Your bad driving encounters

Also why so many of those dashcams videos have their GPS speed data turned off but not the coordinates? Do they think they are fooling anyone if they say “I was innocently driving along at the speed limit minding my own business, when BAM!”

The speed option can require an additional module (though normally if it has longitude and latitude that function would be present).

On 2 of my dashcams the speed function requires a plugin dongle I didn't bother to buy.
The speed option can require an additional module (though normally if it has longitude and latitude that function would be present).

On 2 of my dashcams the speed function requires a plugin dongle I didn't bother to buy.

Yeah true, some dashcams do not have GPS and so can’t display location and speed data in the overlay. Though I’m specifically thinking of the clips with the location info on the overlay but not the speed. The implication being (as you correctly said noted) that they have a GPS module.

I get it and I suppose my question was a touch rhetorical, because the obvious reason is they are hiding evidence that they are speeding. And the fact they go out of their way to hide it a massive red flag IMHO.

I wonder what the margin of error on GPS is and how accurate your speed can be assessed by road marking etc? That isn’t rhetorical, genuinely interested.
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Yeah true, some dashcams do not have GPS and so can’t display location and speed data in the overlay. Though I’m specifically thinking of the clips with the location info on the overlay but not the speed. The implication being (as you correctly said noted) that they have a GPS module.

I get it and I suppose my question was a touch rhetorical, because the obvious reason is they are hiding evidence that they are speeding. And the fact they go out of their way to hide it a massive red flag IMHO.

I wonder what the margin of error on GPS is and how accurate your speed can be assessed by road marking etc? That isn’t rhetorical, genuinely interested.


Depends a lot on the camera frame rate and quality and the distance you can judge continuous speed over. You can also have issues that cheaper dashcams might glitch out and drop frames or get hot in the sun affecting their capture speed or timing.

I'd say in a best case situation you can probably get accuracy to within about 3%, potentially it could be some way out though.
Depends a lot on the camera frame rate and quality and the distance you can judge continuous speed over. You can also have issues that cheaper dashcams might glitch out and drop frames or get hot in the sun affecting their capture speed or timing.

I'd say in a best case situation you can probably get accuracy to within about 3%, potentially it could be some way out though.

I would suspect about the same. So it would still be enough to determine if the dashcam equipped car was likely speeding. So if someone submits a recording of a collision as evidence they were not at fault, but it is determined they were themselves speeding. That could mean they get partial responsibility for the collision and even possibly convicted of a traffic offence. So your own evidence could implicate you.

As someone who always fits a dashcam (front only), I am always conscious of my speeding being recorded. So I tend not to speed at all. No point recording some muppet brake checking me and causing a collision, if it also shows I was doing 40 in a 30. Just a thought.
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I've no idea if the cam in my car can do speed overlay (it was already fitted and setup) but if it could, I don't think I'd turn it on. You see plenty of videos where the speed is clearly not synced - they perform an emergency stop for example and 3 seconds later the speed still shows 10mph - when it's that inaccurate, I don't see the point really.
I've no idea if the cam in my car can do speed overlay (it was already fitted and setup) but if it could, I don't think I'd turn it on. You see plenty of videos where the speed is clearly not synced - they perform an emergency stop for example and 3 seconds later the speed still shows 10mph - when it's that inaccurate, I don't see the point really.

My point was those that turn it off to “hide” that they were speeding will fool nobody.
My point was those that turn it off to “hide” that they were speeding will fool nobody.
Of course not but maybe many turn it off because it's so inaccurate it's liable to confuse things and imply (for one example) they didn't slow down when they actually did and suddenly they're the ones trying to argue that actually they did brake before a collision by measuring distances etc.
Of course not but maybe many turn it off because it's so inaccurate it's liable to confuse things and imply (for one example) they didn't slow down when they actually did and suddenly they're the ones trying to argue that actually they did brake before a collision by measuring distances etc.

I get that but I’m doubtful those that deliberately disable it are doing so because it’s not very accurate. From what I have read, the lag you mention is why your dashcam GPS output is not going to be how they determine speed in a collision. They majority of times they can use distance covered per frame etc and that is accurate enough to within a few %. Not only that but most cars have computer black box style software that records collision data such as speed, time and location etc.

It’s just a thought really. One of those “if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to worry about” in this context.
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Today's prize encounter ended in a collision. One in which the berk in a merc came off worse.

Motorway roundabout, 3 lanes. Lane 1 marked Rotherham, Lane 2 marked for M1 South &U Meadowhall, Lane 3 M1 North & Meadowhall.

I'm in L1 to exit for Rotherham, Merc berk is on my O/S, in lane 2, in front by about 2 ft. He decides he's going to take the Rotherham exit and simultaneously swerves over and putting his indicator on, his swerve negated some of his speed and I pit-maneuvered him.

He hops out and starts screaming how I should have seen him and given way. Something he also said to police when they arrived, still refusing to hand over his insurance details (standard procedure, call police, request breath test for myself)

Ambulance crew check over all my passengers, speed was relatively low so no injuries (except for berk who's claiming a sore neck)

Our collision investigation team have already cleared me (through CCTV and my statement) & police seemed more bothered about clearing the scene than charging the berk with due care.

Oh yeah, I was in a double-deck 12ton bus. His merc will be a write off and my managers have said due to age, our bus will be written off (17yr old, 1.2million miles on clocks) so berk's insurance will be happy with the £200k payout....
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Not sure if I can be bothered to upload a compilation but this weekend seems to be a competition as to who can make the most pointless overtake.

On Friday I got stuck behind a HGV with a motorbike in front of me who was sitting a fair bit back from the HGV (probably in case of stones being flicked up, etc.) but about a half mile in front of that was a bus doing about the same speed so I wasn't hurrying to overtake anyhow, but the motorbike, who wasn't going for overtaking opportunities added an extra complication. Within 2-3 miles twice people overtook me, then found they had nowhere to go and I had to give them, or make sure there was, space to get back in, so they then sat behind the HGV until the next town anyway.

Couple of others over the weekend similar.

Then tonight coming home I had someone in front of me driving at a variable speed for no apparent reason, sometimes pulling a long way ahead then slowing down so I'd catch up, repeat, caught them up at a long straight where they slowed down quite a bit so I went for it only for them to then speed up on me! and then to only get stuck behind another car driving similarly. I wouldn't actually have bothered to overtake but there was an Audi behind me who was borderline tailgating - they had actually dropped back to a decent distance just before the overtake but before that had been closer behind than was ideal - weirdly they didn't overtake me despite 2 good chances after they caught me up - I thought they'd have gone for it given they must have been doing around 50 in the 30 when they came up behind me.
Today's prize encounter ended in a collision. One in which the berk in a merc came off worse.

Motorway roundabout, 3 lanes. Lane 1 marked Rotherham, Lane 2 marked for M1 South &U Meadowhall, Lane 3 M1 North & Meadowhall.

I'm in L1 to exit for Rotherham, Merc berk is on my O/S, in lane 2, in front by about 2 ft. He decides he's going to take the Rotherham exit and simultaneously swerves over and putting his indicator on, his swerve negated some of his speed and I pit-maneuvered him.

He hops out and starts screaming how I should have seen him and given way. Something he also said to police when they arrived, still refusing to hand over his insurance details (standard procedure, call police, request breath test for myself)

Ambulance crew check over all my passengers, speed was relatively low so no injuries (except for berk who's claiming a sore neck)

Our collision investigation team have already cleared me (through CCTV and my statement) & police seemed more bothered about clearing the scene than charging the berk with due care.

Oh yeah, I was in a double-deck 12ton bus. His merc will be a write off and my managers have said due to age, our bus will be written off (17yr old, 1.2million miles on clocks) so berk's insurance will be happy with the £200k payout....
It's a shame insurance isn't tied to cost of the claim. Might encourage people to drive better.
Had an awesome discounter with one of thd older guys I work with. I'm going round a roundabout on the inside to do a big U (have to to get on site). The guy doesn't give way and got upset I beeped my horn. He said how am I supposed to know where you are going when your on the inside of the roundabout (while indicating right):rolleyes:. I did cut infront of him as I'd seen red, but it's not uncommon for people to not give way and have to slam on as they're not following the rules of the road.

If anyone knows the Hull area, it's the small roundabout near the porsche garage, or 'the tip' roundabout as its more commonly called.

I shake my head at his confusion as to not knowing where I was going, so blindly pulling out anyway, essentially I almost went into his drivers door.
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Had a nugget yesterday...

Rush hour traffic on a 2-lane section of motorway and I spot an ambulance coming up around 100-150 yds back. I am in lane 2 so I pull over to the right but, as I am right at a right hand off ramp (weird setup I know) I decide to stop to allow the cars in front to clear the exit in case the ambualnce is looking to use the exit ramp rather than carry on up the M-Way rather than me ending up blocking it (you know, thinking ahead).

The 10 or so cars behind me see whats happening and also move to the right and the cars in lane 1 move to the left to allow the ambulance to split the lanes and go between the cars to make good progress (similar to how a bike filters between vehicles)

Anyways, this ******** in an SUV of some kind, who is about 15 yds in front of the ambulance, decides that we've all decided to make this "lane" for his own use and decides to accelerate up between the cars!!

He passes us all and, when the ambulance goes past, I end up behind the SUV dick and throw my hands up at him in frustration only for him to gesticulate and make out he didnt know what my problem was :mad: :mad: Self entitled ********. :mad:
Had a nugget yesterday...

Rush hour traffic on a 2-lane section of motorway and I spot an ambulance coming up around 100-150 yds back. I am in lane 2 so I pull over to the right but, as I am right at a right hand off ramp (weird setup I know) I decide to stop to allow the cars in front to clear the exit in case the ambualnce is looking to use the exit ramp rather than carry on up the M-Way rather than me ending up blocking it (you know, thinking ahead).

The 10 or so cars behind me see whats happening and also move to the right and the cars in lane 1 move to the left to allow the ambulance to split the lanes and go between the cars to make good progress (similar to how a bike filters between vehicles)

Anyways, this ******** in an SUV of some kind, who is about 15 yds in front of the ambulance, decides that we've all decided to make this "lane" for his own use and decides to accelerate up between the cars!!

He passes us all and, when the ambulance goes past, I end up behind the SUV dick and throw my hands up at him in frustration only for him to gesticulate and make out he didnt know what my problem was :mad: :mad: Self entitled ********. :mad:

Hopefully the ambo was fitted with ICVS and they bothered to report him for it.
I shake my head at his confusion as to not knowing where I was going, so blindly pulling out anyway, essentially I almost went into his drivers door.

I get this quite a lot, very annoying, I dunno what is so hard about just letting people do their thing and following on after, especially if the layout of the roundabout means you have to come in from nearer the inside to take the next exit and they just assume you are going on around.

Had a nugget yesterday...

Saw similar recently - 2 cars near the front of the line of traffic cottoned on to an emergency vehicle approaching from behind in very good time and pulled to the side putting their hazards on (which might have been a bit misleading compared to indicating left but still) the car immediately behind them decided to try and go around them despite an ambulance coming up quickly behind them with lights and siren... some people should not be on the road.

It is crazy how some people will notice when the emergency vehicle is still like half a mile back, others take like 20+ seconds for awareness to sink in when the emergency vehicle is 6 foot from their bumper... I half wonder if they shouldn't be drink/drugs tested.
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I'm the bad driver!

Entered motorway from a slip road and got caught by a camera - 69 in 60. I must have missed the signs saying it was a 60, not a 70 :(

Speed Camera Details: Following the completion of a upgraded 3-lane dual carriageway, new VECTOR average speed cameras have been installed on the Eastbound section, replacing the temporary SPECS cameras sited during the roadwork's. Following the completion of the roadwork's, the speed limit on this section of road has been reduced from 70mph to 60mph. The first pair of VECTOR cameras are sited on the exit slip road onto the A1139 (Fletton Parkway) from the A1 junction 17.​
Paperwork sent off - clean licence for many years, guess it's gonna come back 3 points and £100 :(
I'm the bad driver!

Entered motorway from a slip road and got caught by a camera - 69 in 60. I must have missed the signs saying it was a 60, not a 70 :(

Speed Camera Details: Following the completion of a upgraded 3-lane dual carriageway, new VECTOR average speed cameras have been installed on the Eastbound section, replacing the temporary SPECS cameras sited during the roadwork's. Following the completion of the roadwork's, the speed limit on this section of road has been reduced from 70mph to 60mph. The first pair of VECTOR cameras are sited on the exit slip road onto the A1139 (Fletton Parkway) from the A1 junction 17.​
Paperwork sent off - clean licence for many years, guess it's gonna come back 3 points and £100 :(

You may be lucky and get the course. Some forces take driving record into consideration, not just the speed.
I'm the bad driver!

Entered motorway from a slip road and got caught by a camera - 69 in 60. I must have missed the signs saying it was a 60, not a 70 :(

Speed Camera Details: Following the completion of a upgraded 3-lane dual carriageway, new VECTOR average speed cameras have been installed on the Eastbound section, replacing the temporary SPECS cameras sited during the roadwork's. Following the completion of the roadwork's, the speed limit on this section of road has been reduced from 70mph to 60mph. The first pair of VECTOR cameras are sited on the exit slip road onto the A1139 (Fletton Parkway) from the A1 junction 17.​
Paperwork sent off - clean licence for many years, guess it's gonna come back 3 points and £100 :(
I'd be very surprised if you don't just get a course.
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