You bought what!!!

Driving that down the motorway has got to suck, especially considering the speed limit is only like 26MPh below what it can do flat out.

Surely the engine is gonna be screaming away furiously at motorway speeds, that's gonna get annoying real quick.

3,600 rpm at 80mph in 5th gear for the manual, 3,700 for the auto :o.

I may have fluffed those calculations but if that's true, it's going to be awful.
It can probably be likened to a 3cyl 0.8 daewoo matiz, I had to drive one of those for about 30 miles once, tiresome and such a hatefull thought of possibly having to drive it again, I just couldnt imagine doing 25000 miles in one over 12 months...
I'm sure he'll convince himself that he loves the 'quirky' little car and that the crap ride, build quality and performance are just fun bits of character.

I'm going to red line my car pointlessly just in an attempt to outweigh (literally?) his 'green' savings.
Could have been worse.

My nan has one of these. I think they're a Suzuki Alto underneath.

It represents great value for money (considering its brand new and the associated premium) and my Nan bought one of the better spec'd models with AC etc.

However, my Nan drives to the local Tesco and back a few times per week. Maybe the odd day trip out to a nearby town.

I would hate to do 25k a year in it. I started to do 2-3k miles per month in my diesel van and it's very tiring. I bought a cheap Mondeo to soak up the miles now.
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