Yessssss! Now it's good news about the Vulcan..

Berserker said:
Oh, I dunno. I reckon Concorde is THE plane. Vulcan's a pretty close second though (and far more likely to succeed in getting back into the air). :)

afraid Vulcan has always done that little bit more for me than Consorde, very nice though she is, Vulcan just pips it for me.

To all you doubters you need to read Vulcan 607 a fantastic book, then you may start to raelise what a plane we have and why she must be kept flying.
Chronicle said:
Why are you all obsessed with planes??? :confused::cool:
Everyone has an obsession, something they're passionate about.

Ours is seeing The Vulcan back in the air, and ripping people's eardrums apart. :cool:

To see it and hear it is something you'll never forget.
Oh yeah I'll certainly never forget it :)
My gran used to live right by Halton Airshow, growing up my folks would take me every year. Remember it always made my baby brother cry :D
I can't think of anything else that has ever made every single molecule of my body vibrate like that.

Not only is it the most awesome of aircraft, it is also a big symbol of a very different time in our lives.
I hope we are not going to lose it and I would so love to experience it once again.
Usually Take-off like in shuttle launch etc

For those that don't really get what the rest of us are on about click here and here

you need volume right up on the second one and preferably get someone to shake your chair around a lot to get full effect
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