Your bizarre quirks/traits

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Originally posted by MrFlibble
You sound like me - get out me head!

I got another one as well: I rehearse conversations I anticipate having with people in my head, so that when they come about I know exactly what to say.

You must be my twin

I wasnt going to mention that one just incase people thought I was weird

Oddly enough after rehearsing the conversation I rarely have it with the person in question
I count. Everything. All the time. Be it number of people wearing a certain type of clothing, stairs in a house, banister rails, number of paving slabs or kerb stones down a section of roads, footsteps it takes me to reach the post office. I have no idea why I do this.
I guess that makes me a freak just like Gilly.

When I used to spend a lot of time on buses, I would look out of the window for the entire journey, imagining how I would traverse the landscape on a super-duper skateboard type device. For example, imagine looking out of your bus/car window and seeing the landscape transformed into a Super Mario type 2D constantly scrolling platform game landscape. If you had a skateboard (just like in Wonderboy) you could skate along a rail, ollie up onto a telegraph pole, bounce of successive signs or car rooftops and so on. I still do this if I find myself a passenger on a long journey. How bloody bizarre.

I talk to myself. A lot. When nobody is around, I genuinely "LOL" at things I see on the internet, I commentate to myself on various household activities, and I have been known to narrate my way through an activity to a non-existent audience as if I'm a TV chef or something. This ties in with my another freakish habit, which is basically running about the house like a deranged 5 year old. When I'm home alone I never walk up the stairs, I run at full pelt, sometimes jumping several steps at one time. Should I need to traverse the living room I actually sprint in, jump over the footstool and do a sideways "heelclick" in mid air. When I get to the bottom 3 or 4 steps I put my palm on the banister nob and jump in a 180 degree arc onto the hallway floor. I constanly throw knives/forks/tools/whatever I have to hand in the air like a majorette would with a baton and catch them. If you ever speak to me in real life you'll notice I do it with my mobile, keys, pens, whatever I have to hand.

Waaah, Mr Flibble has reminded me. I constantly play out "virtual scenarios" not only in my head, but out loud with simulated accents and everything. I end up going off on a total tangent most of the time, playing out what did/could/would/should have happened. Combined with this I daydream about what I'd do in some sort of "post-apocolyptical" world, or if we were under occupation from invaders like France was in WWII. I used to be terrible for doing it on my paper round becuase it was a lot of time spent walking about the countryside on my own, giving me more time to think up this crap. Now I drive instead of walking everywhere I don't do it as much

I = odd.
I don't like having my back to people, even if they are standing beside me but back a little bit, there is something I don't like about it.

Sometimes I will think about doing something, then not do it but then I feel that I should do it otherwise it will cause some sort of inbalance.

Thats me done.
Left handed people enrage me, if i see someone writing with there left hand it makes me mad.

I prefer to do things an alternative way, experement a little. If there is an easy way and a hard way, ill do it the hard way. This makes things more complicated, but it also gives me alternatives. Ive always done this because ive said to myself if life gets too hard for me i can just start doing things the easy way and everything will be hunky dory!

I could go on for ages so ill come back and edit some more in later on. :D
I have a few I guess:

1. Curtains *must* be closed right over left.

2. Shoe laces *must* be placed inside shoes prior to being placed in shoe shrank.

3. Avoid the number 3 whenever possible. It's half of 6, and we all know that 6 is the number of the beast.

That's about all I can think of off the top of my head.
I talk to myself. A lot. When nobody is around, I genuinely "LOL" at things I see on the internet, I commentate to myself on various household activities, and I have been known to narrate my way through an activity to a non-existent audience as if I'm a TV chef or something. This ties in with my another freakish habit, which is basically running about the house like a deranged 5 year old. When I'm home alone I never walk up the stairs, I run at full pelt, sometimes jumping several steps at one time. Should I need to traverse the living room I actually sprint in, jump over the footstool and do a sideways "heelclick" in mid air. When I get to the bottom 3 or 4 steps I put my palm on the banister nob and jump in a 180 degree arc onto the hallway floor. I constanly throw knives/forks/tools/whatever I have to hand in the air like a majorette would with a baton and catch them. If you ever speak to me in real life you'll notice I do it with my mobile, keys, pens, whatever I have to hand.

I do that aswell. makes life so much more interesting! :d
Originally posted by Kronologic
Oddly enough after rehearsing the conversation I rarely have it with the person in question
I have that too, especially with phone conversations (which I hate). Again, the conversation rarely goes the way I plan it.

• The volume level on a car stereo must be a multiple of 2 or end in a 5. You must never, ever have the volume at anything like 13 or 27. That's just wrong.

• In the kitchen, any worksurface I'm about to prepare food on has to be absolutely bone dry - this used to drive my co-workers nuts at my last job as a cook.
When I'm alone in my house, I always comment on the TV programmes. But the wierd thing, it;s always obsenities along the lines of "Graham Norton, what a ****" or "what an ugly bint". It's like turettes triggered by crap TV.

And i don't just mumble my opinions, sometimes I just shout them at the TV :)
Whenever I'm in a car with someone and they start to reverse or if they are on the motorway and changing lanes I will turn my head to check for things behind me as if I was driving, though I've never driven before. Really annoys one of my mates :p
Originally posted by thebruce
Do the words obsessive compulsive disorder,

Its thought that everyone has OCD to a certain point. Most of us have utterly harmless versions, as this thread shows. Its just the one who do very obvious things or are extremely compulsive you notice.

Originally posted by Seraphim
• The volume level on a car stereo must be a multiple of 2 or end in a 5. You must never, ever have the volume at anything like 13 or 27. That's just wrong.

I prefer my stereo levels to be prime numbers, so I usually have it on 11 or 13, but not those around them.

Originally posted by neil-ste
Left handed people enrage me, if i see someone writing with there left hand it makes me mad.

Thats just weird.....
Originally posted by Lopéz

When I used to spend a lot of time on buses, I would look out of the window for the entire journey, imagining how I would traverse the landscape on a super-duper skateboard type device. For example, imagine looking out of your bus/car window and seeing the landscape transformed into a Super Mario type 2D constantly scrolling platform game landscape. If you had a skateboard (just like in Wonderboy) you could skate along a rail, ollie up onto a telegraph pole, bounce of successive signs or car rooftops and so on. I still do this if I find myself a passenger on a long journey. How bloody bizarre.

i do this...:)

Also, i can't stand shoes being upside down, i don't care if they are not matched, left and right, shoelaces, dirty etc, just that they are not upside down..:confused:
= I too am a 'counting-freak'. When I am walking long distances by myself, I count my steps to 20 repeatedly in French; 'un, deux, trois....'. I don't know why, but it's become habitual. However I do it in my head and not out loud for fear of appearing like one of the crazies. And I count faster than I can walk to get me where I want to go quicker.

= I sit at my desk at home cross-legged, I'm uncomfortable any other way.

= I usually walking around the supermarket in different directions each time, and occasionally double-back on myself. Simply because they design the aisle gangways to create flow in certain directions, and I don't like being herded, even if it takes twice as long.

= I refuse to enter fast-food chains. If I'm with a group of people who want to go in, I will sit outside on my own like a loony McLibel campaigner.

And the usual stuff, naming and talking to houseplants, anally retentive cleanliness, compulsive organising, clicking biro pen buttons constantly...
/twitches uncontrollably
Originally posted by Lopéz

I talk to myself. A lot. When nobody is around, I genuinely "LOL" at things I see on the internet, I commentate to myself on various household activities, and I have been known to narrate my way through an activity to a non-existent audience as if I'm a TV chef or something. This ties in with my another freakish habit, which is basically running about the house like a deranged 5 year old. When I'm home alone I never walk up the stairs, I run at full pelt, sometimes jumping several steps at one time. Should I need to traverse the living room I actually sprint in, jump over the footstool and do a sideways "heelclick" in mid air. When I get to the bottom 3 or 4 steps I put my palm on the banister nob and jump in a 180 degree arc onto the hallway floor. I constanly throw knives/forks/tools/whatever I have to hand in the air like a majorette would with a baton and catch them. If you ever speak to me in real life you'll notice I do it with my mobile, keys, pens, whatever I have to hand.

Waaah, Mr Flibble has reminded me. I constantly play out "virtual scenarios" not only in my head, but out loud with simulated accents and everything. I end up going off on a total tangent most of the time, playing out what did/could/would/should have happened. Combined with this I daydream about what I'd do in some sort of "post-apocolyptical" world, or if we were under occupation from invaders like France was in WWII. I used to be terrible for doing it on my paper round becuase it was a lot of time spent walking about the countryside on my own, giving me more time to think up this crap. Now I drive instead of walking everywhere I don't do it as much

I = odd.

I am also trying to cut down on this as people might start to notice (its bad enough I am posting this as I have a few mates at work that will probably read this)

Thing is I have been doing it since I was about 4 so I am not sure if it will ever stop. Guess I am happy in my own company.

Edit: Sleeping is also a big part of my weirdness.

I can sleep in any givien situation at any given point in the day on any given surface and in almost any given position.

Not only that but Unless I am ready to awake or mentally prepare myself to be awoken by a given situation/noise I will not awaken.

Once I was dragged about a field by my mates and had 2 cars parked right next to my head with the horns blaring at me and I didnt even stir.

I can also sleep on any form of transport. But I will always wake up at my destination. I have never missed my bus stop or train stop in my life.
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I've been reminded of more:

I count the number of Holes in a word on signs and stuffwhen bored. eg. Reply has 3 'R+e+p'.

When I think to my self, i have noticed, Instead of saying 'me' or 'I', i think 'we' or 'us'......"We are going to be late, If we don't get a move on" im conserned im developing a split personality.
Originally posted by NicktheNorse

as for me, I hate stepping on lines on the pavement (the intersection between tiles). sounds really childish, but i still walk such that my feet hit the middle of the tile. makes me look like a right plonker at times :D

i do the exact same thing :p
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