Your Morning Routine

EDIT: More concisely - if you are getting loss of feeling and/or pins and needles while sitting on the toilet from circulatory problems you likely have much more obvious symptoms already.
4:50am - first alarm
4:55am - second alarm
4:55am - 5:15am - struggle with the thought of getting out of bed to go to work whilst my 2 kittens run banzai throughout the house
5:15am - sigh, get out of bed and have a wee
5:16am - feed the kittens, give them some fuss
5:25am - eat some yoghurt and a banana, drink a litre of water
5:35am - sigh, get ready for work
5:50am - sigh, get on my bike and cycle to work
6:00am - arrive at work, sigh, start work
9:30am - smile, finish work for the morning and cycle home to feed the kittens who are running banzai around the house
10:00am - back to bed for an hour :p

In that short 3 and a half hour shift ill smash in an average of 15k steps and I go back to work from 2:30pm til 6:30pm where I'll do that again, quite easily - I'm always knackered :p
hmm haven't experienced loss of feeling.. pins and needles on the other hand.. boy oh boy

It's a bit like when you wake up with a dead arm from laying on it. Just a fizzing sensation & nothing else. Like pins & needles taken to the extreme, i imagine it's the 30 mins of pressure in one place combined with the distraction of an interesting read.
In that short 3 and a half hour shift ill smash in an average of 15k steps and I go back to work from 2:30pm til 6:30pm where I'll do that again, quite easily - I'm always knackered

For some reason the health app on my phone randomly kicked in earlier in the year - not sure why it does periodically.

Anyhow I've been covering for someone at work the last few Thursdays who has been off due to isolating and then picking up COVID themselves - I've been racking up ~16K steps, 14-15km distance while doing their job though that is over 6-8 hours.
4:50am - first alarm
4:55am - second alarm
4:55am - 5:15am - struggle with the thought of getting out of bed to go to work whilst my 2 kittens run banzai throughout the house
5:15am - sigh, get out of bed and have a wee
5:16am - feed the kittens, give them some fuss
5:25am - eat some yoghurt and a banana, drink a litre of water
5:35am - sigh, get ready for work
5:50am - sigh, get on my bike and cycle to work
6:00am - arrive at work, sigh, start work
9:30am - smile, finish work for the morning and cycle home to feed the kittens who are running banzai around the house
10:00am - back to bed for an hour :p

In that short 3 and a half hour shift ill smash in an average of 15k steps and I go back to work from 2:30pm til 6:30pm where I'll do that again, quite easily - I'm always knackered :p
interesting routine. May I ask what do you do for a living?

I work shifts so don't have a routine. I am jealous of all of you that are at home. I have never worked so much in my life. Working in care right now sucks. I got a 5800X out of it so it can't all be bad. I just wish I had time to pwn noobs.
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interesting routine. May I ask what do you do for a living?

I work shifts so don't have a routine. I am jealous of all of you that are at home. I have never worked so much in my life. Working in care right now sucks. I got a 5800X out of it so it can't all be bad. I just wish I had time to pwn noobs.

My official title is a Site Manager.

... I'm a school caretaker :p
I was going to write mine this morning but spent the past 1.5h procrastinating on the sofa, so will do it tomorrow.
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I went caffeine free for a few years, but didn't notice any benefit, then I read how caffeine can help with weight loss and went back to it last year. Now most mornings start with a coffee.

Working (an early) I'm up at 6:15, coffee, porridge, shower and off to work at 7:15 (I don't like rushing)

Off or on a late, probably up by 7am, coffee and a TV show, chilling on the sofa. Check emails around 8am, then weather dependant maybe I'm heading out for a ride or I'm plumping myself in front of the PC and playing some Overwatch. Porridge around 9:30am.
While WFH my routine is
0640 - wakeup
0645 - log on, check emails, make sure there's been no disasters
0650 - if no issues then jump in a quick 5 minute freshen up shower
0655 - back at desk. Breakfast is eaten sometime between then and 0900 depending on when I get hungry.

When I'm in the office
0515 - wake up, dressed, brush teeth, look vaguely alive
0550 - leave house
0655 - arrive at office

WFH is a massive boost in my work life balance as it removes a couple of hours of commuting per day and means it's still day light when I finish so I can go out and get some exercise.
Currently I sit up in bed at around 8 after some alarm snoozing and do some breathing exercises, then get up at 8.30ish and brush teeth, shower (I've just started trying out cold showers, not 100% sold on them yet but it does seem to energise me), eat breakfast at 9 while logging into work. I was getting up an hour earlier for a while last year to go out for a walk, but I got lazy and fell out of the habit. Hoping to start doing it again soon.

So many people unfulfilled by their jobs and happy to just get by/make it to end of day :(

Yeah, this is what I've become. I'm hoping to change career this year.

No one is a morning person. It’s all internet lies.

I disagree. Some people naturally wake up early and their brain seems to be instantly ready to go. I'm jealous of them :(
I disagree. Some people naturally wake up early and their brain seems to be instantly ready to go. I'm jealous of them

Yeah - one of my sisters used to wake up pretty much on the dot of 5:30am ready to go like flicking a switch.

It is an odd one for me - if I've got something I actually genuinely need to be up for it seems to trigger my subconscious into expediting the process but I can't fake it (as some people try and suggest I do) - if I don't have a genuine reason it takes me a good half hour to properly wake even with the best will in the world.
7.15: Alarm goes off.
7.25: Snooze alarm goes off.
7.35: Snooze alarm goes off again.
7.45: Snooze alarm goes off again. Catch up on the BBC News App
8.00: Shower, brush teeth, take vitamins, get dressed.
8.20: Take dog out.
8.45: Feed dog, make coffee.
8.55: Turn computer on and start the working day.
9.20: Raid the kitchen for coffee and snacks.

It is an odd one for me - if I've got something I actually genuinely need to be up for it seems to trigger my subconscious into expediting the process but I can't fake it (as some people try and suggest I do) - if I don't have a genuine reason it takes me a good half hour to properly wake even with the best will in the world.
100%. Catching flights, trains etc. where the decision to dawdle is taken out of hands as a key example! Otherwise exactly what the chap below has said... except I don't have a dog.

7.15: Alarm goes off.
7.25: Snooze alarm goes off.
7.35: Snooze alarm goes off again.
7.45: Snooze alarm goes off again. Catch up on the BBC News App
8.00: Shower, brush teeth, take vitamins, get dressed.
8.20: Take dog out.
8.45: Feed dog, make coffee.
8.55: Turn computer on and start the working day.
9.20: Raid the kitchen for coffee and snacks.
100%. Catching flights, trains etc. where the decision to dawdle is taken out of hands as a key example!

Yeah catching a flight as soon as the alarm goes off my brain will start engaging with thinking about what I need to be doing to get ready and catch that flight and it seems to wake me up quicker - if I don't have that genuine reason it simply doesn't work.
Wake up at 5am
Snooze alarm till 5.31
Panic shower
Panic crap
Panic brush teeth
Panic feed cats
Panic fastwalk to bus at 6.02.

Sometimes I replace the panic with terror.
Terror pooping is exciting.
Wake up at 6:30am
Let the dogs out 6:35am
Feed the dogs 6:45am
Make breakfast 6:50am
Read the news until 7:15am
Shower 7:20am
Get bag ready / faff around with car 7:30am
Leave 7:40am

Occasionally in summer (when it's light at 5am) I'll go for an early morning run and aim to get back home for 7am, so I can cool off before having a shower. If I do this, I'll grab breakfast in work.

When I was working from home in lockdown #1 my record was completing a half-marathon before 7am, having a power nap and up on a call at 9am. Normally I'll just do 4-5 miles.
Monday to Friday I crawl from bed to desk chair at 8.58am.

Onto Ms Teams call (camera off).

Pretend I've been up for ages and care about what's being discussed on the call.

Drink multiple cups of coffee.

Shower about 4.45pm.

Pretend to wife that I've had a productive day when she comes in from work.

This is the way.
Not that bad to be fair.

Currently because of wfh arrangements..

Up at 820
One coffee
Work at 9am


Up at 9ish

Before covid it was:

Up at 620
Out to work at 710
Walk from parking to office (1m)

And I felt fresh.
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