Your bad driving encounters

Agreed. Massive increase after the covid lockdowns but my biggest day to day issue is people pulling out in front of me at junctions, then typically dawdling up the road.
They're in a massive hurry to pull out so you'd think they'd be in a massive hurry to move!
There's a 50 road near me where this is really common, so much so that I try to reduce the gap in front of me as its safer (mainly by going at 55/60 for a little bit). Some might disagree with this but its far safer than having to do an emergency stop from 50.
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Surely slowing down would be the "safer" way of dealing with that.

Lets take that mindset to it's logical conclusion.
Are you advocating that the vehicles sitting at the "Give Way" sign ought to be given right of way by you slowing down for them even though you have the rules based right of way?

It’s as if I don’t exist. The entitled cow didn’t even have the decency to apologise, not sure she even realised or cared she was in the wrong. She also managed to drive over the roundabout. Driving standards don’t exist anymore.
No the issue was people pulling out in front of you, not someone sitting at the junction.
I don't use a barometer to assess someone's remarks. Just the fact that driving standards are appalling on every level nowadays, this is why this thread is in existence.
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I confess to being a little confused now.
Why do you ask how long I've been driving for? It was obviously a question that was important enough for to you ask for some reason.. !
Just feels like you were Vetting my experience for a particular motive or agenda.
Surely slowing down would be the "safer" way of dealing with that.
But in this case its not, if I have to slow down to 35 on a 50, there's the chance people behind me are going to become one with my bumper (not to mention I'm on a main road and they are pulling out of a side road). It's same to slightly exceed the speed limit rather than slow down in this case. There's times when they've done it to something like one of those big dumper trucks (not sure of the proper name), and they must have been inches away from a major crash.
There is a balance - you need to drive both decisively and defensively so as to put people off doing something stupid as much as possible and sometimes that does mean closing down gaps as much as is safely possible.

It’s as if I don’t exist. The entitled cow didn’t even have the decency to apologise, not sure she even realised or cared she was in the wrong. She also managed to drive over the roundabout. Driving standards don’t exist anymore.

There are a lot of drivers who seem to actually believe the highway code is first to the line - when in fact it is anything but in many of these cases. Same with passing parked cars where you should treat it exactly the same as a junction, but many actually believe it is first to the line.
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But in this case its not, if I have to slow down to 35 on a 50, there's the chance people behind me are going to become one with my bumper (not to mention I'm on a main road and they are pulling out of a side road). It's same to slightly exceed the speed limit rather than slow down in this case. There's times when they've done it to something like one of those big dumper trucks (not sure of the proper name), and they must have been inches away from a major crash.
That's why I put safely in quotes, as you are the driver approaching you have to decide which would be the safer option. Slowing down slightly to allow the vehicle out (even though you are in the right) and avoiding an accident or increase speed to close up to a vehicle in front thus increasing the chance.
There is a balance - you need to drive both decisively and defensively so as to put people off doing something stupid as much as possible and sometimes that does mean closing down gaps as much as is safely possible.

There are a lot of drivers who seem to actually believe the highway code is first to the line - when in fact it is anything but in many of these cases. Same with passing parked cars where you should treat it exactly the same as a junction, but many actually believe it is first to the line.
That's so true, just goes to show how a lot of drivers either need to lose their licence or resit the test. The highway code is a set of rules which are for the benefit of all drivers, just imagine if pilots or captains of ships decided they could do what they liked while in control of their vehicle. Chaos.
Just to be clear, I don't see anything wrong, per se, with being a bit cocksure. I am myself.
Are you?

cocksure, adj. & adv.
Excessively or arrogantly self-confident or self-assured; brashly or smugly overconfident.
too confident, in a way that is slightly unpleasant or rude

I would consider myself as a relatively experienced and competent driver and I am confident in my abilities to handle a wide variety of road situations safely.
I practice defensive driving and (when required) I assert my space on the road ("elbows out") and position my car to discourage being cut up or undertaken to reduce risk.
I would however hate to think anyone thought I was cocksure....
It’s as if I don’t exist. The entitled cow didn’t even have the decency to apologise, not sure she even realised or cared she was in the wrong. She also managed to drive over the roundabout. Driving standards don’t exist anymore.
Thats so common it doesn't even register anymore.

Last friday or was it saturday someone had managed to total their car by hitting the railings at the junction its a busy spot that turns round sharp to the right at the bottom of the high street, wheel was off front end smashed in sideways across the road a bunch of numpties standing in the road staring at it completely blocking the road by that point a mini traffic jam was starting to build up i knew a short cut so took off and left them to it. A mile or two down the road a couple of cop cars with the blues and twos going thought I know where you're going. I wish I could say its uncommon but it isn't theres several smash ups at least a few times a year theres alway some moron driving like loon boy racers usually this one they looked older
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