There's a new interview with Phil Spencer on Eurogamer
Some interesting points but this one stood out for me WRT Indie Games:
I'm under the impression that while dev's can put stuff on xbox arcade, they require some kinda stupid upfront fee to do so, its like $10k, or $40k or something silly, to get approved and tested or, I can't remember. I just got the impression they made it overly difficult for those really small guys on a shoe string budget making the tiny games which is why they seem to get deemed anti indie, who knows.
Shami if it wasnt me that would have been a great jump off point for someone
. Duck and weave
So what does less lag mean for games? What does finer granularity in movement mean for games?
Im not expecting you to answer this at all, but I swear Ive gone to Currys and someones selling me a Monster cable
EDIT: To explain myself better, Im just saying we all understand from a technical standpoint the improvements in Kinect, but Ive seen limited reasoning how those are features translate to gaming even with Rares game. Like the whole expression thing - when is that going to be used?
Yeah, I have no idea what people think will get better about Kinect, outside of more voice commands which could genuinely improve consoles, because you have less buttons on consoles vs keyboards and voice commands could add more commands to make a few more complex controlling methods. But the idea of putting your controller down to wave your arms around and then pick the controller back up again... lol. Kinect only games as yet, are a joke, either fitness/sports things that really aren't very good anyway, or your harry potter style utterly limited stuff.
Kinect/motion control is mostly a gimmick, when they can add motion control with holodeck stuff so you can actually hit something physically infront of you and feel the resistance...... epicness so far off the scale of awesome it can't even be described. Till then, its just waving your arms around like a numpty in pretty basic games.
Thing is the most important part of kinect, is the software, specifically the stuff for voice recognition, which is a £5 microphone, the rest is pretty worthless, another £5 camera so you can put your own face on characters and other completely pointless stuff, job done.
As you mentioned, Kinect has sold something like 30mil units, COD only sold 40mil units didn't it, most games sell well under 10mil, if someone made a killer Kinect title that was so awesome, they had 30 mil customers and could EASILY sell 5mil, but no one made that kind of kinect title because there is no real way to link controller gameplay with motion control, and you can't have much fast action of precision with motion control.
Maybe just maybe if we start adding different things together, bring back the old light guns, and couple that with kinect, so most of your game is shooting, but you can do grenades or squad commands with hand signals or specific movements, but then, how do you move. Light gun type games were computer controlled movement, because again how do you do carrying a gun, aiming it, but also holding a controller.....
Any which way you think about it you generally have to severely limit a games input to make motion control work, which is very clearly why most kinect/motion control games are very very limited, having every box with a kinect won't change that. Considering there won't even be 30mil Xbox ones sold for the next 3-4 years at least, the 360 kinect install base dwards the X1's potential kinect install base for years to come, its a nonsense argument that dev's need to be assured its available.