Your current Fish tank Setups!

We live and learn. Not nice to see but hopefully will recover.

One thing I've always been impressed with at one of my local fish stores is they won't sell fish unless they know you have a cycled tank – they ask for a fresh water sample for them to test (for free) to make sure.

It covers them I guess if someone buys fish and some/all die.

Maidenhead aquatics or independent?
We live and learn. Not nice to see but hopefully will recover.

Definitely worth a try.

One thing I've always been impressed with at one of my local fish stores is they won't sell fish unless they know you have a cycled tank – they ask for a fresh water sample for them to test (for free) to make sure.

It covers them I guess if someone buys fish and some/all die.

Makes sense. Got these two (they're actually Corys, my mistake) from P@H, bloke just gets them out and bags them, then you buy them like any other thing in the shop, no paperwork or nothing :o
Nice touch. :cool: Independents are usually the best imo.

Yea. We have a pet section in our local Blue Diamond Group garden centre and it's just appalling. Bad advice and your typical bad mix of fish types - angel fish in with neons, veil tail bettas in with guppies and various tetras (I had a right go at them about this) and even figure 8 puffers in fresh water tanks. I've lost count how many times I’ve seen white spot or other diseases in a tank that hasn’t been quarantined or in a shared filter bank of tanks.

It's always tempting for these places to sell anything to anyone but this is where customer service and product knowledge are really needed.

That's why I go to the place I do, they have a fully public aquarium (not the best range of fish in the world but healthy fish and well maintained tanks) and know what they are talking about.
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Ill have to post some pics of mine, got a fluva osaka 320l just treated myself to 2 sets of these lights below, 1 planted and 1 10000k they are lovely, just need some frest plants as my c02 setup regulator went and they died a death before i could replace.

week 2 after having added 8 Cardinal Tetra and two Amardo shrimp. Unfortunately 1 of the shrimp has died!

Thankfully all of the Cardinals despite the OMG THERE GOING TO DIE UNCYCLED TANK GET THEM OUT NOW are all okay. My amature introduction after 1 week so far has not rendered any casulties beyond one dieing within 2 hours of being introduced.

I had a touch of fin rot, prob onset by stress, but after a few doses of Melafin stopped it and their fins are back to normal.

I thought I would have a dap at CO2 injection so purchased a DIY kit and a Bazooka Co2 Atomizer Diffuser. I used citric acid/soda mixture.

However within 30 mins the fish obviously were showing signs of distress so I turned it off.

I tested my water and the PH level had dropped but the gasping would be lack of oxygen right?

1 positive however was that I noticed that my Amazon sword had a few holes in the leaves. The CO2 injection pushed the culprit up to the top of the tank and was disposed of!

My shrimp what I consider to be the canary of the water will show signs of distress prior to the cardinals was fine in all this.

What level of CO2 should I be looking at for a 23L tank?

Thanks all.
Fish got stuck behind my u3 filter thought he was a gonner but somehow hes survived, He's returned to the shoal again after an hour or two. Unsure how long he's been stuck there for i hope he makes it through the night.

Gona have to put some coarse sponge in the gap tomorrow to stop anymore attempting to go behind it, Iv put some spare airline in the gap he got stuck temporarily to make sure he doesn't try return overnight until i sort a sponge tomorrow

Luckily it was feeding time and i noticed i was one fish short.
Might need to move house quite soon. My tank is not particularly big (Juwel Vision 180) but it contains a (to my mind anyway) beautiful aquascape with some big rocks/sandy beach area and some not particularly robust soil supports holding it all together. Should I just go for damage limitation and remove the big rocks/hope for the best or is there some tried & tested techniques for moving stuff like this?
Might need to move house quite soon. My tank is not particularly big (Juwel Vision 180) but it contains a (to my mind anyway) beautiful aquascape with some big rocks/sandy beach area and some not particularly robust soil supports holding it all together. Should I just go for damage limitation and remove the big rocks/hope for the best or is there some tried & tested techniques for moving stuff like this?

Get some of those big 10L buckets with lids that seal, fill them with your tank water and fish.

Drain all of the rest of the water and move the tank.

As far as the big rocks goes it depends on how stable they are and ultimately down to you.
What level of CO2 should I be looking at for a 23L tank?

Thanks all.

You can use a drop checker to check what the co2 levels are, but I don't bother anymore. On my 320l I run diy and about 2 to 3 bubbles per second is about enough. But having a big tank it's more forgiving, I do have a surface fan that keeps the to rippled which helps with oxygen at night. Also I have my co2 on a regulator that also has a solenoid that only runs co2 during the day when the lights are on. I have always found the more plants the better the fish are and keep the surface of the water rippling this helps a lot
Will order a drop checker. I would imagine 1 drop every couple of secs would be okay. I ran it again this morning for 30 secs then turned it off.

Couple of pics, excuse the quality/reflections. Toying with ditching the remaining plastic plants, but at night with the blue LED they have a glow in the dark effect.


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Just bought some testers for PH and Nitrate.

PH 7.0-7.5
Nitrate - Didnt change colour - this apparently is good?

The kit came with 'Filter Start' and 'Fresh Start'. I read that the Fresh Start removes all the bad stuff out of the water when doing water changes etc but is there any point in using the filter start when the fish are in and the filter is over 6 months old?

The guy 'sold' me some tiny pellets for my platy which it gets so deep the fish doesn't go anywhere near it. The pellets look to big for him - Back to flakes?

Thanks :)
Just PH and Nitrate? Was there no big kit with ammonia and nitrite also? :)

No other kits. Was testers kits. Going to get the big one which was linked on Amazon. This was just as I was passing the garden centre thought I would pop in and see what they had. Had them individually but they was the same price each as the kit is on Amazon so thought I would get this one and then if needed get the big singing all dancing one. Thinking about it now I would have bought the ammonia tests. Did a 90% water change and put new gravel in. So guessing time will tell?
Indeed sadly, get a kit anyway as youll want to be testing fairly frequently.

I'm doing 25% changes daily at the moment, just waiting for things to drop :/
Mines only a tiny tank compared though mate. Just want the fish to be healthy and happy. Once i get this nailed down i'll persuade the GF (Trousers) to let me buy something bigger for more fish! :D
We need a cycle guide on this thread tbh. Written with all the levels and what you should be doing at that ppm etc. Iv finished my cycle now but the thread helped me along with other sources.

Now the real game begins
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