Your bizarre quirks/traits

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LOL this is a really funny thread :)

Originally posted by astralcars
a) Say I were to scuff one shoe when walking along the pavement, I'd have an urge to do the same to the other shoe just to even things out. Or if I were to hurt my arm/leg/whatever, I'd want to do the same to the opposite limb - very strange.

I sometimes do something similar

I also have the strange thought, sometimes, when I'm talking to someone (and the more official / important the better) I wonder what their reaction would be if I were to spit in their face right then and there...!!
I remember Newman and Baddiel did a similar thing where David tipped a plate of beans over his best mates mum and told her to **** off, wondering what would happen.

I count occasionally too.

LOLOL this is great, what a bunch of loonies!
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I fidget constantly. My leg just twitches and I'm not even aware of it. This really annoys my wife if we're watching tv.

I talk to myself sometimes when I'm alone in my car. Hey, its better than the radio.

I always count letters in words. If the sum total is equal, that's great. If not, then I work out which character the word would revolve around (i.e. the central character).

In addition, I have a terrible tendency to miss out the first 1 or 2 words in sentences. I form the sentence in my head but just kinda skip the start. Odd.
Sometimes i think things which clearly arn't funny, sometimes quite shocking are in fact, very funny and i laugh. I also laugh at other peoples misfortunes :p
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Only thing I've got is that when I'm about to go to sleep I can't have any light on in the room.. like LED's on cd players or cracks in the curtins.

If i'm with a lass and theres a light on I have to wait till she's asleep to sort it out.

Not that bad I don't think :D

Edit : Oh and I crack my neck a lot too... feels so good tho
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Some of the stuff in this thread is great, I especially like Lopez's. I can also agree with his skateboarding/platform rendition of the scenery whilst on a bus, I've done that many a time, particulary on long coach journeys. I talk to myself, mainly when on a game, all the time on the ps2. I'm sure I think the other cars on Gran Turismo are driven by real people. When taking a particulary sharp bend (on gt), I lean into the corner with the joypad, and move my body into the turn.

I sometimes imagine people, teachers in particular coming out with the most offensive & random comments during dictations, probably because they are so monotonous. I agree with Seraphim in that I can't ever listen to music when the volume is set to "13", feels unbalanced! Someone mentioned holding their breath when walking by the Body Shop, I do it when I feel like it, whislt walking down a street, to see if I can get to a certain marker point like, three lampposts away. Sometimes at nights if I am walking down a street and their curtains aren't drawn and their lights are on I'll attempt to sneak by unseen, or maybe even run.

Just about everytime I see a female I think about sex, wherever, whoever, whenever. Even when a female teacher is talking to me. I crack my bones in my feet and ankle joints frequently, not so much in my fingers althought they feel immensely stiff if I don't. Sometimes my elbow will feel ceased up, and whereby the only way to rectify it is to spend 20-30 second wiggling it about until it clicks back into place and I feel fresh again.

I'm obviously at dangerous levels on the "does this guy show signs of OCD" scale, when do I see my doctor again? I reckon I'm a lost cause. Awesome thread btw.
Originally posted by Deadly Ferret
I can't stand the smell of butchers or fishmongers. As soon as I begin to detect it, or if I spot one coming up a few doors away, I hold my breath until I get completely past it. Why don't I just breathe through my mouth some might ask? Because that's another quirk of mine - I always breath using my nose only, unless I'm winded. Reason for that being, people who breath through their mouths take in an estimated ten times as many contaminents due to them not being filtered by some old mucus membrane wotsit in our nasal setup. (Biology is one of my weakest areas of knowledge, hence the not very technical description. :D)

I do the butchers/fishmongers thing! If i don't i feel sick, never ever go into a butchers
When im listning to people

saying a joke or something

in my head i really want to say to them


but then relise it probabley wouldent be a good idea :p
Originally posted by sambo
When im listning to people

saying a joke or something

in my head i really want to say to them


but then relise it probabley wouldent be a good idea :p

do you mena that you say the words "LOL"? instead of laughing....



Oh God, I can't stop.

I walk quite fast, and as a consequence of this I tend to catch people up quite often. When I end up following someone, say in an alleyway or some such narrow passageway, I become acutely worried about what they're thinking. Do they think I'm a rapist? Do they think I'm about to mug them? I end up trying to walk quietly so as not to scare them, although in reality this just probably scares them even more.

I cannot stand long-sleeved items of clothing that aren't jackets. Long-sleeved shirts, t-shirts and jumpers are hell for me, which leads me to wearing t-shirts all day every day. If I'm forced to wear a jumper it'll have it's arms pushed up to my elbows.

On a physical oddness level, I heal quite badly, in that even minor abrasions to my skin will leave ugly purple scars. I've got two matching scars on the front of my hips and one on my elbow from where I crashed a BMX at 30mph, and my knees are a battleground of scarring. Keloid scars I think they're called.
1. When I lock the house to go out, sometimes I have to go back and check that I did actually lock it, even though I checked at the time. Sometimes I go back even if i'm halfway down the street!!

2. When I'm concentrating really hard I bounce my right leg up and down until I realise I'm doing it - then I stop.

3. If I'm holding something I have to throw it in the air at least once and catch it. (Don't ever let me carry your pc!)

4. I do the double step thing, and usually end up breaking into a sprint to get to the top of the stairs.

5. I really hate it when people shut doors in my face, you know when you are following someone into a shop and they don't hold the door open a little bit so you can put your hand on it and keep it open. This really ****s me off to no end.

6. I don't suffer fools gladly - if someones being an idiot I will just walk away or just lamp them one.
Originally posted by MAD BANDIT
do you mena that you say the words "LOL"? instead of laughing....





because i type lol or rofl so much i think to my self i want to say lol

its weird :p
  • Odd numbers are evil, suspicious, wrong
  • Prime numbers are even worse - there's something suspicious about them. Why would a number want to have no friends (factors)?
  • Any numbers that add up to odd numbers or prime numbers or even. I have to choose my lockers at school very carefully etc.
  • The volume on the TV or radio must not be odd or a prime number.

I am also a bit of an obsessive perfectionist in terms of the way things are arranged. I don't need things to be tidy, necessarily, but they must be arranged in straight, parallel or perpendicular lines. When I am trying to work at home, if I look around, I will get up many times to straighten items around my room.
Originally posted by Bobster
I hold my breathe when i walk past the body shop. I cant stand the smell. It gives me a headache.
Originally posted by nelson
I can't have anyone sit behind me and have to sit at the back of a room. If we go out for dinner I always have to face the entrance to the restaurant.
Originally posted by Seraphim
I walk quite fast, and as a consequence of this I tend to catch people up quite often. When I end up following someone, say in an alleyway or some such narrow passageway, I become acutely worried about what they're thinking. Do they think I'm a rapist? Do they think I'm about to mug them? I end up trying to walk quietly so as not to scare them, although in reality this just probably scares them even more.

Thank Christ there are others like me. I don't feel half as weird now. :D
I do counting stairs quite a bit. Can't step on cracks in the pavement. Always look at every girls ass and check what type of underwear they've wearing, can't help it!
Does anyone else, when they take the phone away from your ear act like the phones stuck and move your head down with the phone a bit.

Also can't have the HU on volumes which are odd unless it ends with 5.

my legs twitch when doing nothing. I have the urge to photograph everything just because I can!

When spelling or saying telephone numbers I have to do in pairs of letters of numbers......i.e my name - DA-RR-EN

I hate Being stuck behind cars going slow in NSL zones. being stuck behind cars where I can't see in front i.e. big 4x4s, mpvs, vans, trucks etc!

bite nails (fairly normal)

clicking fingers and knuckles (again fairly normal)

I get annoyed when people do things differenly to me.

Left handed people, it makes me think they're very strange!

I can't keep doing the same thing for a long time, I get bored and need to do something else.

go up steps in pairs or more. check my lights are on when driving in my car every few minutes. Also check my foglights aren't on as well all the time!
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- I Talk to myself, even in public!! I sometimes wonder if I said something out loud or not

- I climb steps in pairs (this seems to be fairly common)

- I sometimes yell at the TV when something stupid or annoying happens

Can't think of anymore at the mo but I'm sure there's more
Originally posted by Lopéz
When I used to spend a lot of time on buses, I would look out of the window for the entire journey, imagining how I would traverse the landscape on a super-duper skateboard type device. For example, imagine looking out of your bus/car window and seeing the landscape transformed into a Super Mario type 2D constantly scrolling platform game landscape. If you had a skateboard (just like in Wonderboy) you could skate along a rail, ollie up onto a telegraph pole, bounce of successive signs or car rooftops and so on. I still do this if I find myself a passenger on a long journey. How bloody bizarre.
you are exactly the same as me, if i know im going to have a bus journey i have a few pints if i have time though, whatever time of day it is, because i really hate bus journeys. if im a passenger in a car i always do this, unless the person driving makes the journey more enjoyable than the normal boring journey, or theres a chick in the car distracting me;)

When I'm home alone I never walk up the stairs, I run at full pelt, sometimes jumping several steps at one time. Should I need to traverse the living room I actually sprint in, jump over the footstool and do a sideways "heelclick" in mid air. When I get to the bottom 3 or 4 steps I put my palm on the banister nob and jump in a 180 degree arc onto the hallway floor. I constanly throw knives/forks/tools/whatever I have to hand in the air like a majorette would with a baton and catch them. If you ever speak to me in real life you'll notice I do it with my mobile, keys, pens, whatever I have to hand.
i do all of that, i think the throwing thing for me comes from working with knifes all the time, i always catch them, same with stuff like hot soldering irons, screwdrivers, anything. keys and mobile too:D
one thing that really annoys me is that although my room is a mess i will know where everything is, and if someone moves something, after i have turned off light to go to bed i will literally sprint half way accross room and dive into bed:D if someone moves something this can hurt a lot when i end up falling head first into the wall behind the bed.
I always remember funny things at inapropriate times and laugh really loudly at them (makes me look very weird). Also anything i hear i always hear it in a sexual way.
If im not using the right tool for a job i get so stressed i either:
a) wont be able to finish the job. or
b) will end up doing it wrong.

I always have a song in my head and will be tapping my foot to it, this really annoys some people.
Im a complete perfectionist when it comes to food (again from being a chef i think) when my mum or dad is cooking at home and i often see my mum use her fingers on everything, it makes me feel physically sick.

Whenever i see a fit chick i always within seconds have worked out what underwear she is wearing, although i can have entire conversations etc without ending up looking at her body once.

I hate having anything in my wallet smaller than a 10p, 5p i can just live with, but pennies and 2ps i hate to the extent i throw them away if theres no charity box for them by the till i get them from as change. When i can i like to always pay with the exact change if i have it (i dont do it slowly, but this always seems to annoy some people, who think i should carry around the change from a fiver instead of getting rid of some of the change i have).

I hate the new breed of childrens TV programs, and really cant see how they are meant to help children learn (teletubbies, and some others i cant think of) what happened to all the classics like magic roundabout, sessamy street, etc.

It really annoys me being stuck behind anything when im driving, i dont nessessarilarly like to drive quickly, but i like to drive at my own speed not what someone infront of me is doing.

If someone ever speaks to a woman like shes a piece of **** it annoys me so much that sometimes i have to leave the bar im at etc, because i know that if i stay there the person talking like that likely woudlnt walk away.

I feel so tired i dont concentrate well all day, then come 11pm or so i feel completely awake and cannot sleep.

I pay for my own phoneline at home, and my sister is too lazy to walk upstairs to talk to me, and instead she will phone me from the other phone line, this annoys me and sometimes i end up swearing at her, which i would never do otherwise. - i dont mind just been pranked once which is what my mum will often do if my meals ready, but anything more than that annoys me.

I go out most nights, and people who sit at college and claim they went out last night to whereever i was and i know for a fact they werent there, it gets me agro, they will almost always claim to of gone there and then got layed etc, and i know they were never even there - why do people think they have to lie just because they dont want to go out in the evenings, or enjoy just watching TV or whatever.

I also cant stand it when i see someone on a motorbike wearing a turban, this is the one of the stupidest thigns i see, and i cant believe that the country allows this to happen.

The last thing im going to bother posting for now, is that i hate it when safeways decide they want to send me the same leaflet 4 days in a row every week.

think this must be the biggest post i have ever posted tbh, might edit it later but i've got to cook.:)
Originally posted by Lopéz
When I used to spend a lot of time on buses, I would look out of the window for the entire journey, imagining how I would traverse the landscape on a super-duper skateboard type device. For example, imagine looking out of your bus/car window and seeing the landscape transformed into a Super Mario type 2D constantly scrolling platform game landscape. If you had a skateboard (just like in Wonderboy) you could skate along a rail, ollie up onto a telegraph pole, bounce of successive signs or car rooftops and so on. I still do this if I find myself a passenger on a long journey. How bloody bizarre.
I do that too :D I usually imagine destroying random object (such as road signs) too, usually with a sword or something, I've done this for as long as i can remember

Originally posted by lukep01
I don't like having my back to people, even if they are standing beside me but back a little bit, there is something I don't like about it.
same, I hate it when people sit behind me on the bus, I think it's just because I'm paranoid

Originally posted by Deadly Ferret
I can't stand the smell of butchers or fishmongers. As soon as I begin to detect it, or if I spot one coming up a few doors away, I hold my breath until I get completely past it. Why don't I just breathe through my mouth some might ask? Because that's another quirk of mine - I always breath using my nose only, unless I'm winded......
Do both of them, I can't stand the smell of meat, fish or cheese I won't go into the meat sections of super markets. Last night I didn't have any dinner because the kitchen stank of bacon

Originally posted by Kritik
I sometimes think "LOL" or "WTF" to myself.

Also a bit of a perfectionist with my stuff, I don't like it when people mess with it. But it's not very serious or anything.

Oh I also tap out rhythms fairly often.
I do all of the above :)

Originally posted by MAD BANDIT
anothe one here for people walking at the same pace, especially if they are behind you...
That bugs me too and when I'm outside I walk as fast as possible even though most of the time I have plenty of time to get where I'm going, I get annoyed when I get stuck behind somebody in a crowded street and I don't like walking with other people since it involves walking really slowly :(

Originally posted by Morte
I hate sitting in daylight at work. I want all the curtains drawn whatever the weather.
I hate daylight, my room is only lit by monitors, LEDs and cold cathodes, daylight actually hurts my eyes

Originally posted by Frost
I also hate being late and prefer to turn up early for anything.
same, it gets annoying when I'm half an hour or so early somewhere and I have to spend ages waiting

Originally posted by sambo
When im listning to people

saying a joke or something

in my head i really want to say to them


but then relise it probabley wouldent be a good idea
Do that too :p

When somebody posts/emails a fake virus warning I get really ****** off at them, if they believe everything they're sent they shouldn't be allowed a computer in the first place, same goes for pretty much any email forward (chain emails etc)

When I've got a pen and a paper I doodle, sometimes drawing stupid things, but most of the time just making silly patterns

I like to sit with my knees up to my chest, but I get weird looks when I do it at college

Sometimes I try to talk as fast as I think and I end up scaumbling up my words (hard to explain), which is quite embaressing and annoying

I think i should stop now before you lot think i'm insane :p
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