I don't think this is well known really, see plenty of people jumping red lights to let emergency services through.You can't is the answer. You are not allowed to break the law even if you are holding up an emergecny vehicle.
No, you can't speed
No, you can't break a red light
No you can't go in to the wrong lane or up a one way street.
Only move over if safe to do so and do so in a way that does not endanger other motorists.
I posted in this thread away back about me tail ending someone and them getting the blame. Basically I was on the outside lane of a dual carriageway and an ambulance came with the sirens and lights going. There was a very safe gap for me to pull in to the left lane, so I did so after checking my mirrors (as you do). After I had pulled in to the left lane the car in front did a full emergency stop, despite having no reason to do so. I was a split second late reacting (I had been checking my mirrors for the ambulance) and drove in to the back of them. I thought I was going to get 100% blame but thankfully (for me) the person driving the car in front gave a statment admitting there was no obstacles in their way and the ambulance in the totally different lane had spooked them, so they slammed on their brakes. Basically they ended up 100% at fault for doing what amounted to a brake check.
Rrof: where are you that you routinely see Rolls Royces? I think i've only ever seen one. I do see a growing number of those hideous Porsche SUVs.
I didn't think my use of "cocksure idiot " would carry on this long.
Emergency corridor
An emergency corridor grants priority to emergency vehicles and allows them to reachthe scene of an accident quickly and safely and without unnecessary delay. Some EUcountries, such as Poland, Belgium, Germany, and Lithuania, have adopted laws makingit compulsory for drivers to clear one lane and form an emergency corridor, also knownas a rescue lane. This emergency corridor has to be formed on motorways and highwayswith two or more lanes when the surrounding traffic slows down significantly before coming to a standstill and should be at least three metres wide (ETSC, 2018a, 2018b). Thisparticular measure is only effective if all drivers comply. It is therefore important that thepublic is made aware of what an emergency corridor is, what purpose it serves, and howit should or should not be used (ETSC, 2018b).
I would like to think, that those that read my post where I used the term would assume that I meant the arrogant, conceited, stupid driver that it was meant to highlight that infect our roads. This type of driver has no consideration for anyone but themselves and would probably become enraged if someone else had done the same thing to them and their family.
had read there s legislation on that abroad
RIP the folks who drove though the underpass full of water https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-66635952,
do wonder if you did not realise water was deep, electrics on windows gone, water pressure against doors - whether you should have one of those glass hammers.
e: https://youtu.be/lm6sL_tk3A0?t=121
Where on earth have you got that all from, I am referring to those drivers/riders that drive in such a way that has the potential to cause accidents or injury just because of their poor driving that includes cars, bikes and lorries ( overtaking on blind bends or when approaching a right turn junction springs to mind ). So I am not judging just pointing out the irresponsible people that now are on the road.
You maybe right, like I pointed out in an earlier post most of us are just ordinary people, but these idiots are the minority that shouldn't be on the road. I think the way that the law handles this problem of bad driving/riding is too lenient. Yes I know they have to be caught, but the increased use of dashcams and helmetcams could be a help to aid prosecution.I think they are just upset because they got the definition of cocksure wrong and instead of improving their understanding of the English language they double down on being wrong. If that is the same mentality they use when driving then maybe their arrogant, conceited and overconfident (aka cocksure) belief in their driving abilities is unwarranted.
You maybe right, like I pointed out in an earlier post most of us are just ordinary people, but these idiots are the minority that shouldn't be on the road. I think the way that the law handles this problem of bad driving/riding is too lenient. Yes I know they have to be caught, but the increased use of dashcams and helmetcams could be a help to aid prosecution.
You maybe right, like I pointed out in an earlier post most of us are just ordinary people, but these idiots are the minority that shouldn't be on the road. I think the way that the law handles this problem of bad driving/riding is too lenient. Yes I know they have to be caught, but the increased use of dashcams and helmetcams could be a help to aid prosecution.
had read there s legislation on that abroad
RIP the folks who drove though the underpass full of water https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-66635952,
do wonder if you did not realise water was deep, electrics on windows gone, water pressure against doors - whether you should have one of those glass hammers.
e: https://youtu.be/lm6sL_tk3A0?t=121
The water level rising would have been very evident long before they were in any real trouble.
You may think that this is a cold take but pure Darwin award winner for the driver. The water level rising would have been very evident long before they were in any real trouble. The driver made a conscious decision to drive into the flooded underpass. Should be deemed as a case of manslaughter by dangerous driving (passenger) and Self inflicted unintentional death (driver)
Deeming it an accident or death by mis-adventure seriously discredits the memory of the innocent victim (passenger).