X4 Foundations

No idea what i was doing with building the hanger thing for the phq in my stream tonight, i tried my best but it doesnt really teach you about station building for it when ur on the boron quest, i didnt wana do the tutorial seperate as i dunno if it helps with the phq stuff like doing the hanger on it, do i need a peer or just stick it on the end i got a blueprint for luxary 3m6s from argon prime as had 19 rep with em which saves a lot vs a teladi +5 rep which they wanted 2mill and argon sold me it for 200k i think. I dunno why the constructor i hired didnt get any bloomin EC either, near end of stream i just noticed a solar planet section so just stuck it on side of hanger i placed dunno if thats what your suppose to do but i thought im not going to get fetch anything when i hired someone else to do it. Im lazy for a reason...

I noticed a xenon go in a teladi equip dock in the hanger itself and start shooting at docking ships i was like wtf lol. Got out sharpish.

Oh and when i did get the phq in the mission bloomin xenon group trying ti shoot it. Some locals fighter group tried to help but were defeated, gona have to get some ships docked for defence i think.

Oh i can get a dragon at frf, whats a good load out for good dmg but not run out of energy too quick, a lot of cool sounding guns i can put on, what are they all like, i was gona maybe do a mix cos default high preset came with missiles but i dont wana have to restock em all the time so just energy weapons gona do, also what is good for its turrets, flak or lazers or the other thing?
Version 3.10 HF1 Release (394166) - 2020-04-16
  • Fixed savegames stuck during bomb section of Hatikvah plot.
  • Fixed Dal Busta not being in correct story location in certain savegames based on Accomplished Scientist gamestart.
  • Fixed missing NPC in Premium Nividium mission.
  • Fixed Split Plot not progressing during Suspicious Split transport mission when destination is destroyed.
  • Fixed excessive wares required for final stage of Split plot.
  • Fixed By Invitation Only mission getting stuck in certain cases.
  • Fixed Paranid plot missions Supreme Interior Design and A Fearsome Flagship getting stuck under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed Hall of Justice station not repairing damaged modules.
  • Fixed station wrecks starting to rotate when fully destroyed.
  • Fixed ships warping thousands of kilometres after going through a gate.
  • Fixed fog of war not being uncovered reliably.
  • Fixed Explore order not working correctly.
  • Fixed non-working interactions in first person.
  • Fixed stuck map panning in certain situations.
  • Fixed third party mods combined with Split Vendetta resulting in ever-growing savegames with increasing numbers of stations.
  • Fixed several causes of crashes.
Might be easier for a new player to do the young gun start and follow the tutorial then as you try a few ships out and get used to em then you can decide on a split start as they are fast and powerful they do have weaker hull or shield vs other races so learn some survive-ability in more resilient ships first maybe.
The Foundations are rocky but managing. Needs more scaffolding and patching over the cracks that were left from a quick skim job early on. Its getting there tho.
Go to settings and select bodrerless window mode instead of full screen.

I do this so i can stream on twitch this game plus if i wana say check here but keep playing i just press windows key then switch to chrome while it plays in the background tho at a slower pace.
interger scaling is for pixel based games it has no effect on a game like x4. IS is ok i think if i switch from 1440p to 1080p but i use use my reshade profile i made instead as it smoothes jaggies miles better than ingame aa so ingame aa is off and ive made it more cinematic the lighting i think.
I don't use any.

Although one thing about the game that is really bugging me is getting repair drones intoy stations.

It doesn't seem to work as it's supposed to.

In theory all you need to do is set the station to buy drones in the logical overview, give it the cash to buy them and bingo, they should at some point appear.

Everything I've googled said this is all you should need to do.

However, I've done that and nothing...after easily 15+ hours of in game running time.

So Google more, some suggest it might be based on the management skill of the station manager, so I seminar him up to 3 stars, still nothing....

Ok, so try to take matters into my own hands, buy the smart chips and drone parts and energy cells which the station puts out an order for, trade the wares to the station, nothing......

Try to dock a capital ship with repair drones equipped to the station to transfer the drones from ship to station, except that fails as the station doesn't have cargo drones, so I'm back to square one.

Frustratingly, one of my stations did get the drones, but honestly can't remember exactly what I did in what order to achieve this.

Same, ive done the phq got the dock on it, noticed a screen about drones i try to buy some but it doesnt work it doesnt take my or the stations money. I dont have any staff for it, just got the dock a solar panel on and a storage bay thats all.

Atm cos it keeps getting under attack by few xenon or khack i bought 10 medium build teladi fighters from the nearest wharf set to a fleet then set to defend station, they dont seem to want to dock tho to save fuel (if they have any lol) or for loo breaks.
Out of curiosity, what is ventures ??

Its a thing where you get a ventures module on ur station it then lets u send a ship into someone elses game but you cant control it. Think of it on a long away mission and will return in so many hrs. You need a un modded game and setup a online login for it to work. You can get other ppls ships in ur game too, u can even kill em i think etc.
Are you clicking the leader of a wing and right clicking orders or use of the behaviours tab and u know what you do for automining well u can do other things with that which is fleet stuff like patrol or defence i think.
No idea what im building at my phq, its got a dock its got a spp on tho dunno if its actually making ec and no idea how to set the sell price or restrict it so the ec are not sold. Mission says expand spp so ordered another next to it and i think the 2 storage bays arnt done yet. Looked at logistical window but im no accountant or anything so the top part is confusing me and the bottom bit im not sure what to do there either. x2 was miles easier to set up a basic spp in seizewell back in the day, easy to use menus and neatly laid out.
I Just hope theres no more games after x4 as its engine is modern enough with vulkan, visuals can be improved as their skills develop with vulkan too. It could be better cpu optimised but a new engine wont help if they want full simulation of the economy imo. It can be fleshed out little by little. So hopefully all their dev time is on this game and not future engines and games. Instead just do a big dlc each year.
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