Your bad driving encounters

Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Driving home just now - got up behind a lorry near the end of the dual-carriageway and he positioned half into lane 2 as I caught up - there was a moped moving across to lane 2 in front of the lorry so as to take a right turn which I'd have come into conflict with trying to pass the lorry though I'd already seen it fortunately, then later another overtaking chance came up but I faintly saw lights coming the other way so didn't go for it and the lorry driver again moved into the middle of the road blocking me - so there was me thinking he was a good driver trying to prevent accidents happening... and then we catch up with a cyclist and the lorry driver goes fully onto the other side of the road to go around the cyclist on a blind bend...
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30 Dec 2011
Was out for a walk yesterday and there is a street completely closed due to road works. It even has a road closed sign that you cannot miss. Despite this at least 6 morons drove around the sign up this closed road, before finally seeing the group of workers digging a massive hole. So they all had to do multi point turn to get back out again. One moron in a van ended up having to reverse out.

It was even worse from the other end of the street, the road closed sign was right in the middle of the road blocking both lanes. Yet a few idiots just drove up the kerb to ignore it, before the inevitable about face.

I mean how stupid do you need to be to assume the road closed sign isn’t really serious and should be ignored.
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Man of Honour
26 Dec 2003
Was out for a walk yesterday and there is a street completely closed due to road works. It even has a road closed sign that you cannot miss. Despite this at least 6 morons drove around the sign up this closed road, before finally seeing the group of workers digging a massive hole. So they all had to do multi point turn to get back out again. One moron in a van ended up having to reverse out.

It was even worse from the other end of the street, the road closed sign was right in the middle of the road blocking both lanes. Yet a few idiots just drove up the kerb to ignore it, before the inevitable about face.

I mean how stupid do you need to be to assume the road closed sign isn’t really serious and should be ignored.
To be honest there's so much signage left when it's no longer needed a lot of the time these days that it's no surprise people start to ignore them.
28 Nov 2002
On my home from work at 4am last week and there was a ‘Road Ahead Closed’ sign, I continued on as I couldn’t determine which road was closed and at which point, I hoped it was after one of the many turnings I could use to choose another route

Turns out there was no closure at all , at least not on the road the sign was on :confused:

So I can fully appreciate why people ignore signs sometimes
28 Jun 2013
i live in a rural area so there are blind corners everywhere

randomly find large vehicles around some of these bends, last week it was a scaffolding Lorry stopped right on a tight blind bend.

not broken down, they were checking the poles and drove off after a while.

luckily i spotted its silhouette through some trees and had time to slow down.
30 Jan 2009
Aquilonem Londinensi
Was out for a walk yesterday and there is a street completely closed due to road works. It even has a road closed sign that you cannot miss. Despite this at least 6 morons drove around the sign up this closed road, before finally seeing the group of workers digging a massive hole. So they all had to do multi point turn to get back out again. One moron in a van ended up having to reverse out.

It was even worse from the other end of the street, the road closed sign was right in the middle of the road blocking both lanes. Yet a few idiots just drove up the kerb to ignore it, before the inevitable about face.

I mean how stupid do you need to be to assume the road closed sign isn’t really serious and should be ignored.

Probably 50% of the time the signage is wrong... Not condoning driving in but a few times near me in recent memory, including the street I live on, road closed means there is a hole in half of the road with nobody working in it
30 Dec 2011
All I am reading is a lot of stupid people making excuses for why they drive up closed roads :D

They say the truth hurts :p

Joking aside, how many times have you done it and found yourself feeling like a right tool doing a multipoint turn with a red face, as people looked on in disbelief at “that muppet”.
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20 Dec 2004
This isn't bad driving..... but something I need to get off my chest.

I was in Provence for a gig last week for a few days. Lovely trip. Except for the absolutely detestable POS rental car. A Citroën C3. Continued the Citroën tradition of being a car that by all accounts seems to be designed by someone that has never driven a car.

The accelerator is awful, there's no feel to it, and seems to progress in steps, rather than a linear fashion.

The brakes have no feel, and are pretty much on or off.

The clutch is similarly lightweight with no feel.

The rear view mirror is so low down that it blocks half your view out of the front of the car, if you're tall you need to keep stooping at every right hand turn. Downright dangerous.

Had to use the windscreen washers to clean the dusty windscreen..... Great, then all the filthy water dripped in the driver's side window and down the inside of the door.

The boot struts are crap, meaning it takes a lot of effort to get the boot lid moving, then it slams shut with a resounding CLANG.

The hateful satnav console....whoever wrote that software need to be fired into the sun. Favourite feature is the proximity warning modal.... You're approaching a junction and glance down to check the layout, but another car has got within 10ft so the ENTIRE display is blanked out with a tiny bit of text in the middle saying proximity warning.

Obviously the display takes an age to boot up when you start the car, so you have to sit and wait before the reversing camera works.

All round visibility is awful, but not exclusive to this Citroën rubbish, all these wannabe SUV style heaps are the same.

I honestly don't know how anyone can own one of these piles of trash without losing the will to live. There is literally nothing to redeem them.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
The accelerator is awful, there's no feel to it, and seems to progress in steps, rather than a linear fashion.

The brakes have no feel, and are pretty much on or off.

The clutch is similarly lightweight with no feel.

To be honest I find that with most rental/courtesy cars almost no matter the brand - accelerator, brakes and clutch are trashed. Why I avoid them if I can. I dunno what people do to them but certainly not look after them. Even the best car for brakes often has no braking feel after a few months of rental use :(

All round visibility is awful, but not exclusive to this Citroën rubbish, all these wannabe SUV style heaps are the same.

I don't find it too bad generally with the Qashqai but the rear view mirror view is definitely less than ideal - any more than a slight incline/decline and you can barely see much more than the car behind you - albeit the wing mirrors are still useable in those circumstances which I need to adjust to better really - I'm too used to either driving vehicles with good visibility in the rear view or no rear view mirror at all and not something in between LOL.
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10 Mar 2012
Was out for a walk yesterday and there is a street completely closed due to road works. It even has a road closed sign that you cannot miss. Despite this at least 6 morons drove around the sign up this closed road, before finally seeing the group of workers digging a massive hole. So they all had to do multi point turn to get back out again. One moron in a van ended up having to reverse out.

It was even worse from the other end of the street, the road closed sign was right in the middle of the road blocking both lanes. Yet a few idiots just drove up the kerb to ignore it, before the inevitable about face.

I mean how stupid do you need to be to assume the road closed sign isn’t really serious and should be ignored.

We had it a couple of years ago. Road was closed at the top of the road I live on for gas works. Signs put up at the bottom and the side road halfway up. Additionally there was a sign that stated "No through road, Resident access only"

In the space of an hour (I was sorting the front garden) around 20ish car drove all the way up to the barriers and then had to turn around and go back.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
One of the local councillors has a few times turned around road closed signs which have been left in place between two lots of work which the workmen were supposed to do when they left. (Probably a degree of politics involved in them doing it though).
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Man of Honour
26 Dec 2003
This isn't bad driving..... but something I need to get off my chest.

I was in Provence for a gig last week for a few days. Lovely trip. Except for the absolutely detestable POS rental car. A Citroën C3. Continued the Citroën tradition of being a car that by all accounts seems to be designed by someone that has never driven a car.

The accelerator is awful, there's no feel to it, and seems to progress in steps, rather than a linear fashion.

The brakes have no feel, and are pretty much on or off.

The clutch is similarly lightweight with no feel.

The rear view mirror is so low down that it blocks half your view out of the front of the car, if you're tall you need to keep stooping at every right hand turn. Downright dangerous.

Had to use the windscreen washers to clean the dusty windscreen..... Great, then all the filthy water dripped in the driver's side window and down the inside of the door.

The boot struts are crap, meaning it takes a lot of effort to get the boot lid moving, then it slams shut with a resounding CLANG.

The hateful satnav console....whoever wrote that software need to be fired into the sun. Favourite feature is the proximity warning modal.... You're approaching a junction and glance down to check the layout, but another car has got within 10ft so the ENTIRE display is blanked out with a tiny bit of text in the middle saying proximity warning.

Obviously the display takes an age to boot up when you start the car, so you have to sit and wait before the reversing camera works.

All round visibility is awful, but not exclusive to this Citroën rubbish, all these wannabe SUV style heaps are the same.

I honestly don't know how anyone can own one of these piles of trash without losing the will to live. There is literally nothing to redeem them.
Wife has a 2008 a lot of this resonates with me, but she just thinks I moan about things like the rear view mirror and infotainment screen because it's not my car.
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