Your Lazy Confessions?

this guy I know

When I moved out I had a room full of bags of stuff I hadn't unpacked from when I had moved in 7 years before. I just chucked it all out without looking in them, as I guessed I probably didn't need any of it.
I'm laid in bed and it's a bit cold. The electric blanket control is within arm's reach but instead I've used my phone app to turn it on.
Bought a house in May, 2015. Typical doer-upper. Started by ripping out the bathroom and I replumbed the toilet into the hallway so I could still use it as I did the reno. Was a wide hallway though. Work got busy, I lost interest in the reno and left the toilet in place for about 7 months.

Worked perfectly fine. Would still be there had it not been for a new girlfriend and all that jazz
Just remembered another one. Went to Egypt in November 2011. Came back, didn't unpack my suitcase. Took the same suitcase to Greece in June 2012. The clothes was strangely enough fine. A bit musty but completely wearable
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