Your job

Carl said:
Hey there
Carl said:
What's your job?
I'm an apprentice graphic/web designer.
Carl said:
Are you happy with your job, is it temporary, what job/career do you aim for?
Its an apprenticeship, and yes I'm extremely happy. I think I'm one of those rare people who genuinely enjoy doing their work and love the whole aspect of it.
Carl said:
How much do you earn? (Personal)
I'm on apprenticeship money, which isn't fantastic. But I'm young and I don't really care right now, its the opportunity and actual work that makes it fun.
Carl said:

You're welcome.
I'm a lazy jobless bum.

See sig though for future career :D Starting 30th july
I'm pretty happy with it :) And I'll be doing it for the next 18 years at least
During training my Salary will be £14k, moving to ~£22k on completion, and going up to ~£40k with time served/satisfactory service. Could go higher, based on competitive promotion.
Unix SA for a large American bank also.

Am the lower side of 25 earning a lot more than I thought I would be at this age.
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Carl said:
What's your job?

Support Analyst for a large south west company.

I work in the desktop support team supporting around 1500 users, 1200 desktops, 400 laptops, 400 printers and a whole host of other stuff. Basically anything a user touches we deal with. The basic job spec is 1st and 2nd line support and also systems design and implementation.

Over the years we've also taken on more work from other teams, so as well as desktop stuff we also do all the print servers, citrix servers, apps servers, networks, telephone systems etc.

I've been sat on project work for the last 18 months and it's much better, and will be very good in helping me move to what I want to do. The two big ones I'm working on atm are part of a smallish team upgrading the desktop OS across the board, and one which is pretty much just myself designing and implementing some mobile workign solutions.

Carl said:
Are you happy with your job, is it temporary, what job/career do you aim for?

Kind of, permenent (been there just over 3 years).

I feel I've done all I can in this role and want to move to more of a tech architect role but I'm finding it hard as everyone always wants oodles of experiance. While my current job title doesn't really suggest it, a lot of the stuff I do would be perfect for it :( Still I can just keep trying, sadly if I were to move away from the place I love I could probably get the job I want. The other half is from London way so a move up there isn't out of the question.

Carl said:
How much do you earn? (Personal)

Not enough, but then that's the price I pay for living down in the depths of Devon I guess.

Goes up twice yearly all being well but also get discounted share options which are worth their weight in gold :)

Carl said:

You're welcome :)

btw anyone else, gizza job? (seriously!!)
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sadly my job can't afford me a decent router that doesn't crash when I browse the forums, delete me :)
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Job - College/Web Designer - Sales Manager

Happy - Yes and No - Its a lot of work for someone my age but i should reep the benifits.

Aim - Get Bigger and Bigger!

Earning - Could be better but the more I sell the more I make basically.
amx said:
Adjudicator at the financial ombudsman service

It's pretty good, I quite enjoy coming to work but i'll only stay for 3 or 4 years.

I want to train as a driving instructor.

The salary isn't enough :P

Wow! My sister works there. :)

Me: ICT Technician , School. Loving it! Got the summer holidays coming up soon!
Systems design and Implementation consultant for a US IT company. Normally on very large scale projects, current couple of projects I'm on come close to half a billion dollars.

Fairly happy yeah, ask me again in 6 months :p

Lots, which is never enough :p
SiD the Turtle said:
You lie, I thought all of HP-UK was outsourced to Bangalore :p

I work for a company called Atos Origin. Not sure what the Notts guys use but we do have a lot of HP kit. None of it works particularly well :p

have done work for Atos , the one on Birmingham business park , is the Nottingham one the ex Railway offices on queens drive ?
OoOverclockaoO said:
What's your job?
Distribution of original mobile phone accessories/components
Are you happy with your job, is it temporary, what job/career do you aim for?
Very happy - looking to start up by myself in future. 19 now been doing it since 17 :)
How much do you earn? (Personal)
Nearing 30k, not bad seeing as I live at home and only pay £200 a month rent

30k at 19 :eek:

How did you get into your job? What do you actually do?

As for me:

Actual job title is Surface Mount Operator, but I haven't done that for weeks as the company has no work. So I do whatever I'm told too.

Earning 13k but I'm so sick of it. But I don't want to leave til I find something I actually want to do, otherwise I'm going to have a huge list of short jobs on my CV. :o
Computing Officer at a University, so mainly Windows sysadmin with a bit of UNIX admin, teaching and web development thrown in for good measure.

With it being a Higher Education post, the pay is actually an insult (Im not even going to put it down as you wont believe me) but the pension, hours and holidays are pretty good.

Im considering looking for private sector work, or possibly going back to uni to do some more post-grad or train as a teacher.
Job: business support analyst for a large financial software company.

Happy?: Yes very, the company treats it's staff very well, plenty of free jollies!

Aim: Not sure, I just take things as the come usually.

Salary: Not bad at all considering my age and experience.
What's your job? - Personal Advisor - Barclays Bank

Are you happy with your job, is it temporary, what job/career do you aim for?

Happy enough at the moment. In 2 weeks I'll be a Business Advisor, so its all good

How much do you earn? (Personal) - Not nearly enough ;)
Rotty said:
have done work for Atos , the one on Birmingham business park , is the Nottingham one the ex Railway offices on queens drive ?

Yup, Queens Drive. A horrible, horrible building I'd have to say. As are most of our offices come to think of it. :rolleyes:
SiD the Turtle said:
Yup, Queens Drive. A horrible, horrible building I'd have to say. As are most of our offices come to think of it. :rolleyes:

done loads of work there over the years though haven't been there for some time
Job - F.E Lecturer

Happy? Hey, the best job I have ever had. I look forward to going to work...

Money? Enough.
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