**XBOX ONE** Official Thread

Although I dont agree with a lot of crap being posted, I can see MS being on the receiving end of DDOS attacks, or general hack attempts.. I mentioned it earlier in this thread.

Butthurt hackers will probably want a piece of them.
Although I dont agree with a lot of crap being posted, I can see MS being on the receiving end of DDOS attacks, or general hack attempts.. I mentioned it earlier in this thread.

Butthurt hackers will probably want a piece of them.

What did Sony do to warrant being hacked? I imagine MS are well used to hack attempts.

And what makes you the hackers spokesperson? maybe they like the new Xbox :)
1 I hate to say I told you so about the price.
I have been saying it would be around that for weeks,
Fooling yourself if you thought it would be anywhere near the 360's 280...

2 The graphics on the new witcher looked barely better than a late 360 game


4 I wish dice would learn to show me what I care about.. Multiplayer.

5 I actually thought that the titan thingy game looked alright, And least it had slightl different game play, But you could see how well they worked to make the player they recorded do everything, That was hilarious..
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