Just search for your name in this thread, you only seem to like the dudebro FPS games (e.g. Gears).
Gears isn't a FPS. I also don't like Gears PVP at all and think the campaign is utter drivel. Try again.
Just search for your name in this thread, you only seem to like the dudebro FPS games (e.g. Gears).
Sniper Elite 5 due May 26th is day 1 on Game Pass, lovely news!
To be fair you did use the term dudebro when you could just as easily have said fpsNo need to get so worked up about it, there’s nothing wrong with liking certain genres over others and you don’t have to defend yourself.
To be fair, I'd never heard of "dudebro" either
So from a person who's never heard the term before it does initially come across as a derogatory term, but alas, I've learned something new today
I've noticed when cloud gaming or a game is synching. The cancel button is in a foreign language for some reason.
Also have the reward points changed? I'm sure there used to be more of them and the point value seem to have changed. Like there's no points for just logging into the game pass app now.
Oui, il dit "Annuler" de temps en temps.
And yeah, they reduced the points from two quests a day at five each, to one 3-pointer. But they reduced the number of quests for the 1000 monthly bonus as well so it should be easier to get that one.