The CPU has very little impact at 4k you won't get 2080ti performance on the new consoles no chance.PC doesn't have the same architecture it's still based on 1990's architecture really just with wider buses these days. Console games are also a lot better optimised.
I've said it before in the PS5 thread but having a Ryzen class CPU will be a huge boost to console performance next generation, the current CPU's are basically like Athlon 64 X2 but with 8 cores it's no wonder 30fps is so prevalent.
You think Sony have more than doubled XB1 sales through obscure JRPGs that nobody is interested in playing? The Multiplatform games are mostly the same, so of course Sony is doing miles better due to exclusives.
No, I think that the reason Sony outsells the Xbox is because most people grew up on a PS1 or PS2 before the Xbox was even around, and they've stuck with that platform ever since. I also think that many people that don't know anything about consoles end up getting a PS rather than an Xbox simply because they don't know the differences at the time of purchase.
getting a bit confused here lol
is this xbox and project cloud 2 different things or will all the games on this xbox be streamed , i have concerns due to the fact me and both my lads have xboxs in the house and its bad enough now sometimes when we are all on with strict nats,downloading and streaming causing havoc with the connection ?
Project Xcloud will be where you can be out and about and play your games on your mobile using your console at home as a server.
Project Scarlett is the new console.
getting a bit confused here lol
is this xbox and project cloud 2 different things or will all the games on this xbox be streamed , i have concerns due to the fact me and both my lads have xboxs in the house and its bad enough now sometimes when we are all on with strict nats,downloading and streaming causing havoc with the connection ?
Ah right cool so this will still operate on a gaming level as the one x but just with more spec ?
Do you think more people would be buying an xbox if they did their research properly? Would more people buy a ONE S over a base PS4 or PS4 PRO, or the mor expensive ONE X over a PS4 PRO?
I dont think many people would, personally.
Being able to use my existing controllers is quite a selling point.
I wonder if this means they're not going to change the controllers at all except for cosmetic things like improved grip or something. Certainly won't be changing the button configurations/layout, will they?
Dear lord MS, loading screens aren't the only thing in the world.