**XBOX ONE** Official Thread

Gone and preorder off the back of the PS4 news and no media abilities, pretty much dead in the water right there for me personally.
A spanner has been thrown into the works for me as I recently found out that my wife and I will have a little one on the way next year, shock still hasn't worn off :), so definitely now can only afford one for the next couple of years until I qualify. Considering that XB1 has Forza, Halo and now Titanfall I may go against my PS4 pre-order and pick it up in a few years.

So yeah I'm probably going to be back to xbox since March when the system died and I used my PS3.

Congrats :)
Right just left.

Impressions are:
Felt small at first but in its molded so well you can hold it how you want.
Triggers are molded awesome.
Again rumble triggers are amazing.


Amazing graphics, interiors are insane, physics feels great can really feel the downforce at play.
Feels a lot more authentic when the rumble triggers kick in for abs. Mimics that perfectly.
Glad i played this first

First things first it feels like a great a great game.
Graphically though, i know its an old build, but there is NO WAY that it is optimised as well as it could be.
Again old build etc etc

Dead rising.
More of the same and its kept the silliness dssoite looking more realistic

All in all im definitely still getting one and i knew i made the right decision the second abs kicked in or forza
Would agree the controller was pretty much perfect, and I'm not even a fan of console controllers. It's light, solid and robust and the feedback from Forza as Eliot said was very impressive.

Also I noticed that it didn't create much sweat or heat in the hands, even with the controllers being used constantly and passed around tons of people.
Would agree the controller was pretty much perfect, and I'm not even a fan of console controllers. It's light, solid and robust and the feedback from Forza as Eliot said was very impressive.

Also I noticed that it didn't create much sweat or heat in the hands, even with the controllers being used constantly and passed around tons of people.

YEAH! I was like wtf? It was cold and dry after some seriously sweaty looking guy was having a blast on bf4
I remenber him handing it to me and me thinking W.T.F??!

Anyway although i preordered i was kind of indifferent but now im properly excited.
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