Your favourite supplements

Not all of them are, but what Jeff means is (I think) that if you've reached a plateau they may help break through it, but more often than not they are used before any such plateau has been achieved, and they can help mentally make you feel more focused, ergo you lift more or "feel" stronger and that's what I think he means by placebo effect, they give you artificial confidence, whereas in fact you have it within you to surpass yourself. Not everyone is lucky though to have higher than average test levels (which I'm lucky enough to) though so sometimes pushing yourself is not THAT easy.
oats aren't a sup! They're just regular food :p

Creatine is one of the longest researched and longest running sups out there - I couldn't really tell when I tried it if it did anything for me.
oats aren't a sup! They're just regular food :p
I supplement my diet with them so they count! :p

Creatine is one of the longest researched and longest running sups out there - I couldn't really tell when I tried it if it did anything for me.
I've tried bog standard Mono and didn't get anything from it. Also tried CEE for a while and wasn't impressed. Don't know if I'll get anything from Creapure (only been using it for a week) but I'm certainly holding on to a lot more water than usual. Already put on roughly 1/2 stone :eek:

Edit: Also stopped drinking coffee so that could contribute to the water weight over the last week.
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I liked Reflex creatine Monohydrate back in the day I got great gains, but it does nothing for me now just makes me feel bloated and fatigued.
that's what I think he means by placebo effect, they give you artificial confidence, whereas in fact you have it within you to surpass yourself.

Nail on head ;)

Creatine is one of the longest researched and longest running sups out there - I couldn't really tell when I tried it if it did anything for me.

Same. I was constantly getting muscle pulls and aching kidneys on creatine. Kept myself well hydrated too. Definitely not healthy stuff for me. No strength gains either.

I believe in myself and the power of plenty of good food :)
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creatine is good but only in phases,dont stay on it to long as your body gets used to it fast,the reason why protein supplements differ in price is becuase of the amino acid content per gram,your better of buying a cheap supplemented protein and a bottle of branch chained aminos...also eat plenty of food....its your food that you need,and use your supplements as what they are......a supplement:)
creatine exists to give you an extra half rep, maybe a whole rep. No more no less. Thats not to knock it. At a good level of lifting that whole rep, or partial, could be the extra 1% needed for that growth to come or to break that record!

But in your average trainee, drug free and at a mediocre level, creatine will be naught but a placebo
creatine is good but only in phases,dont stay on it to long as your body gets used to it fast,the reason why protein supplements differ in price is becuase of the amino acid content per gram,your better of buying a cheap supplemented protein and a bottle of branch chained aminos...also eat plenty of food....its your food that you need,and use your supplements as what they are......a supplement:)

Absolutely bang on. :)
creatine exists to give you an extra half rep, maybe a whole rep. No more no less. Thats not to knock it. At a good level of lifting that whole rep, or partial, could be the extra 1% needed for that growth to come or to break that record!

But in your average trainee, drug free and at a mediocre level, creatine will be naught but a placebo

And for all the people that saw real gains and real increases in strength from using creatine? I add myself in the category.
And for all the people that saw real gains and real increases in strength from using creatine? I add myself in the category.

If you need to supplement creatine and for it to make such a huge difference to your training I'd suggest or at least suspect that your diet lacks something as it's naturally occuring in meat and fish and is naturally produced by the body if the right foods are injested. For me creatine added nothing bar a bit of water retention - I restructured my diet and dropped the creatine and made progress nonetheless.

Vegetarians would benefit from creatine though that is categoric.
And for all the people that saw real gains and real increases in strength from using creatine? I add myself in the category.

The placebo effect is one of the most powerful effects in nature. There are documented cases and studies showing it to cure and cause diseases. It is also one of the least understood.

The fact is, the addition of some free phosphate to the muscle serum to enable a quick burst of accelerated phosphorylation is just never going to give you more than a few percent, an extra second of strength. Just not worth it for most.

Why did you gain strength? Probably because thats what happens when you lift weight while thinking your on superjuice :D
Animal pak are over priced and over marketed.
If you want ZMA
and omega 3 both a fair bit cheaper than the links you posted and just as good

100% agreed. Although ive read a bunch of reports debunking ZMA as a supp so i dropped it. Omega 3 stands as the single best supp (non steroidal) that ive used. But take much much higher doses than suggested, take at least one cap (1000mg) for every % of bodyfat you have, i take up to 20 a day to good effect.
I cba with supps its a minefield I use to buy random bits and bobs from MP now I just try and eat proper meals/foods as thats how they use to do it :P
Omega 3 stands as the single best supp (non steroidal) that ive used. But take much much higher doses than suggested, take at least one cap (1000mg) for every % of bodyfat you have, i take up to 20 a day to good effect.

Totally agree I use the triple strength ones from the above site and take 10 a day giving me 5.5g of EPA + DHA and must say it does have a very positive effect
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