**XBOX ONE** Official Thread

Good to hear Ryse is looking good, as that's a game I'm very unsure of.

If you're after a fitness app, there will be an Xbox Fitness one released in December I think, and includes programs like Insanity and P90X. Looks interesting.
I managed to get to chat to an Xbox person who seems to know what was going on and quizzed him about the media streaming and such. He wasn't sure about streaming and DLNA but said it would play mkv files and such. Although don't see how if you can't access them!

He did almost confirm that there will be a new Nike Kinect Training game but it won't be out for a while - could just be him making stuff up though.
Pretty much certain thats all lies. DLNA support is more likely than MKV container support and why would he be pushing Nike Kinect Training when MS have what seems to be an awesome Xbox Fitness subscription model due out...

ps3ud0 :cool:
I can't believe XO wouldn't have DLNA support given W8 by default uses "play to" options for music, video and photos. It's be a bit stupid to not them allow the living room entertainment centre to be able to stream from the W8 PC.
The xbox one does have play to support, although at this stage you have to initiate it via a PC, it's not known if it will do it the other way with NAS boxes.
A year ago it would've been a problem for me, but now I have a HTPC and a Smart TV, I never use my console for streaming films and music any more. Still, hopefully it's something they'll sort out in the future with an update.
I really hope it is something theyll update, problem is its also a great way for them to encourage usage of their Music/Video digital stores :(. TBH Ive been on the look out for a new TV to complement my PS4 so Ill just ensure it has DLNA and USB support with the required codecs/containers - knew there was a reason I delayed that purchase :p

ps3ud0 :cool:
My take on the Xbox One vs PS4 CoD and BF4 rez debacle.

Lets all use our heads, CLEARLY both consoles are capable of playing these games at 1080p

This is typical launch day un optimised trash that we've had to deal with EVERY console launch EVER.

Everytime a new console comes out its like people are complete console launch noobs,
Look at the Wii U situation, If you were to suggest that Super Smash bros and wind waker could render at 1080p on that console about 2 weeks after release you would be labelled a psychopath.

Forza 5 is 60 fps and 1080p, Clearly there is no current lack of power, Its a lack of optimisation and utilising the hardware available thats the issue.
Similar to the Wii U's third party situation.

/bored now

On another note im going to the XBONETour in shoreditch tonight, I'll let you knwo what i think of the important things, Like controllers, and forza.
How will multiple profiles work now? I want my one as main linked to xbox live sub then another local one for all the kids to share which I presume will stop them playing online? How do I then let the missus do the online fitness thingy without using my profile?
Interesting BF4 review :


Interestig comments about the PS4 version crashing. It appears neither code is ready yet and also interesting that there is an embargo on them still for the XB1 / PS4 versions.

Levelcap also posted that there are changes to come in the code that was used at the review event. The review event code for XB1 didn't have Ambient Occlusion but will be present in the Day 1 patch.
How will multiple profiles work now? I want my one as main linked to xbox live sub then another local one for all the kids to share which I presume will stop them playing online? How do I then let the missus do the online fitness thingy without using my profile?

Everyone on the console has gold now.

So they will just continue (if you've given them an account already) to use their account. She will just sign in to her profile and use away.
On another note im going to the XBONETour in shoreditch tonight, I'll let you knwo what i think of the important things, Like controllers, and forza.

Get us your impression of the Haptic trigger mate, I'm really interested to see how well that works.
There's a giant Xbox One in my city!



This is why - http://www.xbox.com/en-ca/onesource
Apparently it's going to open up when a certain number of people pledge their gamertag. Hopefully I win the prize, as I'd get a trip to Toronto for the launch, and a free Xbox One :)

It's down the road from my place, I might go and check it out this weekend.
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