Your bizarre quirks/traits

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a) Say I were to scuff one shoe when walking along the pavement, I'd have an urge to do the same to the other shoe just to even things out. Or if I were to hurt my arm/leg/whatever, I'd want to do the same to the opposite limb - very strange.

b) I talk to myself a fair bit - sometimes its just to get things organised in my head, but other times its just random stuff.
right, here we go...

>> I HATE bad sounding music, if i go to someone's house or something, then i HAVE to tweak the bass, treble etc to get it sounding PERFECT or i can't relax - does anyone else get this?

>> I also twitch...not in a psycotic way, but if i'm watching telly, on the computer etc my leg twitches, or my arm does. i was staying at my ex's house this weekend, with some other mates, we were watching a film, which i fell asleep during, and my ex could tell EXACTLY when i was asleep, becus apparently i do a huuuge twitch.

wierd eh?
At first I thought you lot were very strange, but the more I read this thread the more I realised I probably fit in with the weirdo's.

- I talk to myself too. I often play out scenario's in my head, more so when I was single and trying to chat up someone. I also find myself continuing a daydream for days/weeks on end, completely living it out in my head.

- I hate people walking at the same speed as me when they're close to me. I'll either slow down or speed up, but I'll just get away from them.

- Despite being a naturally untidy person, the work surface in the kitchen must be clean when I prepare food, otherwise I'll want to kill someone with a blunt object. People who don't wipe up after themselves should retire to a safe distance.

- I too also go up stairs in pairs, and will take a last single step as if it was a double. The only exception to this rule is after football when my legs can barely manage one at a time.
I do a few wierd things.
One thing i do is talk to the people on the tele. If, as an example, the news comes on and Trevor McDonald says good evening i always reply. When he goes i say goodbye to him. I do this all the time. Even when i am by myself. I think i am going mad.

I also like watching people. If i am at a shopping centre for example, i like to watch what people are doing and how they react to certain situations :o People are very entertaining.

I am also guily of stair counting :rolleyes:

Again, the car stereo has to be on an number that i dont class as odd. 43 is an odd number so is 47 etc. It would have to go on 45 or 50.

Following on from the sleeping post. I always wake up on time. If i need to get up at 8am and forget to switch on the alarm. I will wake up at 8.

I am sure i will have more, just need thinking time.
I can't stand the smell of butchers or fishmongers. As soon as I begin to detect it, or if I spot one coming up a few doors away, I hold my breath until I get completely past it. Why don't I just breathe through my mouth some might ask? Because that's another quirk of mine - I always breath using my nose only, unless I'm winded. Reason for that being, people who breath through their mouths take in an estimated ten times as many contaminents due to them not being filtered by some old mucus membrane wotsit in our nasal setup. (Biology is one of my weakest areas of knowledge, hence the not very technical description. :D)
Originally posted by Bobster
I do a few wierd things.
One thing i do is talk to the people on the tele. If, as an example, the news comes on and Trevor McDonald says good evening i always reply. When he goes i say goodbye to him. I do this all the time..

Sorry that just made me LOL :D

I do the stereo thing as well.

I sometimes think "LOL" or "WTF" to myself. :(

Also a bit of a perfectionist with my stuff, I don't like it when people mess with it. :D But it's not very serious or anything.

Oh I also tap out rhythms fairly often.
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Quite often when doing a sport or something like running I will start to sing in my head and not being able to get it out of my mind. I'll find myself running along in football and with every pained breath muttering the words to a song.
Another odd thing about me is unless it is something important like a job interview or a doctors appointment. I do not like being on time or early. This causes me issues with Miss K as she likes to be early.
If I am going to a party I like to get there about a half hour to an hour late.
I went to DCP's on Saturday to play monopoly and arranged to be there at 10 am but turned up at about 11:15.
I am never on time for work. No matter what time I say I will be in for I will always be about 5-30 min late.
Even if I try to get somewhere on time I cant do it. I sometimes have to plan to be about 30 min early if its important that I get there on time.
Originally posted by Deadly Ferret
I can't stand the smell of butchers or fishmongers. As soon as I begin to detect it, or if I spot one coming up a few doors away, I hold my breath until I get completely past it. Why don't I just breathe through my mouth some might ask? Because that's another quirk of mine - I always breath using my nose only, unless I'm winded. Reason for that being, people who breath through their mouths take in an estimated ten times as many contaminents due to them not being filtered by some old mucus membrane wotsit in our nasal setup. (Biology is one of my weakest areas of knowledge, hence the not very technical description. :D)
I hold my breathe when i walk past the body shop. I cant stand the smell. It gives me a headache.
I always lock my screen at home. I hate the idea of people knowing about my personal life.

I hate sitting in daylight at work. I want all the curtains drawn whatever the weather.

I cannot sit up straight, no matter where i am.

I think through what would happen if i told my colleague to &%*$ off, or if i came into work with some random object - chainsaw, knife, bat etc.

But overall, I'm pretty normal, unlike all you other FREAKS:p ;)
another oddity - sometimes i'll have a 2 person conversation in my head about solutions to problems, not sure If I should see someone about that ! although often it helps troubleshoot stuff as I seem to be able to come at the same problem from multiple directions at once this way (I think its like a Virtual me :D)
I too am guilty of many of the above...

Counting steps - though this is handy for when it's dark or you're carrying something big.

Rehersing conversations/arguments. Never ever get the chance to use them in reality.

Coughing when I clean my ears: check!

I can't have anyone sit behind me and have to sit at the back of a room. If we go out for dinner I always have to face the entrance to the restaurant.

When attending an important and serious gathering, funeral, busines meeting etc, comedy senarios pop into my head like "wouldn't it be funny if the vicar slipped into the grave". I then find this thought hilariously funny and have to work very hard to stifle my laughter often leading to odd spluttering noises and facial twitching.

I also taste my own poo!
For some reason i hate it when i see the smiley ;p :confused:

I get anoyed at people that ask if your OK

Badly lit rooms anoy me also (which is often as sister seems to close curtains downstairs whenever she is down there )

I often act out situations in my head a lot about anything.

I talk to myself a lot aswell, ill do something then ask myself why did i do that? etc...

If im about to go out somewhere on my own it will often take me 10 minutes from the time im ready to go out to actually leaving the house, ill check i have everything i need on me at least 3 times, often miss the bus because of this

I also hate being late and prefer to turn up early for anything.

when eating out i have to have my back to a wall or sit in a corner, if i have my back to the middle of the resturant or whatever i feel very uncomftable.

Probably a lot more but can't think of them at the moment :)
i hate it when people tell me something really makes me mad...

like when i was buying my house, viewing would entail...

"this is the lounge, this is the kitchen, this is the bathroom"..etc

MY GOD.....i can see its a bathroom you bloody twit..:mad:
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