Your job

Im 18, im self employed, self tought custom painter / airbrush artist / pinstripe artist, and professional model maker. been doing it for about 5 years now.
I work Saturdays in a model shop

earnings vary greatly

ive got about 6 days left of college then I can be free and paint more than i can at the moment.

would like to : own a paint shop

enjoyment : totaly depends on the customer / job ! some are nightmares soem are joys. but the satisfaction is always a big big bonus :D
arty said:
Freefaller, your job sounds fantastic. I think we should swap as I really want to travel! :p

We could swap but I haven't got any of the skills you have :p Heck, let's swap anyway I make great cups of tea and coffee! :D
MonkeyMan said:
30k at 19 :eek:

How did you get into your job? What do you actually do?

As for me:

Actual job title is Surface Mount Operator, but I haven't done that for weeks as the company has no work. So I do whatever I'm told too.

Earning 13k but I'm so sick of it. But I don't want to leave til I find something I actually want to do, otherwise I'm going to have a huge list of short jobs on my CV. :o

Sales , found the job in a paper a while ago.

Working for a small company of only a few people doing trading, have to source stock, check it , remove suppliers labels and sell it to a profit. Was quiet for a few months till I built up a good customer/supplier base. I get to keep 20% of profits I make each month.
Systems Analysis in my own place, love it, but its hard work. On 160k before tax, about £8000 a month after, as im in the highest tax bracket, which is about 40%!
Replenishment Assistant (ROFL) or Checkout Assistant

I'm only working at the mo to raise £3500 for my trip to Peru next year, but yeah i'm happy.

Money? I haven't been paid yet as i started 3 weeks ago, so i'll have to get back to you on that one :)
Carl said:
Hey there,

Just out of general interest...

What's your job?

Are you happy with your job, is it temporary, what job/career do you aim for?

How much do you earn? (Personal)



I'm a technician at University of Glasgow doing IT support with a mix of student and staff support. It's full-time and is currently my career although I'm hoping to move on in the next year or so, hopefully to server administraton.

I'm not very happy in my job as it's very boring. Most of the time I'm just dealing with students moaning about printers not working, when I want something that's more of a challenge. Plus the attitude of academics towards technical staff could be improved a lot.

Enough money to just about live on and that's it.
What do I do?
I'm a technical account manager (consultant) for a large IT reseller.

Am I happy?
Oh yes.

How much do I earn?
I pay twice as much tax per month as my missus gets paid gross per month in her full time job.
Burbleflop said:
IT Director for a pan European distributor of electronic components, fibre optics, lasers and that sort of crap.

Full time (and then some!) and happy enough at the moment. Once I stop having to do so much travelling I'll be even happier.

I earn > £50K and < £80K

£50k to £80k a month?
Nanoman said:
Systems Analysis in my own place, love it, but its hard work. On 160k before tax, about £8000 a month after, as im in the highest tax bracket, which is about 40%!

You need a better accountant, you should be able to half your tax bill at least.
Job - IT Technician

Happy - Yep, good firm, good people, generally have a laugh, good benifits + bonuses and a twice yearly knees up at the firms expense.

Aim - Onwards and upwards I suppose, though my future plans arent something I've totally thought about yet.

Earning - A great wage considering I'm 20. Regular enough pay reviews and increases and as said before, good bonuses that come twice a year.
Nanoman said:
Systems Analysis in my own place, love it, but its hard work. On 160k before tax, about £8000 a month after, as im in the highest tax bracket, which is about 40%!
Are you actually 19?
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