**XBOX ONE** Official Thread

MS seem to be backtracking on a lot of things. Just a shame the GPU is up to 40% less powerful. Truth be told though I am almost swaying to get and Xbox on release but the PS4 will still be my main console....possibly.
I may be being a bell end here BUT what is the point of buying either if you already have a killer gaming pc??? I'm building my first gaming pc because I want better than what the ps4 or xb1 can offer??? or am I being totally wrong here??
I may be being a bell end here BUT what is the point of buying either if you already have a killer gaming pc??? I'm building my first gaming pc because I want better than what the ps4 or xb1 can offer??? or am I being totally wrong here??

For me its about the ease of gaming, sit back and pick up a controller. You can get straight into it without waiting for you computer to boot up and as you can't upgrade I know there will be no urges to fight and I can save some pennies.
For me its about the ease of gaming, sit back and pick up a controller. You can get straight into it without waiting for you computer to boot up and as you can't upgrade I know there will be no urges to fight and I can save some pennies.

What? A computer with a SSD would be faster to turn on and get into a game than any console :confused:

You can also sit back and pick a controller up as well. :p
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