Hi guys,
Hoping you can help with a few problems. I have got a 19l Fluval Chi fish tank. With 2 small fish (sorry totally forgot what breed they are).
Find out what they are, or post a picture.
Also the water is evaporating fast! The tank is below a small kitchen window which doesnt get direct sunlight but i must be putting in a pint of water every few days.
Doesn't sound anything much outside of the norm.
Can a pump be too powerful?
Yes, as in surplus to requirements. It depends on the fish you have; some like highly oxygenated, fast flowing waters (e.g. bristlenose plecs / ottos), while others don't. A filter that turns over 1200 litres / per hour is way, way more than necessary when you only have around 5 gallons to consider.
New gravel? Very stupid question but does gravel size matter? Have quite big sized stones at the minute.
It can do. Certain types of gravel / substrate will be better suited for some plants and fish than others will. If, for example, you have catfish, then sharp, rough stones can damage their barbels.
Also i read a lot about treating the water. This is something i haven't done for the fish yet. Worried they're not happy.
As said, definitely buy a kit which tests for ammonia / nitrite / nitrate / pH / GH and KH.
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