Your bad driving encounters

10 Mar 2012
This is my daily commute to work so im always on the look out lol. The problem with this area, once there's an accident it will cause a traffic jam always back up the parkway back up to the M1! Been stuck in this for over an hour before and had to detour round Meadowhall to re-enter the city.

It's also my daily commute and depending on the roster at work, one of my regular routes.

TBH a collision anywhere from the ring road inwards of the city causes a chain reaction. Same when United are playing at home or a road is closed for works.
18 Jul 2021
Land of Gin (I wish)
On a stop/start around a main roundabout near to a huge supermarket. I was going straight ahead. Guy in a purple/pink Peugeot 106 on my left, probably left the supermarket wanted to go straight ahead. He snook passed me rubbing my front of the car. Got a bit of his car paint on my reg plate.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
The people who don't stay over their side of the road is frustrating - came around a corner yesterday, which is narrow enough if people drive within the lines, to find 2 vans intruding my side one much worse than the other, then saw a near collision when someone cut across a junction at the same time ironically as the person in front of me was lazily partly across the other side of the road... then a near accident when someone panicked on coming around a corner to find someone over our side of the road and wasn't sure if they should go left or right to avoid them nearly colliding with another car (EDIT: Also a good thing I was keeping a good distance rather than tailgating them like a **** as that would have likely resulted in an extra car involved in the accident if they'd collided).

EDIT: To be fair looking at the video the first van wasn't as bad as I thought, in reaction to the second one as well my memory was of the first one being much worse than it was.

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17 Jul 2010
The people who don't stay over their side of the road is frustrating - came around a corner yesterday, which is narrow enough if people drive within the lines, to find 2 vans intruding my side one much worse than the other, then saw a near collision when someone cut across a junction at the same time ironically as the person in front of me was lazily partly across the other side of the road... then a near accident when someone panicked on coming around a corner to find someone over our side of the road and wasn't sure if they should go left or right to avoid them nearly colliding with another car (EDIT: Also a good thing I was keeping a good distance rather than tailgating them like a **** as that would have likely resulted in an extra car involved in the accident if they'd collided).

EDIT: To be fair looking at the video the first van wasn't as bad as I thought, in reaction to the second one as well my memory was of the first one being much worse than it was.

Whole tyre and more over the line. Very poor.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Whole tyre and more over the line. Very poor.

Wasn't even offsiding to open up the road more or wide to avoid something in the road, etc. just being lazy from what I could see, maybe not comfortable with the width of the van and the narrow highsided road but they cut in really late leaving me little options to deal with it - picture doesn't really convey it but even taking the corner relatively cautiously you don't have much time to react to something there unless you absolutely crawl around the corner - HGVs which have no option but to go wide always have me a bit nervous there.
27 Mar 2013
Seems to be happing more ans more, our estate roads are 2 cars wide, but with no white lines (although the road was laid in 2 "halves" so there's an overlap if tar in the middle). The amount of people that just trade it as single track is mind boggling.
6 Mar 2007
SW London
Saw a couple of idiots on the A3 on Sunday, a modified 1 series and a focus who thought they were in the fast and the furious having a race through the 50 limit section weaving in and out of traffic all over the place!
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Had someone come flying up behind me just as I got to a twisty bit of a country road and sit about 6 feet off my rear bumper... slowed up a bit and they just got closer :( gave them a blip of the hazards and they did then back off to a normal distance until they got to over take a bit further up the road where they then blipped their hazards after passing LOL. Didn't gain them anything as there was an ambulance doing not much more than 40MPH 300 yards up the road (they then tailgated the ambulance which responded by slowing down to 40).

When they caught up with me I'd slowed down a little as I'd caught the headlights from someone coming around the corner the other way at a funny angle and/or they were late dipping their headlights and it had compromised my night vision a little.

Just no need for it at all.

Can't be sure it was the same person but the sign writing on the back looked like one of the local taxis drivers who'd been sounding off in the local press not long ago about boy racers blasting through their village. Which would be kind of ironic.
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23 Dec 2011
Northern England
Had someone come flying up behind me just as I got to a twisty bit of a country road and sit about 6 feet off my rear bumper... slowed up a bit and they just got closer :( gave them a blip of the hazards and they did then back off to a normal distance until they got to over take a bit further up the road where they then blipped their hazards after passing LOL. Didn't gain them anything as there was an ambulance doing not much more than 40MPH 300 yards up the road (they then tailgated the ambulance which responded by slowing down to 40).

When they caught up with me I'd slowed down a little as I'd caught the headlights from someone coming around the corner the other way at a funny angle and/or they were late dipping their headlights and it had compromised my night vision a little.

Just no need for it at all.

Can't be sure it was the same person but the sign writing on the back looked like one of the local taxis drivers who'd been sounding off in the local press not long ago about boy racers blasting through their village. Which would be kind of ironic.

There's a village not far from me that ran a speed awareness thing with the council and police last year because of speeders.
The results: over 80% of those caught lived in the village.
28 Dec 2017
Motorways are big enough to share, don't see what the problem is with someone doing 50mph so long as they're in the left lane and I've got room to pass them.

Yesterday's twit doing 50mph in lane 3 of 4, forcing several of us to pass him on both sides, who then flashed his lights at me for about 20 seconds when I moved in front of him? He got about 15 seconds of my middle finger and a ****ed off glare.
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