Your bad driving encounters

Ergh, that video just makes me angry. Yes there is some genuine poor driving but for the most part the majority of the riding by the bikers in the clips is just laughable, definitely the vibes of 'it's all on cam brooo'

Agreed, the funny thing is almost every one of those bikers thought they were 100% in the right. So many of them are speeding and filtering very dangerously.
If you think the video itself is funny, spend 5 minutes looking at the comments where the bloke who got in a fight for revving his bike is desperately justifying himself from an onslaught of negative comments
If you think the video itself is funny, spend 5 minutes looking at the comments where the bloke who got in a fight for revving his bike is desperately justifying himself from an onslaught of negative comments
I've just found the comments between him and the guy who posted the clip at 1:22. Both of them sound like a right pair of muppets, making situations out of nothing.

If you rev your bike outside someone's house, and they lean out the window and ask you to keep it down, surely the reasonable response is just a "Sorry mate" and stopping, even if you don't think it was particularly loud.
Similarly, if someone makes a minor positioning mistake which has an absolutely negligible effect on you, what sort of knuckle dragger do you have to be to sit and abuse them when they pull up next to you at the next set of lights.

Just seems like the usual, people with cameras more worried about generating content than safe riding.
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Nearly got run over in Morrison's car park last night.


I'm walking along the green arrow, 50 year old woman is driving along the yellow arrow, and there's a few cars in the other lane (the one marked "Click & Collect") moving parallel to me.

I check if she's indicating to turn in, as the lane will be clear by the time I'm halfway across (I know it's my priority if I'm crossing, but I don't trust people to be aware of the new highway code rules!), she's definitely not indicating, so I start to cross, but she basically just drives straight at me (albeit very slowly) as I'm at the end of the green arrow.

No idea where she was looking, but it clearly wasn't where she was going, because when I tapped on her bonnet she looked really startled and rolled down the window and sheepishly apologised :rolleyes:
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If you think the video itself is funny, spend 5 minutes looking at the comments where the bloke who got in a fight for revving his bike is desperately justifying himself from an onslaught of negative comments

That one did make me laugh. He picked a fight then got all annoyed when a fight started. Why on earth are you even revving your bike for anyway, it literally serves no purpose other than showing you are a total inconsiderate moron. It feeds right back to my point about people going out of their way to feel aggrieved with the "but I have right of way". Then refusing to see sense even in the face of overwhelming sentiment, or even when presented with factual evidence.

Years ago there was a biker at work who got some really noisy exhaust fitted to his bike and he would cause such a racket coming and going through the day. This is an acute hospital site and as his manager I had a word with him about this, as it was a major disruption for everyone else in the site including patients. But nope, he took umbrage and declared that he was prefectly within his rights to drive his bike like that as he was not breaking any laws and I couldn't stop him. I tried explaining it's just about being reasonable and considerate and nothing about laws etc. Then he wondered why he was being moved to one of our more remote rural locations away from his friends.
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Nearly got run over in Morrison's car park last night.


I'm walking along the green arrow, 50 year old woman is driving along the yellow arrow, and there's a few cars in the other lane (the one marked "Click & Collect") moving parallel to me.

I check if she's indicating to turn in, as the lane will be clear by the time I'm halfway across (I know it's my priority if I'm crossing, but I don't trust people to be aware of the new highway code rules!), she's definitely not indicating, so I start to cross, but she basically just drives straight at me (albeit very slowly) as I'm at the end of the green arrow.

No idea where she was looking, but it clearly wasn't where she was going, because when I tapped on her bonnet she looked really startled and rolled down the window and sheepishly apologised :rolleyes:
Imo it's a stupid and dangerous new rule. Mainly because people aren't paying attention like that, but if I'm pulling off a 50 road I'm not slamming my brakes on and getting rear ended. I have noticed (as I assume your drawing is too scale) lots of people tend to cut corners like that and they almost seem annoyed if a cars there and the have to do the correct thing.
Imo it's a stupid and dangerous new rule. Mainly because people aren't paying attention like that, but if I'm pulling off a 50 road I'm not slamming my brakes on and getting rear ended. I have noticed (as I assume your drawing is too scale) lots of people tend to cut corners like that and they almost seem annoyed if a cars there and the have to do the correct thing.

Yeah, agreed, when driving I try to follow it where safe, but it's a stupid rule because A) like you say, people behind you don't pay attention and B) most people don't seem to actually know about the rule (both drivers and pedestrians), so as a pedestrian I try to avoid "triggering" it by not looking like i'm crossing if a car is turning in.

Yeah people cut those corners, although to be fair it is extremely narrow, so can't really blame them (but yes, if there is oncoming traffic then they should still drive properly!)
If you think the video itself is funny, spend 5 minutes looking at the comments where the bloke who got in a fight for revving his bike is desperately justifying himself from an onslaught of negative comments

I've had a couple of his short videos pop-up in my YT recommendations - quite a lot of people who appear to be experienced bikers criticising his riding for being inexperienced, which hasn't gone down well.
Today's kids don't understand the Green Cross Code or road safety.

Yesterday morning, I was driving down a road then suddenly 4 teens from the local academy just walked across the road without looking first. Had to do an emergency stop. The driver behind me shouted at the teens to watch what they are doing. Never turned round etc.
Today's kids don't understand the Green Cross Code or road safety.

Yesterday morning, I was driving down a road then suddenly 4 teens from the local academy just walked across the road without looking first. Had to do an emergency stop. The driver behind me shouted at the teens to watch what they are doing. Never turned round etc.
I nearly got a kid (6 or 7 years old maybe) tonight driving home from work, came flying out of a junction on his bike into a 'main' street where there are parked cars all around, literally saw him at the last second. If I'd been a second or two earlier I wouldn't have been able to stop. He didn't give a ****. His mate who saw what happened looked a bit shocked.

Also nearly got a pedestrian on the way to work. At a busy junction they decided to step out on a red man while the lights had changed to green for me. I was trying to keep an eye on a car trying to turn right into the same junction that was unsighted by another car turning right the opposite way. That was an emergency stop for me too.

Also nearly rear ended someone coming home because someone a couple of cars forward decided to be 'helpful' and let someone out of a side road when the lights we'd previously been at changed to green so everyone was accelerating away from the lights. There was nobody behind me so they would have gotten out fine without the help.

What a day :D
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Also nearly got a pedestrian on the way to work. At a busy junction they decided to step out on a red man while the lights had changed to green for me. I was trying to keep an eye on a car trying to turn right into the same junction that was unsighted by another car turning right the opposite way. That was an emergency stop for me too.

See a lot of pedestrians these days expecting other people to look out for them, scares me a bit as I'm very much expecting people to do the common sense thing I'd do in that situation and not put themselves in a dangerous position so I can get caught out by it if I'm not careful.

Even in a relatively rural area seeing a huge increase lately of people headphones on, head down and/or looking at their phone while in active road environments and the stupidity of it does my head in, especially when they step out in front of an emergency vehicle which has its lights and siren on and visible for dozens if not 100m.

Time for the road safety ads to return to tv.

I question whether people would take much notice of them :( it increasingly is almost like people have an attitude of worry about the problem(s) when they happen/later as if life has an undo button.
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See a lot of pedestrians these days expecting other people to look out for them, scares me a bit as I'm very much expecting people to do the common sense thing I'd do in that situation and not put themselves in a dangerous position so I can get caught out by it if I'm not careful.
A lot of it is people just not looking. This crossing is also sort of in a bad place, they could move it ten yards up the road and it would be much safer but people would still try to cross there anyway.

At this junction cars can literally come from four directions but the pedestrians seemingly think, “there’s not a car right this nanosecond so I’ll just cross anyway”.
Right after posting that had this video pop-up in my YouTube reccomendations LOL:

"Woman doesn't give way at junction then crashes and starts swearing" (channel hello835)

On her phone, ignores the give way signs then blames anyone but herself. I really hope the book got thrown at her.

EDIT: Not sure on speed actually - looked a fair bit higher than the 20 limit but quick calculation puts 17MPH average over the last 6m to the impact.
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More people lack the ability to turn their necks - as drivers/cyclists when pulling out of a junction and pedestrians when crossing roads.
Right after posting that had this video pop-up in my YouTube reccomendations LOL:

"Woman doesn't give way at junction then crashes and starts swearing" (channel hello835)

On her phone, ignores the give way signs then blames anyone but herself. I really hope the book got thrown at her.

EDIT: Not sure on speed actually - looked a fair bit higher than the 20 limit but quick calculation puts 17MPH average over the last 6m to the impact.
It’s amazing she thought she was in the right. I found the contrast between the relaxing music and her swearing somewhat amusing.

It’s amazing she thought she was in the right. I found the contrast between the relaxing music and her swearing somewhat amusing.

Love the way she comes towards them screaming like it was their fault. if the Dashcam speedo is correct he was bang on 20mph too so wasn't even speeding a little bit. Looking at it again she was on the complete wrong side of the road too. If anyone was tuning into that street they'd have run into her too.
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Obviously because the Give Way only applies the the left lane, duh!

(joking but that's probably how she sees it)

I find a lot of younger drivers especially seem to erroneously believe first to the line applies in situations like junctions and passing parked cars, etc. and it is increasingly becoming a problem, few times recently I've had to get hard on the brakes when the other driver should not have pulled out in front of me.
I find a lot of younger drivers especially seem to erroneously believe first to the line applies in situations like junctions and passing parked cars, etc. and it is increasingly becoming a problem, few times recently I've had to get hard on the brakes when the other driver should not have pulled out in front of me.

Whilst at work I get a lot of it with parked cars on one side of the road, where it's my priority not having the obstructed side and they think they only have to start their way past.
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