I get this quite a lot, very annoying, I dunno what is so hard about just letting people do their thing and following on after, especially if the layout of the roundabout means you have to come in from nearer the inside to take the next exit and they just assume you are going on around.
Saw similar recently - 2 cars near the front of the line of traffic cottoned on to an emergency vehicle approaching from behind in very good time and pulled to the side putting their hazards on (which might have been a bit misleading compared to indicating left but still) the car immediately behind them decided to try and go around them despite an ambulance coming up quickly behind them with lights and siren... some people should not be on the road.
It is crazy how some people will notice when the emergency vehicle is still like half a mile back, others take like 20+ seconds for awareness to sink in when the emergency vehicle is 6 foot from their bumper... I half wonder if they shouldn't be drink/drugs tested.
Had similar recently.
3 lane road leading up to a roundabout with traffic lights (here for anyone who is interested), with an ambulance coming down in lane 3. Everyone else has seen it, and are in lanes 1 & 2 to allow them to come past, until a **** in a highway maintenance van (you know the ones with the pickup back) decides we've all cleared the lane for him, pulls out in front of the ambulance, and then proceeds to block lane 3 for several minutes until the lights change (they aren't the quickest of lights).
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