I'm sure someone has already brought this up, the only game shown at E3 that I thought 'oh man... I want that' was KI, but I'm not sure why on earth they made it pay per character. It's a pants idea.
I'm a fighting game freak, who does buy all the revamp versions of all the series that I like and will buy the odd new IP if it looks/reviewed good. The idea would be awesome if it was an old game re-skinned, so people who played the game before knows what characters they like and pay for those.
With it being a new engine and new game, how on earth do we know who we like without paying with them for first? It's not like there's arcades to play in anymore, it's unlikely that the shops will have all the characters and allow you try out and learn how that character works. A character might look awesome on paper or when you fight against them but be a turd to play with. So what happens when I pop round my mates house to play KI, would I be allowed to sign in to use my characters at the same time as he is sign in so he can use his, or will we have to drag our own xbone and tv around to play it on different consoles and accounts?!
Image there's a few of us, getting ready for a night out and we are wanting a few games of KI along with beers, it's going to be havoc, paying for characters that already been paid for on another account. And what normally happens is that certain characters veto or stopped getting used as a person is just too good with them, so we have to pay for more characters.
I'm not sure if they (m$) really thought this would save the gamer money or they will know it will make more money in the long run. But it looks like there be no KI for me, a lot of complete character packs purchased and lots of Jago experts at EVO 2014. It's a flawed idea, just make me pay £50 pounds for the whole game with it also purchasable on disc and I be more than happy.. Surely I'm there target market when it comes to this game?