"You want some?"

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Always attempt to deescalate before you escalate, idiot was clearly looking for a fight and your attempts to match his aggression was perfect for him.

Fighting is as much a mental joust as a physical one but a good lesson learnt about thinking before you act etc.

Ignore the alphas and leave the KB commandos to it, they've provided me a good chuckle this morning.
I would have made my way to the bread section, purchased two French sticks ( the hard crusty type ).. I would have then exited from the main door armed with said French sticks... *pow*

On a serious note I’ve always said if you’re going to give it or give it back be prepared for it to go side ways and end up in a fight... the side door was a poor choice :D
99% of the people telling OP that he is a little pusspuss and should have punched him would have wet themselves if they were in the same position.

The only difference between their approaches would be that they lack the insight to ask to use the side door. They'd just erect a makeshift shanty out of toilet roll and magazines and live in the store until the read in the local paper that the guy has died of old age.
Sorry I'm being far too serious for a Monday morning in GD. :p

Correct response to "you want some?" is "You think I'm gay do ya?" then go in for a kiss.
The best thing to do in these situations is to act mental, it confuses the **** out of them and their entire demeanour changes within seconds. Next time OP, start full-on screaming that they had no cabbages left.
The best thing to do in these situations is to act mental, it confuses the **** out of them and their entire demeanour changes within seconds. Next time OP, start full-on screaming that they had no cabbages left.

Do you want a ******* cabbage? I'll give you a ******* cabbage mate! Meet me outside the allotments!


The above could be a call out to a fight or an offer for some free food, you take your chances.
It's hard to know how the OP initially responded or acted, there are certain ways you need to talk to these types and if you say the wrong thing, well you know what happens. Also if you look a certain way, they will know you can't handle yourself (picture your typical gamer geek, glasses, small build, weak demeanour, for example).

Having spent a lot of my childhood in some the roughest council estates in Milton Keynes I've been in plenty of fights, it's just how these types sort things out. I can handle myself and I imagine to someone sizing me up they may think twice owing to a skin head and having a built physique. However I would never choose to provoke or fight anyone. All my years on the council estates has taught me a lot when it comes to dealing with these types of people, the very first thing is don't be confrontational.
Clearly an angry guy if he reverts to fight mode due to artificially losing ground at a checkout - it isn't like you pushed in front of him - you did the right thing and can't see any gain from having a fight.

Might have been better though if you had exited by the main entrance and just told the pillock to grow up and maintained the higher moral ground as a reasonable and upstanding member of society - obviously could have gone wrong if he lunged at you, but there's a good chance he may have stood down and might have just been playing the intimidation game on his first diatribe of abuse.
Clearly an angry guy if he reverts to fight mode due to artificially losing ground at a checkout - it isn't like you pushed in front of him - you did the right thing and can't see any gain from having a fight.

Might have been better though if you had exited by the main entrance and just told the pillock to grow up and maintained the higher moral ground as a reasonable and upstanding member of society - obviously could have gone wrong if he lunged at you, but there's a good chance he may have stood down and might have just been playing the intimidation game on his first diatribe of abuse.

Depends what the OP said and how. "Sorry buddy, there are separate queues for these tills" shouldn't result in the guy going nuts, but again depends what the OP meant by "I point out the shop has two different queues.". If you come across as condescending or high and mighty, that just won't work with these types of people.

Telling someone to "grow up" when they want to fight you is the worst idea.
The amount of - presumably - grown adults on this thread who genuinely think that having a fight is a reasonable way to close an argument is utterly laughable.

Thank God the people whose brains have developed along with their bodies stepped in on later pages.
Perhaps the wrong choice of words - but I'd want to make sure the aggressor was aware that I'd not want to get physical over something so ridiculous, but I do understand they might leave you little choice if they instigate a fight.

I'd have no issue whatsoever walking away from any verbal abuse outside they could throw, no matter how derogatory....leave them to their obvious insecurity and inability to function as a reasonable person.
Many people are milking it tbh... very very few really can't wear them and frankly they can jog on re: asking anyone else to remove theirs.

What if the person asking someone to remove theirs needs to speak to them, and they're deaf? Are they still jogging on?
maybe you should have ignored him, but you didn't i think you did the right thing going out of the side door
last thing you want is a fight it just not worth it

i found the best thing to do is just ignore idiots you're going to come into contract with them at some point
ignore and move on if possible, fighting is the last resort (and i will fight if i really have to)
maybe you should have ignored him, but you didn't i think you did the right thing going out of the side door
last thing you want is a fight it just not worth it

i found the best thing to do is just ignore idiots you're going to come into contract with them at some point
ignore and move on if possible, fighting is the last resort

You want some beans on toast Dave?
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