Ill post this in here as its were its mostly being discussed, from what ive read/heard/seen etc
Both versions of the games are still WIP, both are going to have patches at start for example XB1 is going to have AO of some sort added prob the same as PS4 version.
Both consoles are not full released versions of the hardware and these comparisons are not using final versions of the OS, and online services, things may change slightly, these comparisons seems to much like click bait to me.
Due to restrictions on said consoles most sites didn't managed to get decent footage, or didn't have time to adjust settings etc.
Some prefer the over sharp contrast image of the XB1 some prefer the PS4 more natural? image, reminds me a bit how some prefer the crushed blacks and extra vivid colours on a samoled display and some prefer a "cooler" LCD screen.
I don't think if you had both versions most wouldn't be able to notice much difference be the two, and if you prefer the sharper/darker/lighter/softer image most can be adjust via your TV settings.
Anyone recall how COD2 looked on the 360 launched? IW came along way in a few years, expect this gen to be the same, we'll look back at some of the early games and wonder how we played it lol.
The approx 50% more pixels being pushed on the PS4, may well be the norm for this gen, but as the PS3 had the poorer multiplats (mostly) and people still enjoyed the games most of this seems just to be console warriors trying to point score and doesn't really matter to the person playing the game.
Seems both sound they have their odd dips in framerate but seems PS4 is more consistent frame rate with the odd time the XB1 is better, who knows this may be equal for both on release, or maybe made worse for say adding the AO on the XB1 for example.
In the end most of this looks to be sites wanting to compare both platforms before launch under controlled conditions on unfinished software/hardware/OS. Im going to wait till they actually are released and we have some decent quality non youtube footage to judge and anyway does any gamer really care that much if there is a difference they cant really see anyway?