**XBOX ONE** Official Thread

Bloody hell, I didn't realise you had a sensible side! :p

Ha, I'm starting to feel sorry for the Xbox One. The bloody nose was enough, but these vultures want limbs, eyeballs and the shirt of your back!!

On the flip side, if the shoe was on the other foot you can all but guarantee a roll reversal, it's just the nature of these things.

Personally the extra grunt is a big+ for me, I want to take advantage of my HDTV and other hardware. I do like Sony exclusives and variety, your Gods of War, Heavy Rain, Last of US etc I like PS+ free games, I like the thought of remote play, i'm super excited by Gaikai, I think the touch pad will be awesome for non game stuff. I like the share button (cool idea) I like Sony as a company, their products and recent attitude change. And I have a few real life mates on PSN.

BUT I'm not blind to the excellent stuff MS have to offer (although for amusement I tend to ignore these) the UI looks brilliant, Snap mode is a killer feature, Kinect could be useful, HDMI pass through will be something I would use. Excellent games like Titanfall, DR3, Killer Instinct looks epic (that dynamic music boy!) and then you have possible heavy hitters like Halo (not a fan TBH but will give it another chance), Gears hopefully etc. You cant ignore the ease of use of Live, the pad is envious (I do really like the looks of it)

Now i'm in a position where I can buy both, so doesn't really bother me. If you can only buy 1 of the two consoles then it becomes a little bit difficult and must be a decision based of the whole picture rather than one piece of the pie.
As an aside, I think it's a real shame that this thread has descended into a power discussion again. With just over 3 weeks to launch, I'd much rather be discussing the games I want to play, or how I might want Kinect to evolve, or how I hope Xbox Snap will be used in the future. Instead we're still talking about the power of a system that hasn't even been released yet and is nowhere near mature enough to have any idea of just how much power it actually can produce.

It's inevitable though and these same discussions are being mirrored in many other forums / comment boards.
Apologies if this has already been covered, I haven't had time to catch up on the thread this morning yet.

I suppose we'll see how it pans out over time, however given what would appear to be the great quality of the XOs hardware scaler it will be interesting to see the final product.

Whilst it's fun to argue over numbers I tend to think the final judgement will be on how the game plays and looks. If running at 720p and using a decent hardware upscaler allows the XO version of the game to look as good, whilst releasing cpu/gpu power for additional effects or AA giving an over all higher IQ does the resolution matter to anyone other than someone counting pixels?

Of course it remains to be seen if that is indeed the case or not, however even from a graphics point of view it's very simplistic to equate resolution with image quality and "the end product". Sure, generally speaking if everything else is equal then why not, but as we've seen already with BF4 its not quite that simple.

If 720 plus hardware scaling allows you to use more detail/have more "stuff" on screen with little objective noticeable difference to the vast majority of players then it may be a sensible route to take for some games. Indeed it could be a plus for PS4 if a step away from 1080p/60 allows devs to produce what is ultimately a richer or "better looking" game.

From a console choice point of view there are other plusses and minus as well, Kinect could turn out to be useful, it already has voice commands and lean control in BF4. Some of the other options like Skype, the W8 apps, the music and video options etc could over time prove to be a plus side for XO justifying the price. Alternatively some of the PS4 non core gaming advantages will weigh in the decision for others. Last but not least there's games, exclusives, DLC, gameplay, controllers etc. If MS and XO is second choice for hardcore gamers it could counter with being a mass market consumer all up "entertainment" device. If that drives a significantly bigger market over the next 3 years there could be implications even for hard core games in terms of lead platform etc. We just won't know for a year or two how the choices MS and Sony have made will pan out.

I do tend to think the kicking MS has had is unlikely to be taken laying down, it'll be interesting to see how they respond over the next year or so to the challenge.

TL:DR I'll wait to see what they look and play like in the real world rather than worry about specs for the time being.
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I may have missed it in the l last few pages but has anyone here actually tired an Xbox One at any of the lock in sessions?

I'm curious to know what the haptic trigger feedback is like?
I've got a older set of Turtle Beach 5.1 headphones (yes simulated 5.1) and I swear by them. Battlefield on War Tapes audio and the volume ramped up, you can't beat it. Also doesn't upset the neighbours :)

I'm not so bothered by the neighbours but it'll be nice to be able to play loudly at night without bothering the missus in bed. She'd also be able to watch TV on the iPad without either one of us disturbing the other.
Any news on support for Sky? 50% of my 360 time is used watching Sky stuff so am keen for it to get on there asap.

Doesn't sound like there will be any Sky Go app at launch, certainly not heard anything.

I'm interested how my Sky+ box would work connected up to the One. I know there's no "proper" integration yet, so does the One have some sort of overlay or does it purely feed the Sky output through to it, and still use the Sky remote?

Also I assume the One has to be turned on for that to work, and can't be in some sort of low power mode.

Just trying to figure out if I need to get an HDMI switch or if I'll be able to route Sky through my Xbox using the same input on the TV.

I'm curious to know what the haptic trigger feedback is like?

I've heard anything from it's very strange and will take a lot of getting used to, to it's very subtle and you hardly notice it. I guess it will depend on each game.
Now i'm in a position where I can buy both, so doesn't really bother me. If you can only buy 1 of the two consoles then it becomes a little bit difficult and must be a decision based of the whole picture rather than one piece of the pie.

Yeah, I really wouldn't know what to do in that situation. I'm glad it's not something I'd have to consider as I know it would be a horrible decision (for me) either way.
Anywhere to still get a day one Forza edition?

Or somewhere that includes dead rising 3 for little/nothing?

I'm only considering it because my heads all messed up, but hey, if it makes me feel better :)
As an aside, I think it's a real shame that this thread has descended into a power discussion again. With just over 3 weeks to launch, I'd much rather be discussing the games I want to play, or how I might want Kinect to evolve, or how I hope Xbox Snap will be used in the future. Instead we're still talking about the power of a system that hasn't even been released yet and is nowhere near mature enough to have any idea of just how much power it actually can produce.

To be fair, you've disliked any criticism of the Xbox One any time I've ventured into this thread.

The COD ghosts difference is a bit **** to be honest, might just wait and grab it on PS4 when I get it instead.
Hmm, I don't have any optical sound source for the One. No headsets mean I'm going to have no sound, anyway of connecting the xbox to your pc to get sound output that way?
To be fair, you've disliked any criticism of the Xbox One any time I've ventured into this thread.

The COD ghosts difference is a bit **** to be honest, might just wait and grab it on PS4 when I get it instead.

People want to talk about the games, not about the willy waving. Everyone in here who has ordered a one could have ordered a ps4, it was the cheaper option, people have made there decisions based on there reasons which some people can't accept.
To be fair, you've disliked any criticism of the Xbox One any time I've ventured into this thread.

A lot of the "criticism" has been from PS4 buyers coming in here just to gloat though, or to obviously try and get a rise out of X1 buyers.
People want to talk about the games, not about the willy waving. Everyone in here who has ordered a one could have ordered a ps4, it was the cheaper option, people have made there decisions based on there reasons which some people can't accept.

Oh I agree, there are plenty of retarded PS4 fan boys coming in here, but that doesn't change the fact some people find the Xbox One devoid of criticism nearly or always have a retort, instead of 'Yes that is a bit **** the Xbox doesn't have this', you'd think its Major Nelson posting in here at times.

Anyways, only three weeks tomorrow, can't wait, hope Dead Rising is semi decent and Madden is good.
purely from a hardware perspective I would have bought a ps4 but seeing as my 3 fave genres of games in this order are 1. racing 2.rpg/adventure 3. golf and pretty much never ever anything else I had to buy the inferior hardware to get 1. Forza (because driveclub got put back) 2. Dead rising 3 (because knack was the alternative on ps4) and 3. Powerstar golf (because ps4 has no golf and this looks like EGworldtour which i loved)

So Microsoft has for me done enough with the titles available to ensure I need the console alongside my amazingly powerful pc which I will use for the COD AC4 BF4 and even Titanfall as it will be better on pc. for me consoles are just for unique exclusives in the categories I like.

If driveclub gets universally 8/10 or more in reviews I will definitely buy a ps4 next year but I cannot warrant one now that it is delayed.

I am highly excited for the new 3d mario game and donkey kong on wii U and until DK got pushed back I actually was going to cancel the Xone order but now I'm keeping it.
Question, is there much of a story to the Dead Rising games. Say for example, I haven't played DR 1 or 2.. could I still pick up DR3 and enjoy it or would I need the back story for the best experience?
To be fair, you've disliked any criticism of the Xbox One any time I've ventured into this thread.

It's not that I dislike criticism, I just think the XB1 gets a lot of unfair and premature negativity. The launch games aren't even out yet and people are calling it an "underpowered turd of a console". This is despite the fact that the console is meant to be harder to program for and the tools are not meant to be as mature as the PS4 ones, therefore the power of the console isn't being utilised properly yet. MS also got slated for their initial policies, yet when they changed them back, they got slated again. I didn't see that as particularly fair tbh.
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