, Combat Scenario and Advanced Gameplay).
- Added new paint themes for player ships.
- Added weapon mods that increase damage done to surface elements.
- Added skill gains for crews opening lockboxes, exploring ships discovering stations and gates, and returning from ventures.
- Added order parameter to forbid attacking ships from boosting.
- Added option to arm/disarm turrets in ship interaction menu.
- Added option to call stored ships to dock via its console.
- Added option to (de)activate multiple deployables at once.
- Added option to control the turret modes on stations.
- Added option to rename fleets (formerly known as wings).
- Added order to collect player-owned deployables.
- Added shortcut to scan ships in scan mode.
- Added drone modes to specify when defence drones launch.
- Added Attack Capital Ships and Attack Fighters weapon modes.
- Added Remove All Assignments option when multiple ships are selected on map.
- Added more variations to existing missions.
- Added support for dragging positions of all orders which show position information on map.
- Added Distress Drones sent from ships attacked in friendly territory but far away from any stations, to report attacks to the police.
- Added option to change player organisation name independently from player name.
- Added option to focus map on object currently viewed in Info or Behaviour menu.
- Added 'station' keyword to map search.
- Added confirmation when entering space suit.
- Added cursor movement, selection and delete features to text edit boxes.
- Added options to invert emulated mouse cursor axes and mouse steering controls.
- Added NPC skills and post/role to target monitor.
- Added information about pilot's current command to Behaviour menu.
- Added new Info tabs in map and updated layout.
- Added ship type to Info menu for ships.
- Added subordinate list to Info menu for ships and stations.
- Added surface element hull status to loadout Info tab.
- Added information about which factions produce ship to Info menu and Encyclopedia.
- Added known production module overview per sector to Encyclopedia.
- Added list of known illegal wares to the Encyclopedia entries of factions with police forces.
- Added new-entry marker to individual Encyclopedia and Timeline entries.
- Added information on which inventory items are obtainable via crafting to Encyclopedia.
- Added option to hide statistics section in Logical Station Overview.
- Added consumption and production numbers to storage nodes in Logical Station Overview.
- Added Alert and News categories to Logbook.
- Added option to export Logbook as tab-separated text file (use "/exportlogbook example.txt" in chat window, exports to game sub-folder of documents folder).
- Added support for showing pages in Logbook thereby removing limit of 1000 entries that can be shown.
- Added input icons in Controls menu and several other menus.
- Added 'forcehmd' command line parameter for head tracking systems.
- Added sound device selection option.
- [Beta 2] Added option to sort saved games by name or date (improvement in 3.00).
- [Beta 2] Added Request Docking Permission option to the interact menu of docking bays.
- [Beta 2] Added limited drone mode settings to NPC-controlled ships in Info menu (new feature in 3.00)
- [Beta 3] Added groups for organisation of squad subordinates.
- [Beta 3] Added new assignments for fleet subordinates.
- [Beta 3] Added Trade assignment for subordinates of fleet auxiliary ships.
- [Beta 3] Added new mission bar pointing to changed mission objective.
- [Beta 3] Added tooltips for cut-off ware names in Inventory menu.
- [Beta 3] Added means to collapse inventory list in new Crew Info menu (new feature in 3.00).
- [Beta 3] Added new icon for stations under construction.
- [Beta 3] Added HUD icons to show what kind of missile is loaded in missile launcher.
- [Beta 3] Added more suitable icons for service crew and marines.
- [Beta 3] Added sound effect when aim-ahead indicator changes state (new feature in 3.00).
- [Beta 4] Added option to move order positions up and down on map.
- [Beta 4] Added visible capital ship geometry on map when zoomed in sufficiently.
- [Beta 4] Added option to define multiple object classes and owners for player alerts (new feature in 3.00).
- [Beta 4] Added option to install weapon mods on turret groups.
- [Beta 4] Added option to filter player-owned trade offers on map.
- [Beta 4] Added option to show faction colours instead of relation colours on map.
- [Beta 4] Added option to give orders to currently-occupied player-owned ship in external view when not controlling that ship.
- [Beta 4] Added confirmation when remapping controls for which there are conflicts.
- [Beta 5] Added icon next to supply-related trade offers.
- [Beta 5] Added station icons to Object List and Property Owned menus.
- [Beta 5] Added faction colour to object icons in map menus if filter option is selected (new feature in 3.00).
- [Beta 5] Added separate encyclopedia category for paint mods.
- [Beta 5] Added ship statistics for turret and engine group shields, and turret damage output.
- [Beta 5] Added option to hide statistics in Ship Configuration menu.
- [Beta 5] Added option to map shortcuts to toggle turret arming and drone launching.
- [Beta 5] Added flee option to interact menu of player-owned ships.
- [Beta 5] Added Undo/Redo options to Ship Configuration menu.
- [Beta 5] Added discount and commission information to Trade menu.
- [Beta 5] Added interact menu option to arm/disarm turrets on multiple ships (new feature in 3.00).
- [Beta 5] Added list of all known blueprints (and whether they are owned) to Encyclopedia.
- [Beta 6] Added Destroy Station and Destroy Station Turret missions to War Subscriptions.
- [Beta 6] Added Interact menu option to collect individual deployables.
- [Beta 6] Added Accept Estimate options to Station Info menu and Logical Station Overview.
- [Beta 6] Added Start Guidance to Object option to interact menu of drops.
- [Beta 6] Added option to rename ships in Ship Config menu when building/upgrading.
- [Beta 6] Added option to disable highlighting of other visiting players in map and radar.
- [Beta 6] Added option to toggle selection lines in map (new feature in 3.00).
- [Beta 6] Added possibility to confirm second ship upgrade if first upgrade finished while Ship Config menu was open.
- [Beta 6] Added possibility to restrict individual factions from buying ships at player-owned shipyards and wharves.
- [Beta 6] Added weapon group shortcuts to Controls Option menu.
- [Beta 6] Added mouse-over text for ship order icons in Object List and Property Owned.
- [Beta 6] Added option to opt out of some confirmation messages.
- [Beta 6] Added race-based engine trail colours.
- [Beta 6] Added medium quality option for Screen Space Reflections.
- [Beta 6] Added chromatic aberration option.
- [Beta 6] Added new sector-specific music.
- [Beta 6] Added music to Player Headquarters reveal.
- Changed Bomber ship type designation to Gunboat.
- [Beta 4] Changed faction colours to make them easier to distinguish.
- [Beta 4] Changed glass properties to avoid excessive glare.
- [Beta 5] Changed effect of UI scale slider to result in better UI scale behaviour at common resolutions, especially with wide resolutions.
- [Beta 5] Changed faction colours of player and Teladi to make them easier to differentiate on map (new feature in 3.00).
- Removed loadout options from ship configuration menu at resupply ships.
- Removed possibility to give new orders to ships without a pilot.
- Removed restrictions for reassigning crew (via comm) on a single ship in space.
- Removed 500m restriction for (de)activating deployables.
- Removed Squad category from Logbook (merged with Upkeep category).
- [Beta 3] Removed delay before trade offers update after changing offers for intermediate wares in LSO (new feature in 3.00).
- [Beta 3] Removed drone mode support for stations (unintended change in 3.00).
- [Beta 6] Removed countermeasure display in crosshair when player is in spacesuit.
- [Beta 6] Removed the option to deploy consumables in highways.
- Improved faction mine placement.
- Improved trader deal selection and cargo space utilisation logic.
- Improved fighter behaviour by preventing them using boost in combat if they have less than 50% shields.
- Improved smuggler behaviour by adjusting wares traded in depending on what is illegal in their area of operation.
- Improved Explore order behaviour and parameters.
- Improved AI/autopilot collision avoidance when flying through asteroid fields.
- Improved fleet coordination when moving through gates.
- Improved several cases of shakiness when flying on autopilot.
- Improved stability of drones undocking from capital ships.
- Improved encounters by increasing distance from sector centre that system considers deep-space.
- Improved character pathing on large dock areas to better take elevator distances into account.
- Improved ammunition usage of stations when player is not present.
- Improved transition from travel mode to docking by allowing ships to approach closer with travel mode active.
- Improved automatic storage allocation when multiple different storage types (container, solid, liquid) are available.
- Improved detection of gravidar contacts in remote sectors.
- Improved information about licence requirements at blueprint trader and in Encyclopedia.
- Improved visual consistency of building and recycling station modules.
- Improved presentation of already-built modules in station Build menu by grouping by type.
- Improved shopping list in ship Build menu.
- Improved sorting of objects by name in Map.
- Improved layout of Object List and Property Owned menus in Map to reduce text cut-off.
- Improved visualisation of modes with charge time such as Travel Mode or SETA.
- Improved Logbook timestamps to show how much time has passed since logbook entry.
- Improved Save and Load menus.
- Improved context menu header when using context menu while having other ships selected.
- Improved subtitles by making them wider and preventing last lines from having only one word.
- Improved support for gamepad text input overlay for Steam Big Picture mode.
- Improved visibility of game hints.
- [Beta 2] Improved behaviour of player-owned police ships to respond to distress calls where attacker is hostile to player (new feature in 3.00).
- [Beta 2] Improved menu navigation with controller/keyboard in Player Information menu.
- [Beta 2] Improved behaviour of fleeing ships.
- [Beta 2] Improved chances of morale gain.
- [Beta 4] Improved in-game tutorials.
- [Beta 3] Improved mission reward scaling with faction relation.
- [Beta 3] Improved Protect Station order to include protection of station construction sites.
- [Beta 3] Improved visibility of current order icon in Object List and Property Owned menus.
- [Beta 3] Improved brightness of lowlighted trade offer text to make it actually readable.
- [Beta 3] Improved docking of pods used for crew transfer if multiple pods are required for the transfer (new feature in 3.0).
- [Beta 4] Improved station construction display to only show lines to two closest compatible connections.
- [Beta 4] Improved chance of mission rewards including mod parts or seminars at high faction relation levels.
- [Beta 4] Improved layout of full crew list in Crew Info menu with sorting and context menu.
- [Beta 4] Improved glow effect for ship and station lights.
- [Beta 5] Improved some gate positions and orientations.
- [Beta 5] Improved combat movement of capital ships with forward-mounted weapons.
- [Beta 5] Improved behaviour of formations flying in travel mode.
- [Beta 5] Improved weapon distribution among NPC ships.
- [Beta 5] Improved balancing of defence modules by increasing hull value.
- [Beta 5] Improved balancing of weapons and ships.
- [Beta 5] Improved pricing and distribution of new weapons among factions (new feature in 3.00).
- [Beta 5] Improved handling of docking defence drones set to escort when armed state is toggled (new feature in 3.00).
- [Beta 5] Improved visibility of player-occupied object icon on map when using faction colours (new feature in 3.00).
- [Beta 5] Improved logbook to show entries for player-owned ships being attacked or destroyed in red.
- [Beta 5] Improved log message for received surplus, stating location instead of trader name.
- [Beta 5] Improved target monitor display for construction sites and resource probes.
- [Beta 5] Improved weapon aiming stability when time is accelerated and/or frame-rate is low.
- [Beta 5] Improved performance in a number of situations.
- [Beta 5] Improved Tobii support.
- [Beta 6] Improved aiming accuracy of weapons and turrets.
- [Beta 6] Improved low attention combat calculations.
- [Beta 6] Improved cargo drone handling of crates that get destroyed.
- [Beta 6] Improved Flight School tutorial especially when playing with gamepad (new feature in 3.00).
- [Beta 6] Improved trigger conditions for station budget transfer upkeep missions.
- [Beta 6] Improved suspense music behaviour to reduce interruptions to normal music.
- [Beta 6] Improved sector-specific music behaviour to play more often.
- [Beta 6] Improved visualisation of mission guidance on platforms (new feature in 3.00).
- Fixed NPC-owned ships attached to fleets with resupply ship not preferring their designated resupply ship.
- Fixed laser towers not being able to aim correctly against player ship.
- Fixed ships failing to disengage when attacking target whose ownership changes due to being abandoned.
- Fixed fighters continuing to fire forward-mounted guns while firing forward-mounted missiles.
- Fixed docked ships firing their forward-mounted weapons.
- Fixed rare case resulting in ships docked at wrecked platforms.
- Fixed ships docking at stations always moving towards station's icon before moving to dock with some station setups.
- Fixed ships' captains saying Awaiting Orders after attacking if their default order potentially leads to attack.
- Fixed ships with turrets not stopping firing if they change ownership and their targets are no longer hostile.
- Fixed ships no longer attacking after losing their commander while in formation.
- Fixed another case of station-based drones not being recovered.
- Fixed ships in combat not consuming ammunition when player is not present.
- Fixed ships being able to be set to protect stations or ships that are hostile to them.
- Fixed pirates inadvertently causing limited wars between NPC factions.
- Fixed sector patrols only patrolling small area within sector.
- Fixed police ships responding to their own distress calls.
- Fixed escape pods attempting to look for stations in a highway.
- Fixed escape pod behaviour to be consistent whether player is present or not.
- Fixed mining ships mining in hostile territory.
- Fixed excessive delays when ordering a ship to deploy deployables at a location.
- Fixed behaviour of transport drones collecting crates for capital ships.
- Fixed drones fleeing when attacked.
- Fixed orphaned defence drones getting orders to patrol sector.
- Fixed inactive satellites still uncovering space.
- Fixed lasertowers launched by fleeing ships not shooting at their attacker.
- Fixed dropped inventory/cargo crates that cannot be picked up by ship that dropped them due to missing collisions.
- Fixed some Argon and Antigone ships not having crews.
- Fixed Ion weapons doing damage to hull when player is not present.
- Fixed EMP missile effects on travel mode and boost.
- Fixed being able to claim ships by using EMP and repairing signal leak.
- Fixed being able to unlock trade subscriptions at enemy stations.
- Fixed subordinates of ships with docking facilities sometimes not responding to external events for excessive periods after having docked.
- Fixed subordinates potentially waiting a long time if their commander moves into highway or through gate to different sector while in formation.
- Fixed fighter escorts flying in formation not doing damage to their commander's target in combat when player is not present.
- Fixed ships remaining subordinate to sold ships.
- Fixed crew of ship that is personally piloted by player not getting skill gains.
- Fixed mission to retrieve item from target ship not having an objective to return it.
- Fixed mismatch between upkeep mission to give station managers more money and corresponding notification in message ticker.
- Fixed budgets of player-owned stations changing when funds are transferred to or from station build storage.
- Fixed player-owned shipyards and equipment docks that make no money from trades not sending surplus funds to player account.
- Fixed station budget being incorrectly set when taking money from stations using Account Management menu.
- Fixed funds on build storage and station accounts not being transferred back to player when objects are destroyed or removed.
- Fixed changing assignments in order queue menu not changing behaviour.
- Fixed station rooms changing doors when revisiting.
- Fixed player facing wall after teleporting.
- Fixed engines on Condor and Stork not being protected by shield generators (new ships only, fix for existing ships will be added in an upcoming build).
- Fixed incorrect turret position on Magnetar.
- Fixed missing faction logo and missing lights in transporter room on Nodan.
- Fixed mirrored ID text on Plutus.
- Fixed landing gear not being visible on Nodan and Quasar.
- Fixed spotlights on Quasar not turning off after landing.
- Fixed shield and hull values in Selected Objects section of map being calculated incorrectly.
- Fixed Location and Object not being displayed in the Order Queue menu for one partner of a ware exchange.
- Fixed Manage Funds option not opening correct information tab.
- Fixed weapons in weapon panel being displayed as active in both weapon sets, while weapon is only active in either primary or secondary set.
- Fixed build progress display for station modules that are being rebuilt.
- Fixed missing objective progress visualisation in mission briefing context menu.
- Fixed conversation with manager working for player not displaying correct options.
- Fixed missing shield info for S and M ships in Encyclopedia.
- Fixed Encyclopedia entries for star systems not showing description texts.
- Fixed wrong inventory wares being marked as read.
- Fixed appearance of pending upgrade warning.
- Fixed turret mode dropdown options not being in intended order.
- Fixed order of ships in the undock menu.
- Fixed jumping column selection in order queue.
- Fixed player name reverting to default if aborting renaming process.
- Fixed cases of NPC occupation name not matching crew gender (e.g. Crewman vs Crewwoman).
- Fixed formatting error in construction-related Logbook messages.
- Fixed Numpad key bindings not working for first-person movement on platforms.
- Fixed mouse cursor remaining visible after saving game in first-person mode.
- Fixed rare cases of target elements not being displayed while they should and vice-versa.
- Fixed various issues with mission guidance targets.
- Fixed non-working subtitles during intro scenes when starting a new game through Start menu.
- Fixed physics not working correctly in certain rooms until player enters.
- Fixed very rare situation where ships could rapidly flicker between two positions.
- Fixed Boost Toggle game option not working at all.
- Fixed Pause key not working during text input.
- Fixed issues when looking straight up or down in first person.
- Fixed external target view sometimes incorrectly returning to cockpit.
- Fixed broken voice playback when closing Timeline menu.
- [Beta 2] Fixed claiming sector ownership not working. (problem introduced in 3.00).
- [Beta 2] Fixed ships in fleets whose fleet commander is fleet auxiliary ship or carrier not resupplying at their fleet commander.
- [Beta 2] Fixed S and M ships with no subordinates not using highways when travelling to distant sectors along ring highway (problem introduced in 3.00).
- [Beta 2] Fixed non-capital ships sometimes getting stuck after using gates (problem introduced in 3.00).
- [Beta 2] Fixed ships docking at ships that change ownership to hostile not always aborting dock attempt.
- [Beta 2] Fixed newly-built ships not detecting other objects (problem introduced in 3.00).
- [Beta 2] Fixed objects not being detected while inside a highway (problem introduced in 3.00).
- [Beta 2] Fixed missing new default paint themes for existing games (problem introduced in 3.00).
- [Beta 2] Fixed application of virtual seminars not consuming items (new feature in 3.00).
- [Beta 2] Fixed Accept Estimate button in station construction menu sometimes transferring large amounts of money to player account (problem introduced in 3.00).
- [Beta 2] Fixed ability to sell mandatory software upgrades.
- [Beta 2] Fixed characters greeting the player repeatedly during a conversation.
- [Beta 2] Fixed incorrect options on interact menu for player-owned ships without a pilot.
- [Beta 2] Fixed station construction budget estimate not taking existing resources in build storage into account (new feature in 3.00).
- [Beta 2] Fixed station Info menu if the station has no operational modules yet (problem introduced in 3.00).
- [Beta 2] Fixed missing shield and turret options for M ships in ship comparison menu (new feature in 3.00).
- [Beta 2] Fixed missing deploy option in the loadout Info menu (problem introduced in 3.00).
- [Beta 2] Fixed construction drones missing in loadout Info menu (problem introduced in 3.00).
- [Beta 2] Fixed venture menu not showing venture ships (problem introduced in 3.00)
- [Beta 2] Fixed new-entry marker on certain items in Encyclopedia not being removed when entry is read.
- [Beta 2] Fixed most cases of achievements being granted during tutorial (problem introduced in 3.00)
- [Beta 2] Fixed incorrect variation name for Teladi Cormorant (new feature in 3.00).
- [Beta 2] Fixed pink heads on certain Split characters (problem introduced in 3.00).
- [Beta 2] Fixed eyeballs floating above some NPCs' heads (problem introduced in 3.00).
- [Beta 2] Fixed strange shadows on some NPC's faces (problem introduced in 3.00).
- [Beta 3] Fixed spontaneously jumping to a different sector while flying around.
- [Beta 3] Fixed some cases of ships or docking guidance going through geometry.
- [Beta 3] Fixed undocking ships finding themselves far from the thing they were undocking from.
- [Beta 3] Fixed Xenon wharves not being able to rebuild their build modules.
- [Beta 3] Fixed frozen build modules that are otherwise fully operational (symptom fixed but cause not yet identified).
- [Beta 3] Fixed intermediate products not being sold in automatic mode when stock levels exceed stations own need (problem introduced in 3.00).
- [Beta 3] Fixed sector ownership not transferring correctly when gifting certain stations to a faction (problem introduced in 3.00).
- [Beta 3] Fixed player-owned build storage no longer functioning because of missing manager.
- [Beta 3] Fixed player-owned stations never preemptively firing on nearby hostile objects despite turrets being set to an attack option (new feature in 3.00).
- [Beta 3] Fixed ships with turrets continuing to fire on targets that they are trying to disable although targets are below hull threshold.
- [Beta 3] Fixed police ships attacking attackers of object under investigation if investigated object proves to be hostile (new feature in 3.00).
- [Beta 3] Fixed ships recalling subordinates while in combat.
- [Beta 3] Fixed boarding ships sometimes not launching boarding pods when they should.
- [Beta 3] Fixed XS laser towers getting stuck on deployment.
- [Beta 3] Fixed data vaults not visibly retaining their state when returned to later.
- [Beta 3] Fixed crew exchange between two ships that are both already docked at the same ship or station (new feature in 3.00).
- [Beta 3] Fixed unlocking signal leaks sometimes not having an effect.
- [Beta 3] Fixed some passengers standing around in the elevator after entering a ship (problem introduced in 3.00).
- [Beta 3] Fixed doors sometimes staying open when they should close.
- [Beta 3] Fixed teleporter cabin door not opening reliably.
- [Beta 3] Fixed sometimes not being able to target an NPC by pointing at the body.
- [Beta 3] Fixed inability to re-scan previously-scanned ships that have returned to a covered state.
- [Beta 3] Fixed excessive sector zoom on map.
- [Beta 3] Fixed station icons or mission guidance sometimes ending up outside the sector hex on map.
- [Beta 3] Fixed radius display of some orders and mission objectives on map being scaled incorrectly.
- [Beta 3] Fixed newly-added resource regions not being reflected by hex colour on map.
- [Beta 3] Fixed bomb launcher icon remaining greyed out even when activated (problem introduced in 3.00).
- [Beta 3] Fixed missing Redesign option for multiple ships in interact menu (problem introduced in 3.00).
- [Beta 3] Fixed not being able to reassign crew in Crew Info menu using tier-specific sliders (problem introduced in 3.00).
- [Beta 3] Fixed missing Promote best crewmember to Pilot/Captain option in Crew Info menu (problem introduced in 3.00).
- [Beta 3] Fixed Promote best crewmember to Pilot button crewmember in a state where they can't be reassigned.
- [Beta 3] Fixed account management in Info menu for stations with no operational modules (problem introduced in 3.00).
- [Beta 3] Fixed equipment in Ship Comparison menu being in random order (new feature in 3.00).
- [Beta 3] Fixed Ship Configuration menu sometimes showing upgrades in wrong slots.
- [Beta 3] Fixed menu crash when looking at Kha'ak ships in Ship Comparison menu (new feature in 3.00).
- [Beta 3] Fixed missing Interact menu when new mode text is very short (e.g. in non-alphabetic languages).
- [Beta 3] Fixed Manage Plot menu not working after opening map with superhighway as current target.
- [Beta 3] Fixed Ship Configuration menu not working any more after opening another menu via shortcut while its save loadout dialog was open.
- [Beta 3] Fixed new-entry markers on certain items reappearing on loading a savegame (problem introduced in 3.00).
- [Beta 3] Fixed trade context menu missing elements in certain situations.
- [Beta 3] Fixed missing menu elements in Ship Configuration menu in certain resolutions.
- [Beta 3] Fixed war rooms or guild offices sometimes using incorrect corridor for race.
- [Beta 3] Fixed asymmetric turret layout on Odysseus.
- [Beta 3] Fixed flickering monitors in Nemesis cockpit.
- [Beta 3] Fixed visible spacesuit wreckage.
- [Beta 3] Fixed intermittent short sounds in space.
- [Beta 3] Fixed sounds of M Bolt Repeaters lasting too long.
- [Beta 3 HF1] Fixed repair laser not working in Argon spacesuit (problem introduced in 3.00).
- [Beta 3 HF1] Fixed not being able to move or rotate build plots (problem introduced in 3.00).
- [Beta 3 HF1] Fixed ships and drones not being put into storage (problem introduced in 3.00).
- [Beta 3 HF1] Fixed missing text in subordinate group context menu (new feature in 3.00).
- [Beta 4] Fixed ships sometimes failing to stop firing on former targets (problem introduced in 3.00).
- [Beta 4] Fixed Kha'ak equipment being used by NPC ships and stations (problem introduced in 3.00).
- [Beta 4] Fixed turrets doing very low damage when player is not present (problem introduced in 3.00).
- [Beta 4] Fixed turrets from generated presets not being applied.
- [Beta 4] Fixed new surface element damage weapon mods not being unlockable by research (new feature in 3.00).
- [Beta 4] Fixed repair laser causing shield recharge to reset.
- [Beta 4] Fixed patrolling ships getting distracted by empty station plots.
- [Beta 4] Fixed fleet subordinates sometimes failing to dock at their fleet commander.
- [Beta 4] Fixed trading ships blocking docking bay they just undocked from while working out which trades to do next.
- [Beta 4] Fixed managers being mysteriously removed.
- [Beta 4] Fixed build processes taking longer than they should.
- [Beta 4] Fixed shipyards and equipment docks repairing all damaged components if only hull repairs are ordered.
- [Beta 4] Fixed shipyards and equipment docks failing to repair wrecked surface elements.
- [Beta 4] Fixed shipyards not processing queue if they are unable to build first queued ship.
- [Beta 4] Fixed some subordinates getting lost after loading older savegames (new feature in 3.00).
- [Beta 4] Fixed wrong class names in player alert interface (new feature in 3.00).
- [Beta 4] Fixed launched defence drones getting assigned to subordinate groups (new feature in 3.00).
- [Beta 4] Fixed inability to assign ships to trade for build storage (problem introduced in 3.00).
- [Beta 4] Fixed possible duplicate rewards for board ship mission.
- [Beta 4] Fixed double-clicking object in internal storage not correctly panning map to it.
- [Beta 4] Fixed empty Ship Request menu in certain situations e.g. all external docks occupied.
- [Beta 4] Fixed ships showing empty holes instead of docking bays in Ship Configuration menu.
- [Beta 4] Fixed internally-stored subordinates sometimes not being listed in Object List.
- [Beta 4] Fixed Ship Interactions menu not working in ultra-wide resolutions.
- [Beta 4 HF1] Fixed duplicate entries in Object List (problem introduced in 3.00).
- [Beta 4 HF1] Fixed interface for turret mods on S and M ships (problem introduced in 3.00).
- [Beta 4 HF1] Fixed subordinates all being set to Defend on load (ships already incorrectly set to Defend must be changed manually) (problem introduced in 3.00).
- [Beta 4 HF2] Fixed turret group mods missing after loading a save (new feature in 3.00).
- [Beta 5] Fixed some cases where autopilot aborted prematurely.
- [Beta 5] Fixed AI ships and autopilot sometimes aborting travel mode for no reason at all.
- [Beta 5] Fixed ships sometimes warping to extreme distances when accidentally entering gate.
- [Beta 5] Fixed boarding pods sometimes flying to random location before moving to their target.
- [Beta 5] Fixed laser towers and mines deployed by player as part of mission not changing ownership.
- [Beta 5] Fixed turrets sometimes shooting at targets that are not valid for their mode.
- [Beta 5] Fixed collector drones failing to transfer inventory items collected to captain of launching ship (new feature in 3.00).
- [Beta 5] Fixed currently-deployed defence drones set to escort moving to dock if defence drones are armed (new feature in 3.00).
- [Beta 5] Fixed player-owned ships sometimes pursuing targets acquired while on long-distance movement to beyond their engagement area.
- [Beta 5] Fixed boarding ships with turrets continuing to fire on boarding target below hull threshold in retaliation to being fired upon.
- [Beta 5] Fixed long-term deadlock caused by capital ships restocking at fleet auxiliary ships that do not have enough resources.
- [Beta 5] Fixed fleet subordinates waiting indefinitely for commander to cross gate that commander no longer intends to cross (new feature in 3.00).
- [Beta 5] Fixed fleets getting stuck after going through gates in some cases if fleet commander is attacking target in distant sector (new feature in 3.00).
- [Beta 5] Fixed ships waiting a very long time for subordinates to dock when they have already done so.
- [Beta 5] Fixed assigned ships not being able to be manually ordered to trade with build storage of new stations.
- [Beta 5] Fixed non-player-owned ships never trying to shoot at missiles.
- [Beta 5] Fixed Behemoth not being able to equip L-sized missile turrets.
- [Beta 5] Fixed launch tubes of Nomad resupply ship.
- [Beta 5] Fixed cases of large red walls appearing inside some corridors.
- [Beta 5] Fixed Ion weapons requiring only general use equipment licence.
- [Beta 5] Fixed very long stations (usually those whose station icon is at one end) sometimes not firing upon targets.
- [Beta 5] Fixed item traders on player-owned stations sometimes not appearing or always being Scale Plate Pact.
- [Beta 5] Fixed some ships not uncovering map.
- [Beta 5] Fixed best marines of a specified rank sometimes not being selected for boarding operations.
- [Beta 5] Fixed managers and ship traders on player-owned stations sometimes being missing from rooms.
- [Beta 5] Fixed case of invisible NPCs on stations.
- [Beta 5] Fixed player-owned stations seeming to transfer 0 Credits to player account.
- [Beta 5] Fixed station modules sometimes not repairing to 100%.
- [Beta 5] Fixed Trading Stations not being rebuilt.
- [Beta 5] Fixed workforce providing full efficiency bonus when workforce capacity was maxed out regardless of optimal workforce requirements.
- [Beta 5] Fixed discrepancies in boarding strength and marine numbers when ships marines are launched from are destroyed or removed from an ongoing boarding operation.
- [Beta 5] Fixed crew transfer failing between two ships docked at different dock areas at same station (new feature in 3.00).
- [Beta 5] Fixed crew transfer using boarding pods in one direction and escape pods in other (new feature in 3.00).
- [Beta 5] Fixed signal leaks appearing on Kha'ak/Xenon stations.
- [Beta 5] Fixed some interior doors opening into empty space.
- [Beta 5] Fixed game starts not being unlocked during story-line.
- [Beta 5] Fixed switching subordinate group Launched/Docked status using Loadout tab of commander Info Menu not doing anything (new feature in 3.00).
- [Beta 5] Fixed Show Ship Details comm option not showing Info menu when conversation was started from map.
- [Beta 5] Fixed missing weapon aim indicators for certain weapons (problem introduced in 3.00).
- [Beta 5] Fixed weapon aim indicators not being visible when cockpit rendering is turned off.
- [Beta 5] Fixed weapon aim indicators sometimes being much too large.
- [Beta 5] Fixed default order not being shown on map if there are no other orders.
- [Beta 5] Fixed undamaged hull values on ships with hull mods sometimes showing as 99%.
- [Beta 5] Fixed wrecked stations being listed in Object List and Property Owned.
- [Beta 5] Fixed wrecks on map not turning grey when faction colours are enabled (new feature in 3.00).
- [Beta 5] Fixed station modules being listed under engine category in Encyclopedia (problem introduced in 3.00).
- [Beta 5] Fixed map pan stuck to mouse cursor in certain situations (problem introduced in 3.00).
- [Beta 5] Fixed floating capital ship bridges in Ship Configuration menu.
- [Beta 5] Fixed missing station module info in Station Build menu.
- [Beta 5] Fixed wrong tool tip for buy offer amounts in Logical Station Overview.
- [Beta 5] Fixed incorrect number of owned ships in Statistics menu.
- [Beta 5] Fixed missing text when hiring builder with insufficient funds.
- [Beta 5] Fixed incorrect buy/sell amounts for products and resources that used to be trade wares.
- [Beta 5] Fixed incorrect results and menu crashes when using sliders for crew tiers when upgrading ships.
- [Beta 5] Fixed menu crash when accessing some context menus in ultra-wide resolutions.
- [Beta 5] Fixed menu crash in Logical Station Overview when building production for wares that used to be trade wares.
- [Beta 5] Fixed menu crash in Ship Configuration menu under certain circumstances.
- [Beta 5] Fixed sound problems with beam weapons.
- [Beta 5] Fixed sounds of some weapons starting too early if fired after overheating.
- [Beta 5 HF1] Fixed L-sized turrets firing bullets belonging to destroyer primary weapons.
- [Beta 6] Fixed message about missing Builder ship from Station Build menu if no Builder ship actually needed.
- [Beta 6] Fixed stations with automatic unit settings sometimes dismantling units and working with a reduced amount.
- [Beta 6] Fixed ships sometimes ignoring certain highways for in-sector travel.
- [Beta 6] Fixed subordinates set to Docked sometimes responding to attacks directed at other members of their fleet but not at them (new feature in 3.00).
- [Beta 6] Fixed fleet subordinates set to Docked getting stuck trying to dock when docking not possible (new feature in 3.00).
- [Beta 6] Fixed displayed speed being too low in some highways.
- [Beta 6] Fixed weapons not properly activating or deactivating when assigned to both primary and secondary groups.
- [Beta 6] Fixed ships doing damage with forward-mounted weapons to targets not in front of them when in low attention.
- [Beta 6] Fixed attacking capital ships getting distracted by attacking fighters.
- [Beta 6] Fixed stations not ordering components to build turrets if no other module changes are made.
- [Beta 6] Fixed docked ship that player just relinquished control of waiting for player to tell it to proceed even if ship's current order does not require it to undock.
- [Beta 6] Fixed subordinates in a subordinate group set to Docked not docking (new feature in 3.00).
- [Beta 6] Fixed potential cause of friendly NPC factions attacking each other due to accidental friendly fire.
- [Beta 6] Fixed cases where NPCs assigned to objects do not arrive and remain missing.
- [Beta 6] Fixed upkeep missions to assign crew not completing until crew take control.
- [Beta 6] Fixed pirates hacking station storage not reacting to cover being blown or station being destroyed.
- [Beta 6] Fixed cargo drones failing to transfer inventory items in collected crates to their drone commander's captain.
- [Beta 6] Fixed capital ships doing little or no damage in low attention under certain conditions.
- [Beta 6] Fixed more cases of ships ending up very far from the centre of their sector.
- [Beta 6] Fixed several cases of docking guidance going through station geometry.
- [Beta 6] Fixed docking guidance not being visible when loading a savegame.
- [Beta 6] Fixed various issues with mission guidance on stations.
- [Beta 6] Fixed case where player ship could suddenly change rotation when opening map.
- [Beta 6] Fixed info menu failing to load if viewing a ship that has more cargo stored than it has storage space for.
- [Beta 6] Fixed Station Build menu only showing first digit of number of modules (new feature in 3.00).
- [Beta 6] Fixed missing error colours in the shopping list for ship upgrades (problem introduced in 3.00).
- [Beta 6] Fixed another case of map getting stuck to cursor (problem introduced in 3.00).
- [Beta 6] Fixed repeated voice lines when talking to the flight instructor several times (new feature in 3.00).
- [Beta 6] Fixed savegame names not auto-generating correct location name after overwriting a save once (existing savegames will not be fixed automatically).
- [Beta 6] Fixed wrong blueprint error in Ship Build menu after returning from encyclopedia.
- [Beta 6] Fixed Ship Interactions menu not working in certain circumstances.
- [Beta 6] Fixed cases where text could be stuck on screen in first person mode.
- [Beta 6] Fixed cases where crosshair was missing in first person person mode.
- [Beta 6] Fixed silent failure when saving very large savegames.
- Fixed short freeze when opening the station build menu in some cases.
- Fixed very rare freeze condition.
- [Beta 6] Fixed causes of several performance issues in specific circumstances.
- [Beta 3] Fixed regular pauses under certain Linux configurations.
- [Beta 3] Fixed several causes of minor memory leaks.
- [Beta 6] Fixed several causes of crashes.