X4 Foundations

New Beta is up!! They have added the first of the new Improved fleet commands! Noice!

Version: 4.00 Beta 1 (418782) - 2020-11-17
  • [*]New Feature: Volumetric fog makes space look even better.
    [*]New Feature: Transaction Log for detailed breakdown of income and outgoings.
    [*]New Feature: Message system for important communications from NPCs.
    [*]Added Mark as Hostile option to Interact menu.
    [*]Added Fire Authorisation Overrides providing control over whether ships should attack other factions.
    [*]Added option to declare war on another faction.
    [*]Added option to have player-owned police collect or ignore crates dropped by apprehended smugglers rather than destroying them.
    [*]Added Assist assignment for subordinates of ships.
    [*]Added Coordinate Attack option for fleet commanders.
    [*]Added Interact Menu option to Claim abandoned ships with player-owned ships.
    [*]Added Escort missions.
    [*]Added area damage to capital ship engines exhaust.
    [*]Added audio and visual feedback when entering damaging area.
    [*]Added possibility for crew to bail when under attack by NPCs.
    [*]Added possibility for NPC factions to claim abandoned ships.
    [*]Added race information to Encyclopedia.
    [*]Added contested sector information to Object Info menu and Encyclopedia.
    [*]Added descriptions for licences and blueprints in faction representative menus.
    [*]Added information about sectors and blacklists to Trade menu.
    [*]Added shield recharge delay info to Encyclopedia.
    [*]Added separate entries for large and medium turrets in encyclopedia.
    [*]Added sunlight information to sector encyclopedia entries and Plot Management menu.
    [*]Added research and associated resources to Logical Station Overview.
    [*]Added information about equipment compatibility to Ship and Station Configuration menus.
    [*]Added information about workforce efficiency and changes to Logical Station Overview menu.
    [*]Added plot licence price display while placing new station plot.
    [*]Added links to Encyclopedia for important items in mission objectives.
    [*]Added object ID code to upkeep mission list.
    [*]Added option to lock paint modifications per ship excluding them from changes to default.
    [*]Added setting for default ship weapon and turret behaviour.
    [*]Added construction plan shuffle option to player HQ.
    [*]Added additional support to navigate complex menus (e.g. map) with controller or keyboard.
    [*]Added ability to store crew information alongside saved loadouts (only applied when building new ships).
    [*]Added ability to store weapon mode and ammo settings with saved loadouts and apply them in ship build/upgrade process.
    [*]Added option to set preferred build method.
    [*]Added sync point management to Object Behaviour menu.
    [*]Added message when quick-save fails due to saving not being possible.
    [*]Added optional warning about modified game client.
    [*]Improved Kha'ak presence and behaviour.
    [*]Improved behaviour of pirates hacking station storage.
    [*]Improved behaviour of subordinates in fleets with fleet auxiliary ships to prefer those ships for resupply.
    [*]Improved mining AI to better balance travel distance and resource yields between local and remote sectors.
    [*]Improved station-based miners working for stations that require more than one mineable ware.
    [*]Improved cases where ships preferred highways too much over direct route.
    [*]Improved flight movement for ships docking on capital ships.
    [*]Improved player-owned drone behaviour so that inventory items are transferred directly to player when docking at player ship.
    [*]Improved balancing of relation penalty on destruction of drones and laser towers.
    [*]Improved shipyard generation to provide more dock capacity for medium ships (new game only).
    [*]Improved handling of ships sold by player to ensure their new owner recovers resources.
    [*]Improved workforce balancing by increasing both impact of local population and effect on production.
    [*]Improved build plot price balancing by taking into account sector population.
    [*]Improved external camera behaviour when target is destroyed.
    [*]Improved display of mission trade offers in trade context menu
    [*]Improved news notifications about faction activity to filter by local area unless war subscriptions are in place.
    [*]Improved scrolling of multi-line texts in menus with controller and keyboard.
    [*]Improved tooltip when trying to reassign for busy ship traders.
    [*]Improved mission icons.
    [*]Removed Interact menu option to follow ship (still available as default behaviour).
    [*]Removed Interact menu option to protect station (still available as default behaviour, or assign to station instead).
    [*]Fixed ships warping when exiting local highway while player is inside same highway.
    [*]Fixed S/M ships not able to approach and dock properly on enclosed docking bays.
    [*]Fixed ships sometimes not being able to dock on capital ships.
    [*]Fixed ships holding up docks for long periods of time.
    [*]Fixed AI orders and player teleport sometimes not considering sector to be in range.
    [*]Fixed AI ships sometimes taking longer route than they should.
    [*]Fixed Attack subordinates sometimes not attacking their commander's target.
    [*]Fixed attacking combat ships halting or fleeing in response to police ordering them to halt.
    [*]Fixed boarding ships launching extra empty boarding pods if they are already ready to launch at start of operation.
    [*]Fixed skilled marines causing more damage when claiming than marines with less skill.
    [*]Fixed changes to defence drone modes not registering when defence drones are disarmed.
    [*]Fixed claiming of abandoned ships with marines.
    [*]Fixed efficiency bonus from workforce not being applied if productions were not running during shift change.
    [*]Fixed idling ships sometimes wandering off.
    [*]Fixed ships retrieved from storage sometimes being rotated by 180 degrees.
    [*]Fixed miners subordinate to stations in hostile sectors refusing to work in their commanders' sectors.
    [*]Fixed subordinates set to supply fleet not getting appropriate assignment if set via order queue menu.
    [*]Fixed turrets on ship that player is personally flying firing on wrecks.
    [*]Fixed ware transfer sometimes stalling when involving one ship docked at another.
    [*]Fixed weapons sometimes recovering from overheating too late.
    [*]Fixed cases of many NPC subordinate ships being ordered at shipyards but never assigned to commander.
    [*]Fixed ship traders getting stuck indefinitely attempting to build costly ships.
    [*]Fixed software upgrades on resupply ships not starting.
    [*]Fixed Black Marketeers sometimes not having correct race for their faction.
    [*]Fixed faction representatives not being respawned after loading certain older savegames.
    [*]Fixed Split character sometimes being placed in cockpit floor in Fires of Defeat gamestart.
    [*]Fixed HQ manager in Accomplished Scientist gamestart sometimes being invisible Kha'ak or Xenon character.
    [*]Fixed incorrect hints in Flight School when playing with configuration of multiple joysticks or controllers.
    [*]Fixed success criteria in sabotage mission.
    [*]Fixed already opened core-shield switching to closed when loading savegame in Paranid storyline.
    [*]Fixed game freezing if fulfilling mission by delivering fleet that is directly subordinate to player.
    [*]Fixed missing guidance to mission character in End of Terrorism/Oppression missions under certain circumstances.
    [*]Fixed NPC ships avoiding player during payment objective of End of Oppression/Terrorism Split story mission.
    [*]Fixed multiple crew delivery missions reacting to delivering NPC.
    [*]Fixed Split Vs Argon mission referencing Paranid ship types.
    [*]Fixed Abort Mission button wrongly appearing enabled under certain circumstances.
    [*]Fixed Ships in Construction entries showing 1:00 as time left when completed.
    [*]Fixed broken safe deposit storage menu when closing it under certain circumstances.
    [*]Fixed cut-off Ship Interactions menu under certain circumstances.
    [*]Fixed cut-off encyclopedia descriptions.
    [*]Fixed highlight visitor setting turning off in certain situations.
    [*]Fixed licence icon in ship selection of Ship Build menu disappearing sometimes.
    [*]Fixed misplaced sorting arrow in Load Game menu.
    [*]Fixed missing icons in certain menus with specific resolution, UI scale and language combinations.
    [*]Fixed overlapping texts in player info box in upper left corner of some menus.
    [*]Fixed menu crash in Crew Information menu in certain situations.
    [*]Fixed missing warning when trying to trade with station that only has capital ship build modules.
    [*]Fixed mission guidance on Map not showing multiple objectives correctly.
    [*]Fixed order lines being shown on Map even if object icon is filtered out.
    [*]Fixed incorrect sorting of Map objects by name in certain cases.
    [*]Fixed wrongly aligned background elements in expanded flow-chart nodes.
    [*]Fixed rounding issues when truncating text.
    [*]Fixed Bling Bling achievement being granted by looking at encyclopedia.
    [*]Fixed station module and ship blueprints being available without any reputation restriction.
    [*]Fixed excessive credits sometimes being transferred to player when cancelling upgrade.
    [*]Fixed weapon cooldown delay re-starting when another weapon finishes cooling down.
    [*]Fixed ships with turrets that are in storage doing damage when the player is not present.
    [*]Fixed gates and superhighways sometimes being shown outside sectors on Map.
    [*]Fixed inability to interact in first person mode in certain savegames.
    [*]Fixed getting stuck in floor when in docked capital ship.
    [*]Fixed being able to fall off dock area of Zeus.
    [*]Fixed missing visual element on hackable console in security office.
    [*]Fixed parts of venture room vanishing depending on view angle.
    [*]Fixed flipped player logo on Asp.
    [*]Fixed incorrect colour on Paranid mass driver beam.
    [*]Fixed rolling character eyes.
    [*]Fixed stall on entering super-highway.
    [*]Fixed several causes of crashes.
I don't know if the X series has changed, or I have. But I'm struggling get into this one like X3, I had hundreds and hundreds of hours in that one...

The sectors don't feel as distinct, jumpdriving around was nicer than the highways, and the larger ships have uglier designs to compensate for the landing pads and modular weapons (struggling to figure out weapon types too). I liked the combat missions in X3 better too

It does feel like there's more potential for the late game, maybe it'll surpass X3 given enough time...
Grr was about to post that 4.0 beta was up but dirtybeat beat me to it lol.

Hoped taa would be in as been asking for it often enough but ah well. Vol fog should make space feel more like space now i guess. Hopefully they can improve on shadows too especially rendering distance so hq shadows show farther than a few meters from character instead of turning lq.

Worried about this email required thing they mentioned, hopefully its just for some mp thing i dont care about and wont affect sp offline mode.
Damn shame Ventures are disabled in the 4.0 beta, i'm really going to miss my exceptional mods. :(
There's no official release date yet, but it's rumoured to be no earlier than March 2021.

Oh man..............................:(

I remember earlier in the year they were saying Dec 2020 :(

Im not starting up again until it drops though, something to look forward to.
This is the game after X Rebirth right? I haven't played that since October 16th 2015! How different are the two, if that's the case?

In my opinion this game is much better and a the best X game by far. I did play some of the previous ones and got pretty far and ended up getting frustraited by things in the end game.

This over all is much better.
This is the game after X Rebirth right? I haven't played that since October 16th 2015! How different are the two, if that's the case?

You need a decent PC. Definitely 16Gb of RAM or your game will eventually become unplayable.

Can't speak for that Rebirth abomination, but I would second BUDFORCE and say this is also the best X game I've played.
Thought I would give X4 a try in the Xmas sale, figuring Egosoft by now in the lifecycle have usually tidied up the bugs.
Sadly very disappointed. Great difficulty getting it to set up with my Logitech 3D Pro joystick. The first tutorial I tried got stuck on one of the look around instructions.
After messing about for half an hour or so getting nowhere, refunded on Steam.

Sadly this seems to conclude my involvement with the X Universe. X3 TC and presumably AP don't have scaleable fonts when played on a 4K screen and I don't really fancy playing at a lower resolution. X-Rebirth last time I tried was also being awkward with the joysick and again doesn't scale the on screen fonts so they are readable at 4K.
I played this a little back in april last year. I tried Beta 4 version 4 this week and i noticed you have to buy anything smaller than L ship blueprints before i can buy an S or M class miner? Im sure it wasnt this way before? The blueprint is like a million credits. Im asking if this has changed this way since the Betas?
I started as a young gun and im sure last i played you could just go buy an M class miner for like 300K without the need to buy the blueprint first?

never mind was at a ship yard and not the wharf.
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  • New Feature: Terraforming!
  • New Feature: New Hostile relation status on map and HUD to indicate objects with which combat is likely.
  • Added shortcut to Research menu from HQ-related menus, e.g. Logical Station Overview.
  • Added Logbook tab to Object Information menu.
  • Added option to sort Object List by relation.
  • Added mining resource information to sector info menu and encyclopedia entries.
  • and more in patch notes

beta 5 out now
[Beta 5] Added shortcut to Research menu from HQ-related menus, e.g. Logical Station Overview.
[Beta 5] Added change override order option to Interact menu.
[Beta 5] Added Logbook tab to Object Information menu.
[Beta 5] Added tooltip for amount of reserved wares in ware exchange menu.
[Beta 5] Added player faction to blacklist options.
[Beta 5] Added option to sort Object List by relation.
[Beta 5] Added mining resource information to sector info menu and encyclopedia entries.
[Beta 5] Added option to Interact menu to remove current Dock and Wait order and resume default behaviour.
[Beta 5] Added comm option to ask pilots for way to next sector towards mission target (new feature in 4.00).
[Beta 5] Added missing Follow option for subordinate groups in Ship Interactions menu (new feature in 4.00).
[Beta 5] Added guaranteed completion rewards for all guild mission chains.
[Beta 5] Added mission offers for factions which are at enemy relations to player but not actively hostile.
[Beta 5] Added helpful ship computer warnings to Paranid story maze mission.
[Beta 5] Added ability for Duke's Buccaneers and Duke's Tempest to rebuild HQ.
[Beta 5] Added paint mod rewards to first Split plot investment mission.
[Beta 5] Added paint mod rewards to Paranid plot and subsequent diplomatic investment missions.
[Beta 5] Improved Kha'ak presence and behaviour (again).
[Beta 5] Improved laser tower targeting.
[Beta 5] Improved capital ship combat movement.
[Beta 5] Improved bailing of crew in NPC-vs-NPC case (new feature in 4.00).
[Beta 5] Improved relative resource distribution for ship-building stations.
[Beta 5] Improved disengaging from combat in response to relations with target improving to non-hostile level.
[Beta 5] Improved trade offer prioritisation when station does not have sufficient funds to pay for everything it needs.
[Beta 5] Improved behaviour of recon and police ships to reduce chances of investigating incidents away from densely-inhabited portions of sectors.
[Beta 5] Improved volume and variety of Trader's Corner music.
[Beta 5] Improved transaction log details text for ships selling at stations (new feature in 4.00).
[Beta 5] improved Extensions menu with more details and added toggle in extension list.
[Beta 5] improved layout of resource needs in Station Build menu.
[Beta 5] Improved balancing of Unfolded Potential and An Ethical Challenge missions by reducing requirements for crystals and sedatives.
[Beta 5] Improved balancing of The Mediators, The Insurgence, Fires of Fate and Declaration of Curbs missions by reducing fleet delivery requirements and power of enemy fleets.
[Beta 5] Improved clarity of conversation tooltip about requirements to start Paranid plot.
[Beta 5] Improved diversity of paint mod rewards between guild subscriptions.
[Beta 5] Improved Hatikvah story mission to scan data leak at Scale Plate station.
[Beta 5] Improved reputation rewards for Escalation path of Paranid story diplomatic missions.
[Beta 5] Removed option to drop cargo from units
[Beta 5] Removed Think map filter category and moved those entries to Other category.
[Beta 5] Removed laser towers from ship categories in Encyclopedia.
[Beta 5] Removed Coordinate Attack as default behaviour (new feature in 4.00).
[Beta 5] Fixed ware exchange option being available for ships with which docking is not possible.
[Beta 5] Fixed deceptive trade offer prices and amounts if trade offer information is out of date.
[Beta 5] Fixed NPCs appearing as full-screen background of Map menu under certain circumstances.
[Beta 5] Fixed Sell Ships menu not working when selling many ships (problem introduced in 4.00).
[Beta 5] Fixed scaling for New Default Behaviour context menu.
[Beta 5] Fixed Alert menu not being shown under certain circumstances.
[Beta 5] Fixed aim prediction for weapons on rotating objects.
[Beta 5] Fixed turret aiming against large targets.
[Beta 5] Fixed autopilot sometimes flying back into jumpgate it just exited.
[Beta 5] Fixed defence drones escorting ship not responding to attacks on their fleets.
[Beta 5] Fixed subordinates temporarily taken control over by player sometimes failing to reintegrate into their old command hierarchy.
[Beta 5] Fixed ships being built without any thrusters (problem introduced in 4.00).
[Beta 5] Fixed player-owned stations repeatedly transferring small amounts to player's account if last player-initiated cash transfer was much less than required operating budget.
[Beta 5] Fixed ships not attacking objects belonging to friendly or neutral factions when they have fire authorisation override to do so (new feature in 4.00).
[Beta 5] Fixed traders refusing to trade with blacklisted objects after having been given explicit trade order.
[Beta 5] Fixed automated traders trading with clients after they have moved to blacklisted sector.
[Beta 5] Fixed station-based traders restricting baskets to shortage wares that they are not authorised to trade.
[Beta 5] Fixed construction vessels remaining in unsafe locations when expanding station plots.
[Beta 5] Fixed construction vessels not disengaging when becoming enemy with assigned station.
[Beta 5] Fixed stations continuing to fire on targets that change ownership to non-hostile faction.
[Beta 5] Fixed docking platform corners not appearing on wharfs which also host faction representative (problem introduced in 4.00).
[Beta 5] Fixed ongoing research still allocating space for resources.
[Beta 5] Fixed NPC getting stuck in tool pickup loop.
[Beta 5] Fixed objects with hull values over 100%.
[Beta 5] Fixed Escape Plan mission sometimes stalling if left for too long.
[Beta 5] Fixed escape pods not launching in Hatikvah Breakdown mission.
[Beta 5] Fixed Split plot not progressing when Passenger gets lost during Rebellious Thralls mission.
[Beta 5] Fixed missing guidance to NPC during Suspicious Split mission in Split story.
[Beta 5] Fixed HQ story signal leak not appearing during specific phase of Hatikvah story.
[Beta 5] Fixed attacking drones in Hatikvah story not turning hostile to player as intended.
[Beta 5] Fixed deployed HQ construction vessels being left behind when warping HQ (new feature in 4.00).
[Beta 5] Fixed multiple repair satellite missions in trade subscription not progressing.
[Beta 5] Fixed By Invitation Only mission to speak to Dal Busta sometimes not having guidance.
[Beta 5] Fixed upkeep mission to assign construction vessel not appearing for newly planned stations.
[Beta 5] Fixed cases where targeting gate displayed triangular target element instead of rectangular one.
[Beta 5] Fixed cases of untargetable objects in first-person mode in certain cases (e.g. pilot chairs on newly constructed ships).
[Beta 5] Fixed cases of missing target elements (problem introduced in 4.00).
[Beta 5] Fixed guidance sometimes not being available when asking NPC for way to destination (problem introduced in 4.00).
[Beta 5] Fixed faction relation bar in target monitor not updating.
[Beta 5] Fixed being dragged into wall by cockpit hatch in Chimera and Asp.
[Beta 5] Fixed floating geometry on graphene production module.
[Beta 5] Fixed several misaligned surface elements.
[Beta 5] Fixed Tobii devices not being detected with recent Tobii drivers.
[Beta 5] Fixed several causes of performance issues.
[Beta 5] Fixed several causes of crashes.

Been on this since it dropped, i must say the graphics do seem nice and crisp.
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