Your bad driving encounters

And yet it does not lead to excessive accidents due to restricted drivers on motorways. The 45 mph limit, or even people doing 45 or 50 on a motorway is not an issue if people understood lane discipline.

Frankly if you are too stupid to notice you are approaching a slower car ahead and refuse to slow down or overtake safely safely, then you are a far bigger danger than they are.

Like the muppets on A roads who insists on tailgating you when you indicate for ages that you intend to leave the carriageway ahead. Even when the overtaking lane is clear because these clowns think every exit road on a dual carriageway has a slip road. Funny I bet these are the same people who think the outside lane on a motorway is called “the fast lane”.
Stupid one today, temporary 30mph stretch of country road due to roadworks, I'm doing 32 indicated (so pretty much dead on 30) and there's an Ocado van right up my ****, constantly pulling to the right as if he wants to overtake. Short stretch of straight and he goes for it... Only to sit at 30mph in front of me for the next half a mile until he turns off. What's the ****ing point?! :rolleyes: :cry:
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Saw quite a few this morning. Reasonable amount of rain and maybe 20% of people didn't even bother with lights. I flashed :p a guy and then turned my lights off then back on and he still didn't get it. It was an suv so I assume as they own the road they didn't care:D.
That’s fine, commercial vehicles / work stuff can’t go faster. I’m talking mainly about normal cars.

I get what you mean and regularly at work I travel down a 50mph dual and end up overtaking several vehicles, despite my 50mph limiter. Worse is when I get beside them and they realise they're being overtaken by a bus then speed up.
Woman in a Mini comes out a pub car park, some way ahead of me, then weaves about the road for a few miles before misjudging a bend on a narrow country road, locks up on the grass verge, then proceeds to dig the front wheels in about 9 inches scrabbling to drive off. We had a deluge for hours last night, the verges are sodden.

i pull up and she gets out, very unsteady. "I think I had a bit too much to drink" she offers. I reply I'm damn sure she has. So I suggest she gets her belongings out of the car, locks it up and gets in my car.

"Are you taking me to the police?" she asks, nearly in tears. I reply no, I am offering to put some miles between you and the bogged down Mini before the rozzers arrive. She spends the next 15 minutes thanking me profusely. I drop her in Whitchurch and she says she'll get a friend to pick her up, and her friend's husband will pull it off the verge later. Left her in the town centre crying with gratitude. Getting soft in my old age for a supposed hardened misogynist <LOL>
Woman in a Mini comes out a pub car park, some way ahead of me, then weaves about the road for a few miles before misjudging a bend on a narrow country road, locks up on the grass verge, then proceeds to dig the front wheels in about 9 inches scrabbling to drive off. We had a deluge for hours last night, the verges are sodden.

i pull up and she gets out, very unsteady. "I think I had a bit too much to drink" she offers. I reply I'm damn sure she has. So I suggest she gets her belongings out of the car, locks it up and gets in my car.

"Are you taking me to the police?" she asks, nearly in tears. I reply no, I am offering to put some miles between you and the bogged down Mini before the rozzers arrive. She spends the next 15 minutes thanking me profusely. I drop her in Whitchurch and she says she'll get a friend to pick her up, and her friend's husband will pull it off the verge later. Left her in the town centre crying with gratitude. Getting soft in my old age for a supposed hardened misogynist <LOL>

Haven't you just committed a criminal offence of perverting the course of justice punishable by a prison sentence up to life? And just admitted to it on a public forum?
Haven't you just committed a criminal offence of perverting the course of justice punishable by a prison sentence up to life? And just admitted to it on a public forum?
If I'd breathalysed her and knew she was drunk, which of course I could not know..... Can't leave a woman alone in a quiet country lane, don't know who might entice her into their car :)
If I'd breathalysed her and knew she was drunk, which of course I could not know..... Can't leave a woman alone in a quiet country lane, don't know who might entice her into their car :)

M'Lord the defendant stated in his testimony that she was "very unsteady" and admitted that she had "a bit too much to drink" and he agreed with her so he offered to be her getaway driver before the rozzers arrived to nick her.
I get what you mean and regularly at work I travel down a 50mph dual and end up overtaking several vehicles, despite my 50mph limiter. Worse is when I get beside them and they realise they're being overtaken by a bus then speed up.
On some of our local roads you have the class of straightline hero drivers (often suvs) whose cars for some reason are unable to negotiate bends, but want to travel at warp speeds on the straights,
so they have a lower average speed and they end up ruining the bends if you get stuck behind them.
(analogy the reverse of the situation at the swimming pool - people who can't swim fast on a straight, but use ridiculous force pushing off the ends )
Nigel Powers said:
There are only two things I can't stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.

Why are the Dutch so abysmal at driving? Is it because they're normally on bicycles and forget how to operate a car?

Drove the thick end of a thousand miles door-to-door from home to southern France last week and aside from one hairy moment in the south of England (involving a Porsche 996 being driven by someone who was drunk, insane or both) the only times I've been cut up, or had to dodge a wobbling caravan, or otherwise wondered how the other driver retained a licence it's been a Dutch-registered vehicle.
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