X4 Foundations

Witnessed a fantastic assault on a station last night orchestrated by the HOP faction, just happened to fly up to an Argon station in one of the Second Contact sectors.

...I was meant to be landing at the station to pick up an NPC for a mission but as I saw HOP laying siege to the station with multiple well armed ships I decided to sit back and watch.

It was a shame the mission got cancelled as they blew up the docking platform that my client was waiting on... however I did manage to pick up a free Nemesis Vanguard as I saw one of the HOP ships had spilt off from the fleet and was badly damaged, chipped away at their ship with a few quick bursts from my Falcon and they abandoned ship so I thought why not. Saw a few of the HOP ships went red after I attacked one of their ships but had plenty of time to get the ship out and back to my PHQ.

Next time I must remember to either take some screen shots or record a quick video clip as it was a fun scene to watch unfold - it reminded me of the old days, running with fleets in EVE Online and dropping a wing on top of a carrier.
Witnessed a fantastic assault on a station last night orchestrated by the HOP faction, just happened to fly up to an Argon station in one of the Second Contact sectors.

...I was meant to be landing at the station to pick up an NPC for a mission but as I saw HOP laying siege to the station with multiple well armed ships I decided to sit back and watch.

It was a shame the mission got cancelled as they blew up the docking platform that my client was waiting on... however I did manage to pick up a free Nemesis Vanguard as I saw one of the HOP ships had spilt off from the fleet and was badly damaged, chipped away at their ship with a few quick bursts from my Falcon and they abandoned ship so I thought why not. Saw a few of the HOP ships went red after I attacked one of their ships but had plenty of time to get the ship out and back to my PHQ.

Next time I must remember to either take some screen shots or record a quick video clip as it was a fun scene to watch unfold - it reminded me of the old days, running with fleets in EVE Online and dropping a wing on top of a carrier.

Started a new game with the Teladian start, just to have the 2.6 & 3.0 mechanics working from the start of the game and not half way.
Things are different must stay. Game gets more exciting. :D
@suenstar on my new Teladi start last night, decided to have a trip around just for fun. On the ARG system west of Silent Witness, there is a XEN station next to the gate cluster. And said cluster because there are 2 gates withing few kilometers distance, one leading to Silent Witness the other to XEN space.
The battle there near the gates on top of the highway is massive. Dozens of ships per side, with a lot of capital ships. You can sit few km away and enjoy the fireworks from all the capital ships guns blasting.
I am going tomorrow to record one of the battles either ARG vs XE or TEL vs XE, which are huge with multiple destroyers getting blasted at close distance also.

However someone else posted battle PAR vs HOP at long range.

That game impresses me more and more with the 3.0 beta patch
3.0 Beta 4 is upon us with a list of fixed
[Beta 4] Added option to move order positions up and down on map.

[Beta 4] Added visible capital ship geometry on map when zoomed in sufficiently.

[Beta 4] Added option to define multiple object classes and owners for player alerts (new feature in 3.00).

[Beta 4] Added option to install weapon mods on turret groups.

[Beta 4] Added option to filter player-owned trade offers on map.

[Beta 4] Added option to show faction colours instead of relation colours on map.

[Beta 4] Added option to give orders to currently-occupied player-owned ship in external view when not controlling that ship.

[Beta 4] Added confirmation when remapping controls for which there are conflicts.

[Beta 4] Changed faction colours to make them easier to distinguish.

[Beta 4] Changed glass properties to avoid excessive glare.

[Beta 4] Improved in-game tutorials.

[Beta 4] Improved station construction display to only show lines to two closest compatible connections.

[Beta 4] Improved chance of mission rewards including mod parts or seminars at high faction relation levels.

[Beta 4] Improved layout of full crew list in Crew Info menu with sorting and context menu.

[Beta 4] Improved glow effect for ship and station lights.

[Beta 4] Fixed ships sometimes failing to stop firing on former targets (problem introduced in 3.00).

[Beta 4] Fixed Kha'ak equipment being used by NPC ships and stations (problem introduced in 3.00).

[Beta 4] Fixed turrets doing very low damage when player is not present (problem introduced in 3.00).

[Beta 4] Fixed turrets from generated presets not being applied.

[Beta 4] Fixed new surface element damage weapon mods not being unlockable by research.

[Beta 4] Fixed repair laser causing shield recharge to reset.

[Beta 4] Fixed patrolling ships getting distracted by empty station plots.

[Beta 4] Fixed fleet subordinates sometimes failing to dock at their fleet commander.

[Beta 4] Fixed trading ships blocking docking bay they just undocked from while working out which trades to do next.

[Beta 4] Fixed managers being mysteriously removed.

[Beta 4] Fixed build processes taking longer than they should.

[Beta 4] Fixed shipyards and equipment docks repairing all damaged components if only hull repairs are ordered.

[Beta 4] Fixed shipyards and equipment docks failing to repair wrecked surface elements.

[Beta 4] Fixed shipyards not processing queue if they are unable to build first queued ship.

[Beta 4] Fixed some subordinates getting lost after loading older savegames (new feature in 3.00).

[Beta 4] Fixed wrong class names in player alert interface (new feature in 3.00).

[Beta 4] Fixed launched defence drones getting assigned to subordinate groups (new feature in 3.00).

[Beta 4] Fixed inability to assign ships to trade for build storage (problem introduced in 3.00).

[Beta 4] Fixed possible duplicate rewards for board ship mission.

[Beta 4] Fixed double-clicking object in internal storage not correctly panning map to it.

[Beta 4] Fixed empty Ship Request menu in certain situations e.g. all external docks occupied.

[Beta 4] Fixed ships showing empty holes instead of docking bays in Ship Configuration menu.

[Beta 4] Fixed internally-stored subordinates sometimes not being listed in Object List.

[Beta 4] Fixed Ship Interactions menu not working in ultra-wide resolutions.
FYI those interested, PHQ manager office has Christmas decorations up, at lease on 3.0 beta 4.
Really liking all the improvements in 3.0 that they've made so far.

Started the construction of my second station yesterday evening, setting up a spice production station in Nopileos' Fortune... also planning on it having a secondary purpose of being a landing pad for the majority of my small ships when they're not assigned to anything.

Finding that mining is working well for profits early game.

Just need to up my standing with the Teladi a little more so that I can increase my rank and unlock some more blueprints.

Spotted two happy individuals in a Teladi station celebrating as well...
Really liking all the improvements in 3.0 that they've made so far.

Started the construction of my second station yesterday evening, setting up a spice production station in Nopileos' Fortune... also planning on it having a secondary purpose of being a landing pad for the majority of my small ships when they're not assigned to anything.

Finding that mining is working well for profits early game.

Just need to up my standing with the Teladi a little more so that I can increase my rank and unlock some more blueprints.

Spotted two happy individuals in a Teladi station celebrating as well...

Which start do you play atm?
I went with the Untested Explorer my start.
It sounded the most accurate to how I play, mostly flying around without a real goal and seeing what I can find.

I have found the Teladi start been the most entertaining. Not because you play an immortal lizard, but the station you own at Hewa's is great money & time sink (initially) while grabbing for free the best* frigate in game at the very start can put you ahead pretty quickly from the Boso Ta campaign.

*due to the turret layout

Atm started a new campaign with 3.0b3/4. And slowly expanding the station to produce Nostrop Oil and Spacefuel.
Simply because the Sunrise Flower is already been built which needs Energy Cells & Water.
Solar panels cover energy cells and ice to water converter resolves the other ingredient.

Having energy & water can grow also Spices, so mixing Spices & Sunrise flower we get Nostrop Oil the food used on TEL & MIN stations.

Since having Water & Energy can produce Wheat, which with water and energy produces Spacefuel. :D

And everything is legal in this Teladi sector, even Spaceweed :D

Going also to convert PHQ to the above for Nostrop Oil, Space fuel & Spaceweed and that would be easier as PHQ is in the middle of an ice belt.

Good profiiitssss to you. :D
While waiting a Buzzard to dock on the Osprey, couldn't stop myself take few screenshots with the new lighting 3.0b4 brought to the game.



While in some sectors you might pick the wrong gate :D

This game might not be Elite with mods, but at times looks amazing tbh.
I did debate on switching to the Teladi start with 3.0 but ended up settling on repeating the Explorer one because I prefer being a Human.
Still debating on whether I want to support the HOP war efforts or hinder them, on one hand they're one of my main buyers for resources but on the other hand they hate everyone else... at the moment I'm toying with them, by making them like me a little bit and then stealing one of their ships to return my standing back to somewhere between -3 and 1. They seem to get a lot of low morale pilots, so I find their ships some of the easiest to force them to abandon ship.

Some nice screenshots that show off how well they've done with the lighting and effects, though that last one irritates me ever so slightly because the the "deactivate steering mode" notification.
My brain is screaming to go into the settings and turn off the control mode messages.
I did debate on switching to the Teladi start with 3.0 but ended up settling on repeating the Explorer one because I prefer being a Human.
Still debating on whether I want to support the HOP war efforts or hinder them, on one hand they're one of my main buyers for resources but on the other hand they hate everyone else... at the moment I'm toying with them, by making them like me a little bit and then stealing one of their ships to return my standing back to somewhere between -3 and 1. They seem to get a lot of low morale pilots, so I find their ships some of the easiest to force them to abandon ship.

Some nice screenshots that show off how well they've done with the lighting and effects, though that last one irritates me ever so slightly because the the "deactivate steering mode" notification.
My brain is screaming to go into the settings and turn off the control mode messages.

Yeah tend to ignore it :D

While helping mop the 10 destroyers that the Teladi fleet was fighting the last several hours, took a screenshot what was happening to the Xenon carrier when the lizards cornered it alone. Btw that defense platform succeeded to be built, after several failed tries.

Shame imgur compresses the files so much thus reducing their quality. On the actual game the image is gorgeous. (Taken from the dock area of the frigate)

Last week had started as Paranid, but hadn't played much after the PHQ quest. Yesterday and today played few hours.
At one point as I was returning from a PAR guild/War mission saw a HOP destroyer blasting a PAR defense platform.
For the fun of it decided to take the Odyssey Sentinel head on. Up to now, was attacking only Xenon destroyers, never tried to capture a normal one.
So after taking out every module and attacking with my marines took it.

Then took me good 2 hours trying to figure out how to make it move. :D
Had to move all available service personnel from the frigate, then go grab another load of 20 to drop them to the Odyssey which was stranded in the middle of space getting attacked often.

When managed to get the pilot dock it to the PAR Equipment stations at Trinity, literally "upgrading" the ship ended up giving me 7mil credits :D
It had the level 3 travel engines, which cost a small fortune for barely few hundred metres per second more speed.

Now is ready with 3 L Plasma cannons, it's own guns and full complement of M size Beams. Going to get it a frigate and a full complementof S size heavy fighters, making it a small carrier on it's own :D
I just need to finish Fallen Jedi then I’ll pop in and try 3.0 - it may even be out of beta by then. Looking forward to the expansion.

The game is amazing far beyond what might thing of.

With 2.6 but especially 3.0 the wars improvements, feels more alive.

On my current game (Teladi start) have helped the Teladi push back the Xenon from Ianamus Zura IV invasion numerous times.
At one point the system was clean for few hours the Teladi pushing to Matrix 451.

However last hour, the Xenon seems have upgraded their ships and coming harder. Up to now my very well equipped Osprey was capable to take down a Xenon destroyer and withstand damage until take out the towers. Not any more. The Osprey is just 3 salvos lasting a mere 10 seconds!!!!

Placed the order for a Phoenix Sentinel, packed with drones and 40 Buzzard sentinels to dock on it for support. A big investment (75 mil) but they are going down. Need to clean up this system give me time to build a defense platform.
Reason is Xenon started camping the trade station and killed my interceptor which had made me tens of millions now by collecting their left overs.
(at one point had gathered over 300 eggs with gazillion other things)

Yahandis Dasinos Rusiris VII will be avenged :D
Some might not understand was I was talking about 2 posts above. Pictures might help.
My brand new Phoenix bridge

And the station mass producing the support fleet. 40 Buzzards fully geared getting manufactured to be docked asap to the Phoenix.

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Decided on the Paranid start, to take an early save just after got the Boron to the base and ally HOP to see their perspective.

Apparently, given all the 3 sides dialogues had to do up to now, HOP are the good guys.
Why I say that.
Argon (ARG/ANT) always were at war with Paranids trying to push the later out of their space. When the gate travel collapsed the Paranids decided to put a new Pontifex as leader. When the gate travel resumed, many of the Paranids (PAR) decided to join the homeworld. While the rest (HOP) who wanted independence stick to their current leader.
PAR not liking that, attacked HOP but couldn't go anywhere, so they promised HOP space to ARG/ANT if they join the war. That is why also both ANT & ARG reps mumbling why they joined the PAR - HOP civil war.
And everything is legal in this Teladi sector, even Spaceweed :D

One of my tricks from the older games was to setup a Spaceweed factory in a sector were it was illegal, grab a police licence and scan ships as they left my Spaceweed factory. At that point I would threaten them with force to drop their cargo or get shot and then once they released their illegal contraband that I sold to them I would collect the weed and place it back in the station and resell it to next sucker! :D

I want to get this game once I've finished my house renovations, in X3 if you had lots of stations located in one sector the game would slow down to a crawl as the engine I think was only single threaded. I take this game can use more then one CPU core now? I would love to build a massive complex's to sustain my needs.
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