**XBOX ONE** Official Thread

Now that Sony have came out with their policies, there is no real reason that MS shouldnt change theirs. Clearly no issues with developers\publishers and DRM, otherwise both consoles would be the same.

C'mon MS, eat humble pie, change your ways and there will still be a chance for you :cool:

Of course MS will be listening to their customers on this and will react in about 2 years time
I'm still leaning towards the Xbone at the moment as the exclusives I really want (Dead Rising 3, Forza 5) are there. The inability to trade my games in isn't a huge deal for me (I don't really trade games any more, and it's no less restrictive than Steam is), but the having to be online is a minor concern. Sure my Internet is on 24/7, and in my time in my house I've never had an outage longer than a few hours, but that's not to say it won't happen if someone digs up the street and accidentily kills the phone lines. Hopefully MS will change their thoughts now that Sony effectively got a standing ovation for saying you can trade your games in and you won't need to go online.
That's the thing the games I want to play the most are on XB1.

Dead Rising 3, Forza 5, Titanfall. I simply don't want to miss these games.
Yup. I know I'll end up with both eventually, I always do, but if I had to get one at launch (which is by no means a certainty, though my birthday is in November), it will be the Xbone.
I cant see Microsoft changing -i personally dont really think the second hand thing is much of a concern for me, the concerns I have is kinect (been burned the first time and have no interest in this type of controller), the online checking and having a permanent camera in my living room.
I cant see Microsoft changing -i personally dont really think the second hand thing is much of a concern for me, the concerns I have is kinect (been burned the first time and have no interest in this type of controller), the online checking and having a permanent camera in my living room.

I am the opposite, Kinect and online checking are not concerning me, but the thought of spending £40-£50 on a game where there is no resale value is quite big, especially since renting games is out (for the time being).
Watched the stream yesterday, looks like some very impressive launch titles! I'll be pre-ordering one as soon as the Day One bundles popup. The price is higher than I'd like but nevermind! hopefully Amazon etc, will do some bundle games, would be nice to get the console and a couple of games for ~£500.

I'm not really a massive racing game fan but the new Forza looks brilliant, never played a Dead Rising game but this new one looks good. Ryse: Son of Rome looked really good too, but not sure if I'd like the play style.

During the PS4 stream, they showed a game called Watch Dogs which looked awesome, anyone know if that will be coming to Xbox One?

Can anyone provide a link with accurate information to how the DRM/trade-ins/lending etc works? seems all a bit of a mess and no one really knows at the moment!
I think they will have to backtrack to some extent or be clearer on the costs,
used games are used by a lot of people and so it will affect their console choice
Have they said no reselling? I thought it was reselling but the buyer has to pay a fee to the publishers/MS?

Not sure of the specifics, but sure I read you could give your game to only one other person (possibly without cost). After that the game cannot be traded.

Something like that :)

And it deletes from your hard drive as well once it is registered on another console.
From a software standpoint the X1 is in the lead for me by a long way. None of the PS4 exclusives excided me and I really don't like the PS controllers layout.
I wont be getting any on release as I will be playing GTA, COD and FIFA on my 360. Maybe next summer. Also Im going to wait till all the bugs come out and bite people. I can see another red ring of death or something on the horizon.
From a software standpoint the X1 is in the lead for me by a long way. None of the PS4 exclusives excided me and I really don't like the PS controllers layout.

This is my position also, prefer Sony's console but other then the hardware (minus controller) nothing at all excites me about it :/
I think both consoles look great, I like what I seen of games on the X1 more, yes DRM is gonna be on the X1 but I buy my games new so I shouldn't have a problem with it.

Now I seen a few posts back that somebody thinks EA will want DRM do you think it may sway games more to the X1?

I think the DRM maybe massive in terms of how this works out, surly the publishers will want it because they will make more money from it, after all there a business.
yes if the ps4 sell a ton more they will still wanna sell games on the system to, but if early on xbox get a load more exclusives will this persuade people to buy the console?
Well as previously stated if they both came out with DRM I was out but looks like Sony hasnt so I will be in that camp for a while at least.

Saying that I've had 4 Xboxs this gen (the previous 3 broke - 2 with the RROD) so wonder if they have stress tested this new design of whether either box is going to have design flaws

All I saw last night was a lot of talent in CGI but when it came to it most games were more of the same and nothing special.

Did like the look of the Tom Clancy game though
Anyone worked out the best pre-order yet? Amazon have to pay for delivery (bit of a joke!), ShopTo can't delivery to alternative address (work) and the official MS store looks like they want your moneys straight away! I want the Day One edition.
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