**XBOX ONE** Official Thread

If you'd rather save money for upgrading your PC than playing console games why are you posting in a console thread?

I own a PC and Consoles, and I'm interested in both. Console has always been the cheaper and easier way to play games to me but it appears that's no longer the case.
So basically its:
Better confirmed exclusives (though could change if FFXV and KH3 are exclusive)
Better non-gaming features

'Confirmed' being the key word because over the lifetime of the consoles PS4 will no doubt win on the exclusives front as well, just as PS3 has done this generation.
So basically its:
Better confirmed exclusives (though could change if FFXV and KH3 are exclusive)
Better non-gaming features

£70 Cheaper + marginally cheaper subscription
Less restrictive
More powerful
Indie games

If Xbox can sway enough gamers early on through its exclusives, then it will still be a very close race later on as the casuals start buying. PS4 has pretty much won the hardcore already.
I do hope we get to see more of the launch/first year exclusives, MS spent too much time on a few, while Sony just raced through all the games. Hard to really assess where each are. For me games and therefore exclusives that make the biggest difference, Im not a big MP gamer.

One thing for me is that I know what Sony have done with the PS3 regards exclusives and first party studio support so that gives me some peace of mind that after the first year the PS4 catalogue wont wane at all.

Still loads of information to digest, been a great E3 so far, but we knew it would be. I still want more oddball titles though, but those things never take centre stage...

EDIT: Damn you mmj_uk :p. What he said!

ps3ud0 :cool:
The muddle around online requirement and used games, Kinect and privacy, is overshadowing what is potentially a really exciting, redefining console.

I think when the dust settles this potential may well be realised. Personally I am really looking forward to seeing what devs can do with Kinect and the cloud. I am hoping for some exciting and innovative gaming. Only time will tell but I remain hopeful.
Trouble is there needs to be a real reason for it at launch and also ugh I agree Ms has a long term awesome goal, that doesn't sell consoles now. Ether there needs to be a good reason at launch or you take a hit on the hardware to push it out the door. They don't seem to being doing either. The kinect can't cost much to produce anyway. So I don't get why it needs to be higher than the ps4, I can only assume Sony have gone cheaper for sales and ms should revise there price. This is why you shouldn't be first and you should have flexibility built in.

Was also set on getting a NUC and kinect, but it seems the xbone upgraded kinect won't be available on windows till an unspecified time in 2014 and even then looks like "developer" units again. Just like the current kinect for windows.
Need to read up on how much kinect function is baked into win8
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The thing is, if you trust your friends (and why wouldn't you?), you could easily change your account password, give them the details, and have them download the game while you're on your way to their house. I've done similar in the past with my profile while my mate got a Guitar Hero 2 achievement for me while I was driving to his. Certainly not ideal, but not awful either, and still better than now where if you forget your disc, you're screwed.

Sounds well easy that.....

Much easier than taking the disc round and popping it in.
So who's getting the XBOX 1? I am a huge Forza fan and if I were to get any console it would be XBOX 1 because of Forza. On the otherhand I feel I might just wait this one out and stick to pc gaming.
It's funny how some really clutch at straws sometimes in 'hating'.
I usually play PC, but used to own a 360. Gears of War, Halo alone are more than worth saying it's a better console :D
However, I'd like to take a better look at the PS4 this time around and see what games are better (exclusives).
Always connected - of course it will be.
Can't buy used games or something - doesn't bother me.
$50 more expensive - again, doesn't bother me for the value it provides.

Just care about the games (gameplay) for each system.
It's funny how some really clutch at straws sometimes in 'hating'.
I usually play PC, but used to own a 360. Gears of War, Halo alone are more than worth saying it's a better console :D
However, I'd like to take a better look at the PS4 this time around and see what games are better (exclusives).
Always connected - of course it will be.
Can't buy used games or something - doesn't bother me.
$50 more expensive - again, doesn't bother me for the value it provides.

Just care about the games (gameplay) for each system.

Erm $100 more expensive
I've always had xbox's but this time it looks like I will be getting a PS4. I'll miss Halo though :(
Sorry, I was factoring in the $59 motion sensor for Sony to make it a like-for-like. So, $41 more expensive :)

Jees, sounds like what Sony fanboys were doing at PS3 launch. Add Bluray, wireless etc to make the the 360 like for like.

The bottom line is the X1 is ONE HUNDRED AMERICAN DOLLARS more expensive :)
So, anyone got any comparisons, I can't be arsed reading pages and pages of specs, features and bad points of each console.
Jees, sounds like what Sony fanboys were doing at PS3 launch. Add Bluray, wireless etc to make the the 360 like for like.

The bottom line is the X1 is ONE HUNDRED AMERICAN DOLLARS more expensive :)

Haha true! Either way, when you think about it $100 is not that much money when the value/entertainment you get out of it for years and years :)
Wonder if Xbox will release a barebones (no kinnect) in the future for $100 less?
Probably not.
Interestingly, Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts 3 have both been announced on the xbox 1, looks like getting the 1 isn't so bad. The line up seems really good now. I'd say it is enough for me to overlook the negatives.
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