**XBOX ONE** Official Thread


Oh boy. I know it could get fixed quickly and months could be sensationalist but FFS. It really is one thing after another. Let's all pray it's wrong.
Why are they going to individual game party systems? That sounds like the PS3 where they didnt have stuff as OS features and so suffered inconsistency compared to XBL features that were built in the 360. Finding that quote hard to believe...
There's that One which we can right off, and there's another more recent one however there's been a update that again it overheated when placed in a closed cabinet under the TV, was fine again when taken out.
Is that the French one where they were playing Knack?

ps3ud0 :cool:
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Why are they going to individual game party systems? That sounds like the PS3 where they didnt have stuff as OS features and so suffered inconsistency compared to XBL features that were built in the 360. Finding that quote hard to believe...

ps3ud0 :cool:
I agree, it does seem like a stupid move. Not saying I believe or disbelieve it, but MS were praised for the way their voice system worked on the 360, so I can't see why they'd change it for the One.
But if you believe what you read, J Allard did a great job with the 360, and the people who make this aren't 'gamers' so don't realise how/why it all fits like it does currently.

Davey, the OS on the road trip would probably not be linked into live, so those issues wouldn't show themselves. Most of the OS issues relate to party/invite stuff.
I agree, it does seem like a stupid move. Not saying I believe or disbelieve it, but MS were praised for the way their voice system worked on the 360, so I can't see why they'd change it for the One.

You know I've been very critical about XB1 and this even sounds bizarre to me. Why would they go backwards when they had the most refined online system last time around?

This rumour alone sounds unbelievable, but then again it is coming from a known decent source, so i am conflicted about this?

Still doesn't make sense to me..:confused:
With regards to the roadshow demos I read a few times that some were guided not to go into the OS as it would potentially crash the XO, so I wouldnt use that to cover the OS being completely stable (or that it is unstable for that matter - I think the public arent silly enough to not consider it as a work-in-progress).

As anti says, no ones really seen the whole article with XBL on it so its hard to guess what is happening, Id ignore rumours unless they start to snowball with multiple sources - sites want clicks...

ps3ud0 :cool:
You know I've been very critical about XB1 and this even sounds bizarre to me. Why would they go backwards when they had the most refined online system last time around?

This rumour alone sounds unbelievable, but then again it is coming from a known decent source, so i am conflicted about this?

Still doesn't make sense to me..:confused:

But if they re-wrote it for Azure, then it's not that hard to believe.

sites want clicks...

ps3ud0 :cool:

That they do, and this new generation launch is almost a licence to print money for them.
Is this referring to that one off where (as expected really) - a PS4 stuck inside a plastic box with no ventilation, switched off due to heat? - or are there further claims.......

They is another one that's doing the rumour mill at the moment.
That they do, and this new generation launch is almost a licence to print money for them.

Yup, this is why I tend not to believe rumours, simply because a lot of them will be designed to generate site traffic. I'm not saying none of the rumours are true, as I'm sure some of them are. I'd rather just wait and see things for myself. It's only just over 3 weeks to go now, so not long to wait.
But if they re-wrote it for Azure, then it's not that hard to believe.
Twaddle, XBL was originally written for a set of multiple servers to admin (the whole matching and the organisation of the OS XBL features, like party chat), so why would the XOs Thunderhead be any different? Outside of the whole 'cloud' hippy name venture, all it is is a set of boxes in multiple locations so its not that different at all...

ps3ud0 :cool:
With regards to the roadshow demos I read a few times that some were guided not to go into the OS as it would potentially crash the XO, so I wouldnt use that to cover the OS being completely stable (or that it is unstable for that matter - I think the public arent silly enough to not consider it as a work-in-progress).

If the issues are Live based then I can handle that. It's not ideal by any means, but I've always been more of a single player than a multiplayer gamer, so it won't really impact my gaming much, except for BF4.

I agree that the public would understand the console is still not a final build, and would forgive the odd problem. I do think though that if the OS itself was unstable while gaming, rather than some parts of the OS that people may or may not use, I don't think MS would've taken the console on tour. Having it crash every 30 minutes while the public play some games isn't a way you try and sell consoles.
You believed that?

Nah I was just fooling around. I'm getting both on release and which ever one I don't get on with, will be getting sold. I will he giving them both a chance. The rumors are disheartening but I'd rather get my hands on the consoles and come to my own judgement.
Nah I was just fooling around. I'm getting both on release and which ever one I don't get on with, will be getting sold. I will he giving them both a chance. The rumors are disheartening but I'd rather get my hands on the consoles and come to my own judgement.
You sticking to just one console this gen, or will you pick up whichever one you sell in a year or two?
They is another one that's doing the rumour mill at the moment.

The knack one in France? They said it was disk related.

The one in box was fine after the sony guy opened the case and let air in. Red line turned to blue. Seems they have a great fail system in place this time.
You sticking to just one console this gen, or will you pick up whichever one you sell in a year or two?

Soulja is the Duke of Doncaster. He always buys them all, then sticks with the xbox because that's what everyone plays. He then sells the rest to fund his KFC addiction. He gnaws on old chicken bones to quell Fifa rage and to stop him throwing another controller through a montior :p
So that rumour is basically saying no cross game chat? That was the best thing about the 360 imo id be shocked if that rumour is true things like this are big deals I wouldn't have gone with the PS4 if it didn't have that feature.
You sticking to just one console this gen, or will you pick up whichever one you sell in a year or two?

I'm unsure at the moment. I've had both current gen consoles from release but I hardly used the ps3. I think the game I played the most on it has been resident evil 2 from the ps1. I would like to keep both but it would be a wiser decision to sell the one I won't be playing as much and buy it back in a few years after a price drop.
I cancelled my PS4 order due to lack of release games that interested me. So I only have my XO left. But I really don't like some of these rumors going around, it does worry me a bit.

I've even been considering just dropping the XO pre-order and buy a WiiU instead :p then get the XO and/or PS4 after xmas. I'm not sure, £430 quid seems an awful lot of money just to play fifa 14 on :eek: .... and maybe a bit of Dead Rising :)
Read something about how although PS4 is running at a higher res, its still 900p upscaled to a 1080p output, with no AA support.
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