Your bad driving encounters

Car parks, especially supermarket ones, are a nightmare at times.

What you say above is true but pedestrians are also just as bad... I've had it a few times where I am reversing already and people will walk behind me, into my blind spot, without a care in the world...

If I see a pedestrian coming towards me, I won't reverse until they have passed but, if I'm already reversing, they really shouldn't walk behind the car.

People seem to treat car parks like pedestrianised zones
That is one thing I've noticed. I own a 69 plate ev, which is pre-noisemaker so it's pretty quiet. There's a few times where people have realised I've been reversing/pulling out.
Having a think about it, often the "child onboard" stickers tend to be poor drivers too. I have noticed that on our estate (also a 20), as its quite curved I don't mind the 20, but some people just barrel through at 30, jn the middle of the road then have shocked pikachu face when they have to slam on as there's a parking car. ******* morons.
Late this morning unforseen rain shower at 8.00, so left on bike 40 minutes later (high-viz etc), forgot that was encroaching on retired driver time slot,
so inevitably older driver started pulling out from side-road, fortunately then thought better, but with the wet road couldn't have stopped,
never had a mountain bike to know whether with their knobbly tyres stopping distance is much better than my near slick 25's.

R4am wasa talking this morning about AI being used to describe visual scenes for poorly sighted, with concerns it would cause harm if asked to describe people,
but something that categorised upcoming drivers would be good.
Had a near one with a NHS failed paramedic driver (so drives the patient transport instead). Dual carriageway (50) Transport tootling at 40 as I approach so I indicates, moves into lane 2 and as I get within 3 feet of his rear end he drifts across, I brake and hit the horn and he puts his indicator on and continues.
They need to define filtering in a legal sense.

As far as I'm.comceremd, filtering is when a biker moves between 2 lanes of traffic which are going in the same direction.

If a biker is passing a single lane of traffic and/or passes traffic by encroaching onto the opposite carriageway, that's overtaking, not filtering

Furthermore, when bikers are filtering through lanes of traffic which are stopped at a light controlled pedestrian crossing, they are not meant to pass the vehicle(s) at the front and are supposed to stay behind the lead vehicle(s).

There are a lot of misconceptions about filtering and motorists and motorcyclists rarely agree.
There are a lot of misconceptions about filtering and motorists and motorcyclists rarely agree.

True, which is why filtering needs a legal definition and the rules enforced IMHO (like filtering past the lead vehicle at a crossing example I wrote about).

I don't have an issue with filtering as a concept, I just think many motorcyclists stretch the premise to silly levels and not within what it's meant to be whilst some motorists will actively block filtering on purpose or get enraged when a motorcyclist filters considerately.
This collection for example.

Timestamps to look at:

00:40 (Kentish Roads)
1:10 (smokeybear)
5:46 (Murphy)

Anyone think that this is acceptable filtering?
The first clip in that video is interesting - despite the protestations of not exceeding the speed limit it is clearly far too fast for the visibility conditions.

00:40 (Kentish Roads)

I wouldn't say the speed or filtering itself was an issue there as such but the biker was too fixated on what was immediately coming up, hence poor reading of the speed situation with the truck before that, and not aware enough of the traffic conditions ahead - although anticipating someone leaving a junction clear like that in those conditions can take some experience (also not the instincts of a lot of drivers so don't anticipate someone else doing it). Also not angled correctly for the speed they were doing to maximise the distance or options for braking into if necessary.

1:10 (smokeybear)

Had plenty of time to fix that situation but instead accelerated into it to make a point, if you are going to take up that path you need to work in people doing stuff like that.

5:46 (Murphy)

Though that other driver could have been more considerate, I would argue that the biker is in contravention of the highway code similar to passing parked cars, they should not be entering/encroaching on the other carriageway if doing so would cause other vehicles already on it to have to yield or adjust their driving to accommodate them (obviously sometimes these situations need a degree of pragmatism from both sides).

Despite what far too many drivers think it is not first to the line in these situation.
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The first clip in that video is interesting - despite the protestations of not exceeding the speed limit it is clearly far too fast for the visibility conditions.

To be fair to the car, if you look back, the car had 1.5-2 seconds to react to that biker due to his speed...

I wouldn't say the speed or filtering itself was an issue there as such but the biker was too fixated on what was immediately coming up, hence poor reading of the speed situation with the truck before that, and not aware enough of the traffic conditions ahead - although anticipating someone leaving a junction clear like that in those conditions can take some experience. Also not angled correctly for the speed they were doing to maximise the distance or options for braking into if necessary.

Although the hatched markings were not bordered by a solid white line, it shouldn't really be used for overtaking. He wasn't filtering.

Would it be deemed acceptable for any other motor vehicle to use this markings to pass traffic like he did?

Had plenty of time to fix that situation but instead accelerated into it to make a point, if you are going to take up that path you need to work in people doing stuff like that.

Again, I'd argue that's not filtering but rather overtaking when, although it's hard to see from.the camera angle, they are close or might be crossing onto the oncoming carriageway.

Though that other driver could have been more considerate, I would argue that the biker is in contravention of the highway code similar to passing parked cars, they should not be entering/encroaching on the other carriageway if doing so would cause other vehicles already on it to have to yield or adjust their driving to accommodate them (obviously sometimes these situations need a degree of pragmatism from both sides).

Despite what far too many drivers think it is not first to the line in these situation.

I agree with this... Not 100% sure any onus of consideration can be placed on the oncoming car mind but that's a minor point.

Essentially, the 3 specific examples should be classed as overtaking and not filtering IMHO and a proper definition should be set.
Would it be deemed acceptable for any other motor vehicle to use this markings to pass traffic like he did?

A bit of a grey area as the highway code kind of leaves it along the lines of you should understand the reason why they are there (hazards i.e. protecting a turning lane) and should only enter if you absolutely have to - technically you aren't doing anything wrong using them to overtake slow moving traffic, etc. if you are aware of the hazards i.e. junction, though most people frown on it and in most cases rightly so. Goes back to what I was saying the rider obviously didn't have the experience and awareness as to the road conditions beyond what was immediately coming up - to be fair something most of us probably are lacking but most of us don't put ourselves in situations where that is so crucial.
My problem with most road users is how they go out of their way to prove a point and usually in a way that paradoxically increases the risk of a crash.

Deliberately accelerating into danger such as a car that is clearly pulling out of a junction just a wee bit closer than is safe, but certainly not dangerously close that some mild braking from you won’t fix the problem. Just so you can be morally outraged and indignant at the “poor” driving that “put you in danger”.
Not seen it myself but apparently on the dual-carriageway I use to get to work some old people in a Honda Jazz, surprise, pulled out of a business and went the wrong way causing an accident, fortunately doesn't sound like it was serious. Not far from where I had one coming at me the wrong way.
I was a passenger during an incident on the school run today and we had two primary school kids in the back. The neighbour was driving (we take turns car sharing) and we were approaching a junction on a rural two lane B road. You could see from quite a distance that there was a car planning to turn right and they were stupidly already half out of a junction waiting for a few oncoming cars to pass. My neighbour had clearly saw this because she made a comment on “the idiot driver”.

So what does she do? She kept her speed, broke late, leaned on the horn, shouted some mild remarks about idiots and “there are children in this car”. Then drives out into the now thankfully largely empty oncoming lane to go around the “bad driver”.

I had to bite my tongue because I wanted to give off that she had clearly seen the danger and could just have slowed down.

The rest of the way to school was awkward because her 7 year old son kept asking “why was that person an idiot?”, “why did you shout at that idiot?”, “is daddy a bad driver because you always call him an idiot when he drives” :cry:

I even remembered my prophetic post on this thread from yesterday about this very behaviour.
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I always seem to get stuck between a person in front who won't do 1mph over the speed limit but wants to be in the outside lane and a person behind who is a tailgating maniac.

I always get stuck in front of some idiot who thinks that I need to move over when I’m doing the speed limit, just because they are happy to break the law. What’s even worse is they always come in packs of two.

:p ;)

I jest buddy.
I always get stuck in front of some idiot who thinks that I need to move over when I’m doing the speed limit, just because they are happy to break the law. What’s even worse is they always come in packs of two.

:p ;)

I jest buddy.
Don't you find this more in 30s than on dual carriageways :D , I do.
Don't you find this more in 30s than on dual carriageways :D , I do.

I don't expect people to do more than the speed limit but annoys the **** out of me when they dither without a good reason, especially people overtaking someone on a dual-carriageway who is doing like 58-59 while trying not to go over 60 and so on...

Personally, even if I don't agree with someone's driving, I'll try and enable someone's progress where reasonable, those who'll deliberately try and frustrate overtakes for instance are worse IMO than those speeding who they've taken an objection to.
Lol, usually both to be honest. But I tend to move over to the left lane if it exists and am happy to go a few MPH over the limit to complete an overtake in a timely fashion. Having said that, if someone is doing 70 on the overtaking lane I just suck it up and if I or anyone else takes umbrage, that's their problem. It's the lane hogging that I would get annoyed at rather than feeling annoyed I can't break the law.

Often a few MPH difference where someone is percevied to be just under a speed limit can be down to the speedometer variance. Both cars may say 70 mph for example, but a slight difference in calibration means there is 1 or 2 mph difference.
Often a few MPH difference where someone is percevied to be just under a speed limit can be down to the speedometer variance. Both cars may say 70 mph for example, but a slight difference in calibration means there is 1 or 2 mph difference.
This is why, if I'm doing what I think is bang on the limit, and someone is up my behind, I move over.
This collection for example.

Timestamps to look at:

00:40 (Kentish Roads)
1:10 (smokeybear)
5:46 (Murphy)

Anyone think that this is acceptable filtering?
Ergh, that video just makes me angry. Yes there is some genuine poor driving but for the most part the majority of the riding by the bikers in the clips is just laughable, definitely the vibes of 'it's all on cam brooo'
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