Thanks.Not until Sept 22
Thanks.Not until Sept 22
The only thing keeping me going with the PC are strategy games/mouse and keyboard. However if there is good m/kb support on the series X and titles like ANNO and Total War start appearing on the Xbox then i think that will be it for PC gaming for me.
Does anyone know if the X/S are going to support UW resolutions in game at all?
Indeed, very competitive. Considering the timeline of announcements, I'm now thinking that Sony and Microsoft weren't waiting for each other to compete on price, but rather they were both aware of Nvidias plans. As far as I'm aware Nvidia have just decimated the price/performance of GPUs with the 30XX series, which undoubtedly plays a major part in the gaming audience's buying decision for whether they upgrade a PC or get a next-gen console.
I'm in this bracket. It would have meant a full new build, as I'm on a laptop, so was always going to be more than a console, but the thing I was waiting for is how much more.
£450 is an absolute steal.
I did think this was another nail in the pc gaming coffin, but then thought they are still very different platforms. I'm not sure that many people would leave pc gaming for console, as if they were going to do it, they would have done it years ago.
Similar feelings here. My Surface Pro is enough for my work needs. So PC is increasingly just an extravagant expense to play a small few titles that don't come to consoles. If those few games came to console, I'd ditch PC in a heart beat.
There's a certain irony there but i know what you mean
I've always been a Playstation guy, but the Series X looks like a great machine and an unbelievable deal with Gamepass.
Has there been any news on what kind of games will be coming out on Gamepass moving forwards? I'm not that big on the big AAA titles, and really enjoy indie games and story driven titles like Life Is Strange, Persona, Detroit Become Human etc, which I think Sony have done better, at least historically. Does this look set to change at all?
Cheaper to buy both consoles on xbox all access it seems.
Comparison pics of the two consoles.
Where does it show that? It’s definitely not the TFLOP figure because as stated tens of times in this thread it’s not possible to compare TFLOPs between GPU architectures.
From above the current one x looks quicker than the series s ?